Sage Advice Naturopathic Care
Tanya McCoy, ND
22 North Road, Suite 202
Bloomingburg, NY 12721

Client Intake and Health History Questionnaire


List your most important health problems in order of importance

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

History of Health Condition(s):

When, where & from who did you last receive medical care or general health care?


What was the reason? ______
Did you get blood work?_____

What kind of blood work?______

Are you currently seeing a primary care physician?____Who?______

Please list any Diagnosed Conditions Doctor who diagnosed

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Family History: indicate if you or members of your close family have had the following:

Self Mother Father Brother(s) Sister(s) Grandparents(MGP) (PGP)

Cancer ______/__ ___/__

Diabetes ______/__ ___/__

Heart Disease ______/__ ___/__

High Blood Pressure ______/__ ___/__

Stroke ______/__ ___/__

Epilepsy ______/__ ___/__

Mental Illness ______/__ ___/__

Asthma/Allergies ______/__ ___/__

Anemia ______/__ ___/__

Kidney Disease ______/__ ___/__

Bowel Disease ______/__ ___/__

Ulcer ______/__ ___/__

Tuberculosis ______/__ ___/__

Osteoporosis ______/__ ___/__

Thyroid disease ______/__ ___/__

Age if living ______/__ ___/__

YourHealth History

What is your nationality/ethnicity?______Any known genetic risks ______

Did you have the following Disease (D), Immunized for it (I), or Neither (N):

Measles: D I N Diptheria: D I N

Mumps:D I NTetanus:D I N

Rubella:D I NWhooping Cough:D I N

Chickenpox:D I NHemophilus (Hib):D I N

German Measles: D I NHepatitis B: D I N

Any vaccination reactions:______

Please list all Hospitalizations and Surgeries including dates occurred:

1)______4) ______
2)______5) ______
3)______6) ______

X-Rays and Special Studies: X-rays, MRIs, CAT scans, EKGs or other studies you have had:


Please list any Accidents/Trauma including dates:______


Environmental? ______

Any known food sensitivities or allergies?______

Current Medications:Circle Yes(Y) No(N) or Past (P) regarding use of the following:

Antacids:Y N PSteroids:Y N P

Smoking:Y N PPacks per day if Yes/Past:______

Pain relievers:Y N PLaxatives: Y N P

Antibiotics: Y N P Appetite Suppressants: Y N P

Sleeping Pills:Y N P Diuretics: Y N P

Cortisone: Y N P Anti-Depressants: Y N P

Please list all of the following that you have taken in the last 6 months.

Prescription medications:
Over the counter medications:

Vitamins and supplements:

Review Of Systems:

Present Height Weight:______lbs. Weight 1 year ago:______lbs.

Maximum Weight Date:______Desired weight: ______lbs.

REGARDING THE NEXT LONG SECTION: Please CircleY if you have the problem NOW,
if you’ve NEVER had the problem, P if you had the problem in the PAST.

Good Energy: Y N P

Fatigue: Y N P

If you have fatigue, when in morning, afternoon, evening is it the worst?:______

If you have fatigue, can you do what you need to during the day?: Y N


Rash: Y N PColor Change: Y N P

Hives: Y N PLump: Y N P

Psoriasis/eczema: Y N PItchy: Y N P

Dry: Y N PWarts/moles: Y N P

Cancer: Y N PPerspiration: Y N P


Headache: Y N PMigraine: Y N P

Dandruff: Y N PHead Injury: Y N P

Oil/dry hair: Y N PHair loss: Y N P


Watery: Y N PBlurry vision: Y N P

Double vision: Y N PCataracts: Y N P

Glaucoma: Y N PStyes: Y N P

Strain: Y N PDischarge: Y N P

Itchy: Y N PDark under eyelid: Y N P
Glasses/contact lenses: Y N P Dryness: Y N P


Ringing: Y N P Hearing loss: Y N P
Infections: Y N P Pain: Y N P


Frequent colds: Y N PNosebleeds: Y N P

Congestion: Y N PPost nasal drip: Y N P

Polyps: Y N PSeasonal allergies: Y N P


Canker sores: Y N PCold sores: Y N P

Sore throat: Y N PGum disease: Y N P

Dentures: Y N PCavities: Y N P

Loss of taste: Y N PHoarseness: Y N P


Stiffness: Y N PSwollen glands: Y N P

Full movement: Y N PTension: Y N P


Cough: Y N PTB: Y N P

Shortness of breath with exertion: Y N PBronchitis: Y N P

Shortness of breath sitting: Y N PPneumonia: Y N P

Shortness of breath lying down: Y N PAsthma: Y N P

Wheezing: Y N PPainful breathing: Y N P


High blood pressure:Y N PRheumatic Fever: Y N P

Low blood pressure:Y N PMurmurs: Y N P

Arrhythmias: Y N PPalpitations: Y N P

Edema:Y N PChest pain: Y N P


Heartburn:Y N PBowel movement frequency:______

Indigestion:Y N PRecent change in BM: Y N P

Bloating:Y N PDiarrhea or constipation: Y N P

Nausea:Y N PHemorrhoids: Y N P

Vomiting:Y N PGall bladder disease: Y N P

Change in Appetite:Y N PLiver disease: Y N P

Pancreatitis:Y N PUlcer: Y N P

Urinary Tract:

Incontinence:Y N PPain with urination: Y N P

Frequent infections:Y N PKidney stones: Y N P

Urgency:Y N PDischarge/blood: Y N P

Male Health:

Testicular pain/swelling: Y N PSexually active: Y N P

Hernia: Y N PSexually transmitted disease:Y N P

Discharge: Y N PProstate disease/symptoms: Y N P

Impotency: Y N PSexual orientation: Hetero Homo Bi

Female Health:

Age periods began:______How often periods occur:______

How long periods last: ______Menopausal since what age:______

Periods:Times Pregnant:______

Heavy Bleeding: Y N PHow many births:______

Cramping: Y N PMiscarriages:______

Pain: Y N PAbortions:______

PMS: Y N PSexual Active: Y N P

Food Cravings: Y N PHealthy Libido: Y N P

Last Pap Smear:______Pain With Intercourse: Y N P

Diagnosis: ______Dry Vagina: Y N P

Any abnormal paps: Y N PVaginitis: Y N P

When was abnormal: Y N P

Any Birth Control (please list types and ages used):______

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Y N P Which?______
Dexa Scan: Y N P If Yes, what were the results:______
Use of Hormones: Y N P

Do you self exam? Y N P How often?______

Pain: Y N P Lumps: Y N P

Fibrocystic breasts: Y N P Lumpectomy: Y N P When?______

Premenstrual tenderness: Y N P Nipple discharge: Y N P

Recent Mammogram Y N When?______
Family history of breast/ovarian cancer Y N ______


Weakness: Y N PArthritis: Y N P

Stiffness: Y N PLeg cramps: Y N P

Tremors: Y N PPain:Y N P


Paralysis: Y N PSciatica: Y N P

Tingling/numbness:Y N PCarpal tunnel syndrome: Y N P

Seizures: Y N PFainting:Y N P


Depression:Y N PAnger/irritability: Y N P

Suicidal:Y N PHigh-strung/tense: Y N P

Anxiety:Y N PFear/Panic: Y N P

Habits and lifestyle:
How often:______

What type(s):______

For How long:______

Interests/Hobbies: ______


How long per night on average: ______

Do you wake up frequently?______What is the reason?: ______

Nightmares: Y N P

Wake refreshed:Y N P

Must Nap during the day: Y N P

Sleep walk: Y N P

Grind Teeth: Y N P

Snore: Y N P
When during the day is your energy the best? ______
Worst? ______


Appetite Good? Y N P

Foods crave: ______

Foods Dislike: ______

Foods that don’t sit well:______
Do you eat 3 square meals?______
How often do you eat out?______

Typical Daily Food Intake


Lunch: ______



Which do you currently use?

Coffee: Y N PCups per day if Yes/Past:______

Soda Pop: Y N POunces per day if Yes/Past:______
Tea: Y N PCaffeinated Cups/day?______

Artificial Sweeteners: Y N P
Tobacco: Y N P Packs/day?______

Alcohol: Y N PHow often and how much if Yes/Past:______
Any alcohol addiction: Y N P

Any alcohol treatment: Y N P

Recreational drugs: Y N P

Any drugs addiction: Y N P

Any drug treatment: Y N P

Toxin Exposure:

Did you grow up near any refinery, or polluted area, or in home with leaded paint? If so, what sort of pollution were you exposed to?:______

Have you had any jobs where you were exposed to solvents, heavy metals, fumes, or other toxic materials?:______

Have you ever had health problems when you put in new carpeting, painted your home, had new cabinets, or did other refurbishing?:______

Are you particularly sensitive to perfumes, gasoline, or other vapors?:______

Do you use pesticides, herbicides, other chemicals around your home?______


Work Life:
Current occupation: ______How many hours/week:______
Enjoy job?: Y N P
How often do you go on vacation?______
Personal Life:

Active Spiritual practice: Y N P If yes, what?______
What do you enjoy most in life?______
How much time do you spend outside?______Do you enjoy time outside?______
How many hours per week do you watch television?______

Quality of most significant relationship?______
Do you feel supported in your current relationship?______

History of sexual, mental/emotional, physical abuse?: Y N

If so, at what age and by whom?: ______

What is your greatest health concern?______
How does your health concern(s) affect your life?______How committed are you towards making valuable changes: Little Moderately Very
Which of the following would you like included in your health plan if appropriate?

Dietary recommendations______Stress management _____
Exercise ______

Vitamins/Minerals______Other nutrients_____ Herbs _____ Homeopathy____ Hydrotherapy_____

What do you think is the most important part of your healing process?______