Bone and Body Composition Scientific Interest Group Conference Call

October 18, 2013; 11 am PT / 2 pm EST

Participants: Jean Wactawski-Wende, Jane Cauley, John Robbins, Laura Carbone, Margery Gass, Nelson Watts, Meryl LeBoff, Doreen Sheedy

Excused: Carolyn Crandall (science lead),Andrea LaCroix,Becky Jackson, Beth Lewis,Jeffrey Curtis,Jennifer Bea, Joan McGowan,Ken Saag,Marcia Stefanick, Mary Jo O'Sullivan,Nicole Wright, Silvina Levis-Dusseau,Yvonne Michael,Zhao Chen

AGENDA / Action Items
  • ASBMR MeetingFollow-Up: Jane, Meryl and Nelson attended the meeting and met and discussed work in progress.

May Investigator Meeting Request for Proposals
  • Follow-up on proposal ideas discussed.The WHI May meeting will allow for 5 or 6 scientific sessions. The Steering Committee requests proposals from the SIGs for scientific sessions and are due by November 25th. Discussion for submission for consideration include:
  • VMS-BMD/fx results
  • weight change-fx results
  • screening tools comparison results
  • SES role in the association between ethnicity and fracture--Jane Cauley's analysis
  • Over 80 papers
  • There will also be a poster session which will be a separate solicitation in January. Sessions not selected for oral presentation may be re-submitted for consideration for the poster session.

Request for Questions
  • The RFQ is out for questions to be considered for a supplemental form to be included with mailings participants. Ideas for possible questions to propose:
  • Parental history of hip fracture
  • Physical function, falls
  • Medications for osteoporosis, breast cancer meds
  • Kidney stones - participants and family history
  • Calcium/Vit D supplements
  • Use of assisted devices
Jean will review and compile questions for submission.
Current Papers in Progress
  • Carolyn – comparison of screening strategies (under review withNEJM)
  • Carolyn – weight change and fx (analyses in progress; started drafting manuscript)
  • Carolyn – vasomotor symptoms and fx (analyst assigned and initial analyses have begun)
  • Carolyn -- DXA bone density and wrist fracture (in queue for analyst)
  • Carolyn – FRAX thresholds (in queue for analyst)
  • Carolyn -- Over 80 paper (in process)
  • Jean – physical activity and fx (in process)
  • Nicole – BMI fx (in process)
  • Jane – calcium/Vit D long-term f/u (accepted for publication in Journal of Women’s Health)
  • Nelson - discontinuation of E+P paper and fracture (analyses in progress)
  • Laura - nephrolithiasis to osteoporosis (analyst assigned; in progress)
Meryl – role of dietary protein and fx (on hold)
New Ideas
  • John: Develop index using WHI data which includes breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and fracture as outcomes. Needs further discussion on next month’s call.
/ - Next month’s agenda.
  • WHI JAMA paper was published in October:
JoAnn E. Manson,MD, DrPH; Rowan T. Chlebowski,MD, PhD; Marcia L. Stefanick, PhD; Aaron K. Aragaki, MS; Jacques E. Rossouw, MD; Ross L. Prentice, PhD; Garnet Anderson, PhD; Barbara V. Howard, PhD;Cynthia A. Thomson, PhD, RD; Andrea Z. LaCroix, PhD; JeanWactawski-Wende, PhD;Rebecca D. Jackson, MD; Marian Limacher, MD; Karen L. Margolis,MD, MPH; SylviaWassertheil-Smoller, PhD; Shirley A. Beresford, PhD;Jane A. Cauley, DrPH; Charles B. Eaton,MD, MS; Margery Gass,MD, NCMP; Judith Hsia, MD; Karen C. Johnson,MD, MPH; Charles Kooperberg, PhD;Lewis H. Kuller,MD, DrPH; Cora E. Lewis,MD, MSPH; Simin Liu,MD, ScD; LisaW. Martin, MD; Judith K. Ockene, PhD; Mary Jo O’Sullivan, MD;Lynda H. Powell, PhD; Michael S. Simon,MD, MPH; Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD; Mara Z. Vitolins, DrPH, RD; Robert B.Wallace,MD, MSc. Menopausal hormone therapy and health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trials. JAMA. 2013;310(13):1353-1368. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.278040.
  • Jean mentioned looking through publications from last couple of years for bone related papers and invite others interested to join Bone SIG. Jean will discuss this with Carolyn.
  • Sharepoint canbe accessed at
    Bone SIG – the generic login is User ID: whi\bone_sig Password: 3FrenchHens
  • WHI Investigator Meeting: May 1-2, 2014 in Washington, DC.
/ -Jean/Carolyn
review publications.
Monthly Calls
  • The monthly calls are held on the 3rd Friday each month at 2 pm EST/11 am PT.
    Next Call is Friday, November 15. Call inNumber: 1-866-618-2448; pass code 9920978#
    Next upcoming calls thereafter: Dec 19, Jan 17, Feb 21