Table of Contents

0.Executive Summary


Definitions and scope of the subject

Historical evolution of molecular diagnostics

Molecular biology relevant to molecular diagnostics


DNA polymerases

Restriction endonucleases

DNA methylation


RNA polymerases

Non-coding RNAs

DNA transcription



Mitochondrial DNA


The genetic code

Gene expression

The human genome

Variations in the human genome

Variations in DNA sequences

Single nucleotide polymorphisms

Genotype and haplotypes

Complex chromosomal rearrangements

Insertions and deletions in the human genome

Large scale variation in human genome

Variation in copy number in the human genome

Structural variations in the human genome

Replication of the DNA helix




Monoclonal antibodies


Basics of molecular diagnostics

Tracking DNA: the Southern blot

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

DNA Probes

The polymerase chain reaction

Basic Principles of PCR

Target selection

Detection of amplified DNA

Impact of human genome project on molecular diagnostics

Mapping and sequencing of structural variation from human genomes

1000 Genomes Project

Human Variome Project

Role of bioinformatics in molecular diagnostics

Systems biology approach to molecular diagnostics


Applications of molecular diagnostics

2.Molecular Diagnostic Technologies


DNA sample collection and extraction

Blood samples

Buccal swabs and saliva

Urine samples for transrenal DNA

Manual vs automated DNA extraction

Sample preparation

Pressure Cycling Technology

Membrane immobilization of nucleic acids

Automation of sample preparation in molecular diagnostics

ABI PRISM 6700 Automated Nucleic Acid Workstation

BioRobot technology

COBAS AmpliPrep System

GENESIS FE500 Workcell


PCR BioCube


Tigris instrument system

Techniques for sample preparation that are suitable for automation

Xtra Amp Genomic DNA Extraction

Extraction of DNA from paraffin sections

Dynabead technology

Pressure Cycling Technology


Use of magnetic particles for automation in genome analysis

Companies involved in nucleic acid isolation

Novel PCR methods

Addressing limitations of PCR


Combined PCR-ELISA

Digital PCR

Emulsion PCR

ExCyto PCR

Long and accurate PCR

Real-time PCR systems

Dyes used in real-time PCR

Commercially available real-time PCR systems

LightCycler PCR system

LightUp probes based on real-time PCR

READ™ real-time PCR method

ViiA™ 7 real-time PCR system

Applications of real-time PCR

Limitations of real-time PCR

Improving the reliability of low level DNA analysis by real-time PCR

Guidelines for real-time quantitative PCR

Future applications of real-time Q-PCR

Reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR

Standardized reverse transcriptase PCR

Single cell PCR




Post-PCR genotyping methods

High-resolution melt analysis

Monitoring of gene amplification in molecular diagnostics

Non-PCR nucleic acid amplification methods

Linked Linear Amplification

Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification

Transcription mediated amplification

Rapid analysis of gene expression

WAVE nucleic acid fragment analysis system

DNA probes with conjugated minor groove binder

Rolling circle amplification technology

Gene-based diagnostics through RCAT



Circle-to-circle amplification

Ramification amplification method

Single Primer Isothermal Amplification

Isothermal reaction for amplification of oligonucleotides

ICAN (Isothermal and Chimeric primer-initiated Amplification of Nucleic Acids)

Technologies for signal amplification

3 DNA dendrimer signal amplification

Hybridization signal amplification method

Signal mediated amplification of RNA technology

Invader assays

Hybrid Capture technology

Branched DNA test

Tyramide signal amplification

Non-enzymatic signal amplification technologies

Direct molecular analysis without amplification

Trilogy™ Platform

Direct detection of dsDNA

Multiplex assays

Fluorescent in situ hybridization

Modifications of FISH

Direct visual in situ hybridization

Direct labeled Satellite FISH probes

Comparative genomic hybridization

Primed in situ labeling

Interphase FISH

FISH with telomere-specific probes

Multicolor FISH

Automation of FISH

Companies involved in FISH diagnostics

RNA diagnostics

Branched-chain DNA assay for measurement of RNA

Cycling probe technology

Invader RNA assays

Linear RNA amplification

Non-isotopic RNase cleavage assay

Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification

Q Beta replicase system


Solid Phase Transcription Chain Reaction

Transcriptome analysis

Visualization of mRNA expression in vivo

MicroRNA diagnostics

Real-time PCR for expression profiling of miRNAs

Microarray vs quantitative PCR foro measuring miRNAs

Use of LNA to explore miRNA

Nuclease Protection Assay to measure miRNA expression

Microarrays for analysis of miRNA gene expression

Modification of in situ hybridization for detection of miRNAs

Whole genome amplification

Companies that provide technologies for whole genome amplification

QIAGEN’s Repli-G system

GenomePlex Whole Genome Amplification

DNA sequencing

Companies involved in sequencing

Applications of next generation sequencing in molecular diagnostics

Genome-wide approach for chromatin mapping

Mitochondrial sequencing

Identification of unknown DNA sequences

Optical mapping

Gene expression analysis

Gene expression profiling on whole blood samples

Gene expression patterns of white blood cells

Gene expression profiling based on alternative RNA splicing

MAUI (MicroArray User Interface) hybridization

Monitoring in vivo gene expression by molecular imaging

Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE)

Single-cell gene expression analysis

T cell receptor expression analysis

Tangerine™ expression profiling

Whole genome expression array

Ziplex™ system

Companies involved in gene expression analysis

Peptide nucleic acid technology

Use of PNA with fluorescence in situ hybridization


Use of PNA with biosensors

PNA-based PD-loop technology

PNA-DNA hybrid quadruplexes

Companies involved in PNA diagnostics

Locked nucleic acids

Zip Nucleic Acids

Electrochemical detection of DNA

Mediated nucleic acid oxidation

Detection of hybridized nucleic acid with cyclic voltametry

Electrochemical detection based on Toshiba’s CMOS technology

Concluding remarks on electrochemical DNA detection

Bead-based assay platforms

Scorpions™ technology

The Scorpions reaction

Applications of Scorpions

3.Biochips, Biosensors, and Molecular Labels

Introduction to biochip technology

Applications of biochips in diagnostics


GeneChip Human Genome Arrays

AmpliChip CYP450

Electronic detection of nucleic acids on microarrays

Microchip capillary electrophoresis

Strand displacement amplification on a biochip

Rolling circle amplification on microarrays


Fast PCR biochip

Multiplex microarray-enhanced PCR for DNA analysis

Multiplexed Molecular Profiling

Universal DNA microarray combining PCR and ligase detection reaction

Genomewide association scans

Whole genome chips/microarrays

Transposon insertion site profiling chip

Standardizing the microarrays

Companies involved in developing biochip technology for diagnostics

Future of biochip technology for molecular diagnostics

Microfluidic chips




Micronics' microfluidic technology

Microfluidic chips/arrays using PCR

Microfluidic automated DNA analysis using PCR

Digital PCR Array

Digital PCR on a SlipChip

Microfluidic chips integrated with RCAT

Microfluidic chips integrated with PET

Companies developing microfluidic technologies

Biosensor technologies

Classification of biosensor technologies

DNA-based biosensors

DNA hybridization biosensor chips

PCR-free DNA biosensor

DNA based biosensor to detects metallic ions

Genetically engineered B lymphocytes

Biosensors immunoassays

PNA (peptide nucleic acid)-based biosensors

Protein-based biosensors

Antibody biosensors

Cell-based biosensors (cytosensors)

Multicell biosensors

Microbial biosensors

Optical biosensors

Surface plasmon resonance technology

Label-free optical biosensor

Microsensors using with nano/microelectronic communications technology

Electrochemical sensors

Enzyme electrodes for biosensing

Conductometric sensors

Electrochemical genosensors

Electrochemical nanobiosensor

Bioelectronic sensors

Phototransistor biochip biosensor

Ribozyme-based sensors


Concluding remarks and future prospects of biosensor technology

Companies developing biosensors for molecular diagnostics

Molecular labels and detection

Detection technologies for molecular labels

Fluorescence and chemiluminescence

Fluorescence technologies for label detection

Companies with fluorescence and chemiluminescence products

Molecular beacons

The Green fluorescent protein

Multiophoton detection radioimmunoassay

Multi-pixel photon counter

Enzyme labels and detection by fluorescence

Phase-sensitive flow cytometry

Microtransponder-based DNA diagnostics

Laboratory Multiple Analyte Profile

Multiple labels

Protein-DNA chimeras for detection of small numbers of molecules

Single molecule detection

Atomic force microscopy

Capillary electrophoresis

Confocal laser scanning

Spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

Molecular imaging

Basic research in molecular imaging

Devices for molecular imaging

Molecular imaging in clinical practice

Challenges and future prospects of molecular imaging

Companies involved in molecular imaging

Nanobiotechnology for molecular diagnostics

Magnetic nanoparticles

Gold nanoparticles

Quantum dot technology

Nanotechnology on a chip

Nanogen's NanoChip

Fullerene photodetectors for chemiluminescence detection on microfluidic chip

Diagnostics based on nanopore technology


Detection of cocaine molecules by nanoparticle-labeled aptasensors

Nanosensors for glucose monitoring

PEBBLE nanosensors

Quartz nanobalance biosensor

Cantilever arrays

Resonance Light Scattering technology

DNA nanomachines for molecular diagnostics

Nanobarcodes technology for molecular diagnostics

Qdot nanobarcode for multiplexed gene expression profiling

Role of nanobiotechnology in improving molecular diagnostics

Companies involved in nanomolecular diagnostics

Concluding remarks about nanodiagnostics

Future prospects of nanodiagnostics

4.Proteomic Technologies for Molecular Diagnostics


Proteomic technologies

Biomarkers of disease

Proteomic tools for biomarkers

Search for biomarkers in body fluids

Captamers with proximity extension assay for proteins

Cyclical amplification of proteins

Detection of misfolded proteins by ELISA with exponential signal amplification

Diagnostics based on designed repeat proteins

Differential Peptide Display

Light-switching excimer probes


Molecular beacon aptamer

Molecular beacon assay

Proteomic patterns

Real-time PCR for protein quantification

Protein biochip technologies


LabChip for protein analysis

TRINECTIN proteome chip

Protein chips for antigen-antibody interactions molecular diagnostics

Microfluidic devices for proteomics-based diagnostics

Nanotechnology-based protein biochips/microarrays

Nanoparticle protein chip

Protein nanobiochip

Protein biochips based on fluorescence planar wave guide technology

New developments in protein chips/microarrays

Antibody microarrays

Aptamer-based protein biochip

Multiplexed Protein Profiling on Microarrays

Proteomic pattern analysis

Single molecule array

Viral protein chip

Commercial development of protein chips for molecular diagnostics

Proteome Identification Kit

Laser capture microdissection (LCM)

LCM technology

Applications of LCM in molecular diagnostics

Proteomic diagnosis of CNS disorders

Cerebrospinal fluids tests based on proteomics

Urine tests for CNS disorders based on proteins in urine

Diagnosis of CNS disorders by examination of proteins in the blood

Diagnosis of CNS disorders by examination of proteins in tears

Role of proteomics in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

Role of proteomics in the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Future prospects of use of proteomics for diagnosis of CNS disorders

Concluding remarks on the use of proteomics in diagnostics

5.Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders



FISH with probes to the telomeres

Single copy FISH probes

Comparative genomic hybridization

Use of biochips in genetic disorders

Representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis

SignatureChip®-based diagnostics for cytogenetic abnormalities

Diagnosis of genomic rearrangements by multiplex PCR

Quantitative fluorescent PCR

Mutation detection technologies

PCR-based methods for mutation detection

Cleavase Fragment Length Polymorphism

Direct dideoxy DNA sequencing

Digital Genetic Analysis (DGA)

Fluorescence-based directed termination PCR

Heteroduplex analysis

Restriction fragment length polymorphism

Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis

TaqMan real-time PCR

Non-PCR methods for mutation detection

Arrayed primer extension

BEAMing (beads, emulsion, amplification, and magnetics)

ELISA-protein truncation test

Enzymatic mutation detection

Specific anchor nucleotide incorporation

Conversion analysis for mutation detection

Biochip technologies for mutation detection

Combination of FISH and gene chips

Haplotype Specific Extraction

Technologies for SNP analysis

DNA sequencing

Electrochemical DNA probes

Use of NanoChip for detection of SNPs

Single base extension-tag array

Laboratory Multiple Analyte Profile

SNP genotyping with gold nanoparticle probes

PCR-CTPP (confronting two-pair primers)

Peptide nucleic acid probes for SNP detection

SNP genotyping on a genome-wide amplified DOP-PCR template


Reversed enzyme activity DNA interrogation test

Smart amplification process version 2

Zinc finger proteins

UCAN method (Takara Biomedical)

Biochip and microarray-based detection of SNPs

SNP genotyping by MassARRAY

Electronic dot blot assay

Biochip combining BeadArray and ZipCode technologies

SNP-IT primer-extension technology

OmniScan SNP genotyping

Affymetrix SNP genotyping array

Concluding remarks on SNP genotyping

Limitations of SNP in genetic testing

Haplotyping versus SNP genotyping

Companies involved in developing technologies/products for SNP analysis

Role of copy number variations in genetic diagnostic testing

CNVs in various diseases

CNVs in genetic epilepsy syndromes

CNVs associated with schizophrenia

CNVs associated with autism

Methods for determination of CNVs

Digital array for CNV detection

Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium CNV typing array

CNVer algorithm for CNV detection

Study of rare variants in pinpointing disease-causing genes

Prenatal DNA diagnosis


Chorionic villus sampling

Separating fetal cells in maternal blood for genetic diagnosis

Antenatal screening for Down's syndrome

Fetal DNA in maternal blood

Molecular methods for prenatal diagnosis

aCGH for prenatal diagnosis

BAC HD Scan test

FISH for prenatal diagnosis

PCR for prenatal diagnosis

Plasma DNA sequencing to detect fetal chromosomal aneuploidies

In vivo gene expression analysis of the living human fetus

Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of monogenic diseases

Digital relative mutation dosage

Massively parallel plasma DNA sequencing

Applications of prenatal diagnosis

Diagnosis of congenital infections

Diagnosis of eclampsia

Use of transrenal DNA for prenatal testing

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Technologies for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

PCR for preimplantation genetic diagnosis

FISH for preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Microarrays for preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Conditions detected by preimplantation genetic diagnosis

The future of preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Companies involved in prenatal/preimplantation diagnosis

Cystic fibrosis

Detection of CFTR gene mutations

CFTR technologies of various companies

Genzyme's CF gene sequencing

CF Plus Tag-It Cystic Fibrosis Kit

Asuragen's bead array test

The Ambry CF Test

Biochip for CF diagnosis

Identification of CF variants by PCR/Oligonucleotide Ligation Assay

SensiGene (SEQUENOM) CF carrier screening test

Serum proteomic signature for CF using antibody microarrays

Guidelines for genetic screening for CF

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Primary immunodeficiencies

Hematological disorders


Sickle cell anemia


Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria


Hereditary hemochromatosis

Polycystic kidney disease

Hereditary metabolic disorders

Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome

Gaucher’s Disease

Acute Intermittent Porphyria


Hereditary periodic fever


Molecular diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders

Coronary Heart Disease


Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

Cardiac Arrhythmias

Long Q-T Syndrome

Familial atrial fibrillation

Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation

Congestive heart failure


Disturbances of blood lipids

Familial dyslipoproteinemias


Thrombotic disorders

Factor V Leiden mutation

Pulmonary embolism

Molecular diagnosis of eye diseases

Molecular diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa

Genetic screening for glaucoma

Role of molecular diagnostics in rheumatoid arthritis

Molecular diagnosis of neurogenetic disorders

Alzheimer's disease

Charcot-Marie Tooth disease

Down syndrome

Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy

eNOS gene polymorphisms as predictor of cerebral aneurysm rupture

Fragile X syndrome

Huntington disease

Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies

Mitochondrial disorders affecting the nervous system

Parkinson’s disease

Pompe’s disease

Spinal muscular atrophy

Triple repeat disorders

Genetic testing for disease predisposition

Direct-to-consumer genetic tests

6.Molecular Diagnosis of Infections


Molecular techniques for the diagnosis of infections

Antibody-enhanced microplate hybridization assays

Bacteriophage-based methods for detection of bacteria

Biosensors for detection of microorganisms

Ibis T5000™ Biosensor System

DNA enzyme immunoassay

DNA biochip/microarray in diagnosis of infections

DNA-based typing methods

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis


Random amplified polymorphic DNA

Combinatorial DNA melting assay

Electrochemical detection of pathogens

High resolution melt analysis for diagnosis of infections

Ligase chain reaction

Mass spectrometry for microbial identification

Metagenomic pyrosequencing

Multiplex PCR for detection of infections

Dual priming oligonucleotide for multiplex PCR

LightCycler® SeptiFast Test

Multiplex amplified nominal tandem repeat analysis

VYOO® Sepsis Test

NASBA for detection of microorganisms

Nucleic acid probes

Neutrophil CD11b expression as a diagnostic marker

Optical Mapping

PNA-FISH for diagnosis of infections

Quantitative reverse-transcription PCR for bacterial diagnostics

Rupture event scanning

Real-time single-molecule imaging of virus particles

Single-strand conformational polymorphism

SmartGene platform for identifying pathogens based on genetic sequences

Tessera array technology

Applications, advantages and limitations of molecular diagnostics