Committee meeting, Autumn 2015.

Second part of the meeting 17 November 2015

Members registered to attend the meeting :

MIYAGISHIMA, Kazuaki Vice-President , UN Music Club

Isabelle Lorang, Member, Secretary

Nadiya Dzyubynska Member of Committee

Patrice Piguet , Member of Committee

Wade Bowers Treasurer

Michael Wiener, Member of Committee

On copy: Alex Ezana, Honorary President

Vacancy: President, UN Music Club, not replaced

Invited in their capacity as replacements in first meeting:

Mimi Ameti, Club Member, Massimiliano La Marca Club member,

Invited by Patrice Piguet for comments on item 5 : Marco Benvenuti

Excused :

Nathaniel Mamangun Karin Kaminker,

Quorum must be majority (=5)

President of the Meeting: MIYAGISHIMA, Kazuaki

Secretary of the Meeting (part 2) : Isabelle Lorang

Addenda to the Agenda/Changes/Supplementary documents :

(A)  = Additional itemsand

(B)  = additional documentation pertaining to items already included in the agenda (B) :

Item 4 (B) (Applications for subsidies to Staff Council):

Include proposal to record We the Peoples CHF 1700.- Annex 5

Item 5 (B) (Purchases proposed) TOTAL CHF 1550 CHF Details provided Annex 1:

Item 6 (B) Annex 2 now provided (missing in part 1 of meeting)

Item 6 (A) Request for payment of a fee of CHF 300.- to Julio D’Santiago, the Percussion

teacher and the Flamenco dancer who performed very successfully during the afternoon of Saturday 24rth October, in view of extra time for rehearsals, including the We the Peoples performance. This situation had been overlooked and this request is made post-facto. No funds have as yet been paid to Julio and the dancer.

Item 8.7 (A) Vice-President: Possible amendment to the current Statutes of the Club, to

accommodate the possibilities for a Section to adopt its internal rules; other minor changes or adjustments such as the alignment of the Club’s financial period to the calendar year. Annex 6

Item 8.8. (A) For discussion: Situation of piano / Clavinova

Withdrawn or postponed items : 8.3. Playing at the UN plage (postpone to Spring meeting) 8.6 Request by Ambassador of Trinidad. Not relevant any longer