Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of Wednesday, May 15, 2013. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room in Town Hall.

Present were: Chairman Robert Smith, Vice Chairman Jim Lang, Clerk Denise Reyes, Mr. Steve Currier, Ms. Maura Moroni, and Ms. Sandra White.

Absent were: Ms. Meredith Anderson, Ms. Jennifer Clark-Croes, and Ms. Jeri Screnci.

Also present at this time were:

Administrator Elizabeth D. Faricy

Newly appointed Administrator David Gagne

Mr. Maurice McCarthy of 23 Captain Carlson Way

Chairman Smith discussed Police Chief Donald Clark’s longevity increase as of August 31, 2012.~

There was discussion of Chief Clark’s benefits. The Committee discussed holding budget 2100 Police Department at Town Meeting and explain to the public why they are holding it. Mr. Lang suggested that they ask the Selectmen to come to a meeting to explain why the decision to increase the longevity was made.

Mr. LangMOVEDto ask a representative from the Board of Selectmen to come to the next Finance Committee meeting to discuss longevity. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.

The Committee continued their review of Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles.

Ms. WhiteMOVEDnot to recommend Article 16. Seconded by Mr. Lang.

There was discussion regarding the Committee’s response at Town Meeting as to why they do not recommend the article.

The Committee voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Ms. ReyesMOVEDto recommend Article 17. Seconded by Mr. Lang. Smith, yes; Lang, yes; Reyes, yes; Currier, no; Moroni, yes; White, yes.~

After clarification that the Library Board of Trustees was not replacing all three furnaces but rather being granted the ability to replace any of the three furnaces, Mr. Currier changed his vote in favor of the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 18. Seconded by Ms. Reyes and so voted unanimously.~

Ms. WhiteMOVEDto recommend Article 19. Seconded by Mr. Lang and so voted unanimously.

Ms. ReyesMOVEDnot to recommend Article 20. Seconded by Ms. White.

There was discussion regarding the Freightliner trash hauler, the manpower available to use it and the need for the new machinery.

The Committee voted on the motion. Smith, no; Lang, no; Reyes, yes; Currier, yes; Moroni, no; White, yes.~

Due to the split vote, the Committee will refer to the voters on Article 20.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 21. Seconded by Ms. Moroni and so voted. Smith, yes; Lang, yes; Reyes, yes; Currier, yes; Moroni, yes; White, no.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 22. Seconded by Mr. Currier and so voted unanimously.

Mr. CurrierMOVEDto recommend that Article 23 be funded at $55,000. Seconded by Ms. Reyes and so voted unanimously.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 24. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 25. Seconded by Mr. Currier and so voted. Smith, yes; Lang, yes; Reyes, yes; Currier, yes; Moroni, no; White, yes.

Ms. Moroni discussed why she was not in favor of the article.~

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 26. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.

Mr. CurrierMOVEDto recommend Article 27. Seconded by Mr. Lang and so voted unanimously.

Mr. Lang recused himself from discussion of Article 28.

Ms. ReyesMOVEDto recommend Article 28. Seconded by Ms. Moroni and so voted. Smith, yes; Lang, recused; Reyes, yes; Currier, yes; Moroni, yes; White, yes.

Mr. LangMOVEDto refer to the voters for Article 29. Seconded by Ms. Reyes and so voted unanimously.

The Committee discussed Article 30 concerning the proposed Right to Farm By-Law. Mrs. Faricy stated that this was a change to the General By-Laws and thus does not have to go before the Planning Board.~

There was brief discussion regarding the Right to Farm By-Law.

Mr. LangMOVEDto refer to the voters for Article 30. Seconded by Mr. Currier and so voted unanimously.

The Committee reviewed Article 31. Mrs. Faricy stated that this article is a change to the Zoning By-Laws and that the Planning Board will meet on June 5 to have a hearing on it.~

Mr. LangMOVEDto refer to the voters for Article 31. Seconded by Ms. Moroni and so voted unanimously.

The Committee discussed Article 32 regarding the proposed temporary moratorium on medical marijuana treatment centers.

Ms. ReyesMOVEDnot to recommend Article 32. Seconded by Ms. White.

Ms. Moroni stated that since there was not really a financial impact as a result of this article that the Committee should refer to the voters. Ms. Reyes rescinded her motion.

Mr. LangMOVEDto refer to the voters for Article 32. Seconded by Mr. Currier and so voted unanimously.

Mr. CurrierMOVEDto refer to the voters for Article 33. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.

The Committee discussed Article 34 concerning ground-mounted solar panel installations. Mrs. Faricy stated that, if the moratorium by-law passes at Town Meeting, it would be lifted once this By-Law was accepted by the Attorney General’s Office after a favorable vote at Town Meeting.~

Mr. LangMOVEDto refer to the voters for Article 34. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.~

Mr. CurrierMOVEDto approve the minutes of May 1,~2013. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.

Mr. CurrierMOVEDto accept for review the minutes of May 8, 2013. Seconded by Ms. Moroni and so voted unanimously.

The Committee reviewed the Warrant Articles for Special Town Meeting. Mrs. Faricy stated that she did not think there were any prior fiscal year bills to be paid. She stated that Article 2 concerns paying any over-expended budgets by transferring funds from other sources. Mrs. Faricy suggested that the Committee hold a meeting on June 5.~

The Committee discussed Article 3 relative to the Water Department transferring funds from water surplus to the operating budget for FY13.~

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 3. Seconded by Ms. Reyes and so voted unanimously.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 4. Seconded by Mr. Currier and so voted unanimously.

Mrs. Faricy stated that she has not yet received figures for Article 5 from the Water Department. She said that the purpose of the article is to fund the Water Department’s stabilization fund. The Committee agreed to hold this article.

Mr. LangMOVEDto recommend Article 6. Seconded by Mr. Currier and so voted unanimously.

The Committee discussed the revenue estimates. Mr. Currier was wondering how accurate the Town was in their estimates. Mrs. Faricy stated that the figures that are budgeted for Town Meeting differ from those that are certified by the Department of Revenue prior to the Board establishing a new tax rate.

Mrs. Faricy discussed the Senate Ways and Means budget figures. Mrs. Faricy stated that they are higher than the House Ways and Means figures.

Discussion continued regarding the Assessors’ Overlay fund and tax projections.

Chairman Smith presented his draft of the Finance Committee Handbook cover letter. Mr. Lang suggested that the members review the letter and provide changes at the next meeting. Ms. Reyes provided some suggestions to the letter stating that she would not be at the next meeting.

There was discussion regarding the SEMASS contract proposals and the Freightliner trash hauler.

The Committee reviewed a letter of resignation from Ms. Mallory Aronstein from the position of Recording Secretary effective June 30, 2013. Mr. LangMOVEDto accept the resignation. Seconded by Ms. Reyes and so voted unanimously.

At 8:40 p.m., Mr. CurrierMOVEDto adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ms. White and so voted unanimously.