VIVA Task Force on Cataloging and Intellectual Access

Meeting Minutes (August 4, 2000)

Newcomb Hall Meeting Room, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Present: Althea Aschmann (VPI), Elaine Day (Averett), Nadine P. Ellero (UVa), Billie Hackney (ODU), Polly Khater (GMU), Charles Lewis (JSRCC), Daniel McShane (UVa)

Members Absent: Karen Cary (VCU), Gail McClenney (VSU)

Guests: Beth Camden (UVa)


Elaine Day (recorder), Nadine P. Ellero (will post to web)

Chadwyck-Healey Poetry Databases

Chadwyck-Healey files on the ODU server were updated by Ed Summers on June 10. Elaine Day is making final corrections to GMDs and headings in cooperation with the University of Michigan, which is also preparing the files for MARC import. Elaine found the conversion scripts to MARCMaker and MARC transmission format remarkably easy to use. When the files are in MARCMaker format, one can edit them globally with a word processor, saving the result as a text file for conversion back to MARC. Even the largest of the four files (English Poetry Database) was manageable on a PC with 128 Mb of RMA and MS Word. 98 records were imported successfully to the Averett INNOPAC, then deleted, since Averett lacks a subscription to the poetry databases.

All of the authority heading updates reported by UVa and VCU are complete. Our goal is to load the MARC and authority files on a VIVA server in September, and to offer a Web interface for local customization and download as time and talent allow. we anticipate that it will be feasible to apply the same technologies to other MARC record sets, such as those for Documenting the American South, or digital collections offered by the University of Virginia.

ALA Report

Nadine Ellero attended ALA programs of interest to VIVACat, including:

·  NISO keynote presentation by Herbert Van De Sompel

·  Outsourcing Technical Services, with Marueen Sullivan

·  "askjake:" Aggregator Content Revealed! (Dan Chudnov)


·  E-books, with Clifford Lynch

·  PLA Research and Statistics Section: "Local, State, and National Library Statistics: What Am I Counting and Why?"

Nadine's report on these and other sessions is available at:

Beth Camden reported on the ALCTS pre-conference, "Metadata: Libraries and the Web--Retooling AACR and MARC21 for Cataloging in the Twenty-first Century." Proceedings of this meeting will be available by ALA Midwinter. Much of the discussion focused on the Dublin Core, including its use for digital video clips, and on merging OCLC CORC with WorldCat. Beth predicted that the MARC format will be updated in the near future for cataloging digital sources, though perhaps not soon enough to capture a significant body of digital resource description now being made available to library users. Due to lack of input standards, the Dublin Core remains controversial as format for library catalog records. New definitions for seriality in AACR are pending. Check the CONSER Web ( for details.

Cataloging Guidelines Revision

Althea Aschmann and Daniel McShane will work on a technical update. A substantive update to the Guidelines is anticipated in Spring 2001, or shortly after changes to AACR and CONSER guidelines become official.

VIVA Steering Committee Response to Task Force Annual Report

The Steering Committee renewed the Task Force charge through June 2001, with support for current and potential projects outlined in our report ( [Link removed 09/2011]

Cataloging Ovid Nursing Journals

Elaine requested cataloging tips from colleagues at James Madison University, specifically for Ovid URLs, and received this response from Sharon Grasser (summarized):

Ovid uses its JumpStart to do a direct link to the table of contents for each journal title. The documentation for using JumpStart does not refer you to the list of links under the heading "support." You can find the list of direct links at: <link broken, 4/7/2008, TM>

Debra Pavek at Ovid ( or 800-950-2371 ext. 2343) suggested doing a view page source to get the url. However, we prefer a right click on the title in the list to create a short cut. Then you can copy and past the lengthy url into the bib record. You will need to read the introductory instructions on the url. All VIVA libraries use IP Validation so you must remove the section "&ID=YOUOvidUserid&PASSWORD=YourOvidPassword" from the link.

For examples, please see

Next Meeting

The possibility of meeting at VLA in Norfolk was discussed, however, some task force members will not attend the conference, and there is little chance of finding a meeting room. [Selecting a date for the next meeting was deferred in e-mail discussion pending progress on Guidelines and VIVA distribution of the C-H MARCfiles].

Previous Minutes

For previous minutes and information on VIVACat, please visit our web page:

Submitted by Elaine Day; marked up version by Nadine P. Ellero

August 22, 2000