Telecommunication Radiocommunication
Development Bureau Bureau

Administrative Circular CA/12 Administrative Circular CA/120

11 September 2002



Contact: / Fidélia Akpo / Contact: / Dusan Schuster
Tel: / +41 22 730 5439 / Tel: / +41 22 730 5216
Fax: / +41 22 730 5484 / Fax: / +41 22 730 5806
E-Mail: / / E-Mail: /


Subject: / Questionnaire on national radio frequency spectrum management to seek information needed for responding to Resolution 9 of the World Telecommunication Development Conference
(Rev. Istanbul, 2002)

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To Administrations of Member States of the ITU,

Members of the Development Sector

and Members of the Radiocommunication Sector

Dear Sir/Madam,

At the request of both Mr. Nabil Kisrawi, Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 2, and Mr.RobertMayher, Chairman of ITU-R Study Group 1, we are forwarding to you by means of the attached Action Memorandum for your action, a three-part questionnaire on national radio frequency spectrum management (see Attachments 1, 2 and 3).

The subject questionnaire has been designed to gather current information, primarily from administrations, regarding 1) national use of the spectrum in the frequency range 960 MHz – 3000 MHz; 2) activities in radio frequency spectrum management; and 3) information on the calculation of fees for using the spectrum. The information requested is urgently needed to enable the preparation of the second stage of a joint Radiocommunication and Development Sectors report that is intended to assist administrations in their consideration of alternative strategies for national radio frequency spectrum use.

Administrations are invited to complete all parts of the Questionnaire (Parts I – III). Also, as in the first stage of Resolution 9, Sector Members are invited to participate in the study by completing any part of the Questionnaire for which they may have relevant information, in particular Part I, where information on existing applications and new applications that may require to use spectrum in this frequency range would be most useful.

We would be grateful if you could complete responses to this questionnaire and return them not later than 1st November 2002, to the Telecommunication Development Bureau:

ITU-D Study Groups Secretariat
Fax: +41 22 7305484

Queries or requests for further information regarding this questionnaire will be answered by the Co-Chairmen of the Joint Group on Resolution 9 Rev. WTDC-02, Mr. Zanga Yene or Mr.Jeacock (ad interim) or the focal points appointed to assist with the study. Their respective addresses are presented in the Annex. This Administrative Circular, including the questionnaire, is available on the ITU-R (http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-r/ac/ca/101-150/index.html) and ITU-D web sites (http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/study_groups/SGP_2002-2006/circular/CircLet.html) in electronic form. To facilitate the timely analysis of the collected information, the requested information, to the extent possible, should be submitted in an electronic format.

Yours faithfully,

[Original signed by Mr. Hamadoun I. Touré, Director, BDT]

[Original signed by Mr. Robert W. Jones, Director, BR]

Hamadoun I. Touré
Telecommunication Development Bureau / Robert W. Jones
Radiocommunication Bureau

Annex: Questionnaire


- Administrations of Member States of the ITU;

- Development Sector Members;

- Radiocommunication Sector Members;

- ITU distribution list.

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14 August 2002


To: All ITU Member States and all Sector Members of the Radiocommunication and Telecommunication Development Sectors

From: Mr. Nabil Kisrawi, Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 2
Mr. Robert Mayher, Chairman of ITU-R Study Group 1

Focal points: Mr. Simplice Zanga Yene Co-Chairman of the Joint Group on Resolution 9 (Rev. Istanbul, 2002) and focal point for African countries

Mr. Terry Jeacock, Co-Chairman ad interim of the Joint Group on Resolution 9 (Rev. Istanbul, 2002)

Mr. Verduijn (for European counties and CEPT )

Mr. Semeon Lopato (for CIS countries)

Mr. Schroeder (for American countries and CITEL)

Mr. Abdel-Kader (for Arab countries)

Mr. Aresteh (for Asia-Pacific countries)

Subject: Questionnaire on National Radio Frequency Spectrum Management in Response to Resolution 9 of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (Rev. Istanbul, 2002).

Resolution 9, first adopted by the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-98) and revised by WTDC-02, requires the Directors of ITU-D and ITU-R to develop a report, in several stages, on current and foreseen national uses of the radio frequency spectrum. This resolution also requires the Directors of the Development and Radiocommunication Sectors to consider and implement effective means to encourage and facilitate the active participation of both developing and least developed countries in the preparation of this report.

In 1999 and in response to this resolution, ITU-R Study Group 1 and ITU-D established a joint ITUR and ITU-D group, named the "Joint Group on Resolution 9". The Joint Group prepared a report entitled "WTDC-98 Resolution 9: Review of national spectrum management and use of the spectrum. Stage 1: 29.7 – 960 MHz". This report was approved by ITU-R Study Group 1, ITU-D Study Group 2 and presented at WTDC-02. Following the approval of the revision of Resolution 9 by WTDC-02, the Joint Group has been asked to continue to develop Stage 2 of the Report, to review national spectrum management and use of the radio spectrum in the frequency range 960 – 3000 MHz.

In addition to the work programme to develop the second stage of the report on national spectrum management, WTDC-02 requested that the Joint Group should include in its scope the provision of assistance to the BDT in Programmes 2 and 4 of the Istanbul Action Plan, with respect to "Spectrum management and radio monitoring" and the preparation of a report in answer to Question 21/2 "Calculation of frequency fees".

The Joint Group will use the same methodology as for Stage 1:

1)  collect selected information from all Member States and all Sector Members of the Radiocommunication and Development Sectors, through the use of a questionnaire (see the Attachments to this Annex) distributed jointly by the Radiocommunication and Development Sectors;

2)  use the spectrum management expertise in the Joint Group on Resolution 9 to analyse the collected information; and

3)  produce a report that will be reviewed by ITU-R Study Group 1 and ITU-D Study Groups 1 and2. To ensure the timely completion of this work, Member States and Sector Members are urged to complete the attached questionnaire by 1st November 2002.

The review of this questionnaire is scheduled for the next meeting of the Joint Group in December 2002.

Attachment 1: Part I of the Questionnaire deals with national spectrum use. Member States are requested to provide information on their national use of the spectrum in the frequency range 960 – 3 000 MHz.. For convenience in responding to these questions, an extract of Article 5 of the Radio Regulations (Allocation Table for the frequency bands from 960MHz to 3 000 MHz) is included in Attachment 1. This extract also is available in electronic form from the ITU-R web site and, consequently, all focal points are urged to submit the requested information in electronic form. An example extract from a national table is given to show the typical information requested.

Attachment 2: Part II of the Questionnaire deals with general questions on national spectrum management. This is a revision of a similar questionnaire developed to obtain information on national spectrum management for the Report of the first stage of Resolution 9 WTDC-98 (distributed through ITU Circular Letter CA08 (from BDT) and CA71 (BR) dated 2November 1999).The first meeting of the Joint Group for Resolution 9 (Rev. Istanbul, 2002), 15-16 July 2002, made a thorough review of this original questionnaire, taking account of the results and replies it produced. Some of the questions have been revised to improve clarity and new questions added to obtain information to assist the related studies in ITU-R Study Group 1.

Attachment 3: Part III of the Questionnaire deals with ITU-D Question 21/2 "Calculation of spectrum fees", approved by WTDC-02. This requires the establishment in electronic format of a document structure bringing together the calculation formulas and frequency fee amounts applied by different countries for different radiocommunciation usages in the various frequency bands. In addition, a report is to be prepared analysing the various methods, formulas and approaches currently applied by different countries for calculating frequency fees, accompanied by a comparative study of the key features of these methods. Part III contains a Questionnaire requesting information on national methods for calculating fees for spectrum use. Detailed instructions are given to assist in completing the Questionnaire and an example of a completed Questionnaire is included, together with the contact details of members of the Joint Group who will be able to provide additional advice (by email etc.).

Any queries or requests for further information regarding this questionnaire should be directed to the Co-Chairmen of the Joint Group, Mr. Zanga Yene or Mr. Jeacock or the other focal points at the addresses listed below:

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Mr. Simplice ZANGA YENE

Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications

Boîte postale 6132



Tél: +237 2230380

Fax: +237 2233748


Mr. Terence JEACOCK

Radiocommunications Agency

Wyndham House

189 Marsh Wall

London E14 9SX

United Kingdom

Tel.: + 44 207 21 10004

Fax: + 44 207 21 10021



U.S. Dept. of Commerce - NTIA

Room 4606

1401 Constitution Avenue NW

Washington DC 20230

United States

Tel.: +1 202 4826207

Fax: + 1 202 5016198


Mr. Semeon LOPATO

(Vice-Chairman ITU-D SG2)


16 Kazakova Street

103064 Moscow

Tel.: +7 095 2671840



Radiocommunications Agency

Emmasingel 1

P.O. Box 450



Tel: +31 50 5877405

Fax: +31 50 5877400


Mr. Kavouss ARASTEH

Ministry of Posts, Telegraph and Telephone

Shariata Road

P.O. Box 1587-4415

15598 TEHRAN

Iran (Islamic Rep. Of)

Tel: +98 21 8403612

Fax: +98 21 867999



Telecom Regulatory Authority

27 Mohie-Eldin Street




Tel: +20 2 3377725

Fax: +20 2 3373300


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Please identify a focal point in your administration/organization who could provide a response to further correspondence regarding this questionnaire (see hereafter).

1. Mr./Ms

Family Name First Name

2. Country

3. Name of the Administration/Organization

4. Title

5. Address

6. Tel.: Fax: E-Mail:

To be returned to:

ITU-D Study Groups Secretariat

Telecommunication Development Bureau

Fax: +41 22 730 54 84


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Attachment 1


(To be completed by both Administrations and, where relevant, by Sector members)

Information on national radio frequency spectrum allocations: 960 – 3 000 MHz

1. Introduction

A national table of frequency allocations is a basic tool for an effective spectrum management process. It provides a general plan for spectrum use and the basic structure to ensure efficient use of the spectrum and the prevention of radio frequency interference between services. Through use of the table, manufacturers will have a guide to where in the spectrum to design and build equipment, and users will know where to operate. As described in the National Spectrum Management Handbook, the International Table of Frequency Allocations, Article 5 of the Radio Regulations forms the basis for national tables and, in some countries, this may be used as the national table. However, other countries have included additional information on national use, varying in detail from showing which service operates when the Radio Regulations offer a choice, to showing how spectrum available for government and non-government use, and, for specific sub-bands, channel arrangements and equipment specifications in use. An extract of a national allocation table is attached as an example.

The scope of the information requested from administrations by this circular letter in no way touches the security or the secrecy aspects of frequency usage in Member States. It is intended simply to provide additional information on the frequency usage on a national basis, together with its corresponding application. It is intended also to facilitate the co-ordination requirements of that usage, either nationally or with neighbouring countries, or with other countries at an international level.

2. Information on national radio frequency spectrum allocations: 960 – 3000 MHz

a)  If you have a publicly available national table of radio frequency spectrum allocations, please submit a copy (either in electronic, or printed form, or both ) of that table, or an extract for the frequency range 960 – 3 000 MHz.

b) If you do not have a national frequency allocations table available, the attached extract from Article 5 of the Radio Regulations may be used to indicate general information on how this range of frequencies is used by your administration within your national borders. Two "empty" columns have been added to this table for this purpose. If you are using an electronic version of the table, the information may be keyed into the spaces provided, otherwise, please type or write the information on a printed copy.

c) Administrations are invited to enter the following information:

In the column designated "National Allocations", please enter the name of the radiocommunications service that is allocated for the use of a given frequency band. Please use the ITU terminology given in Article 1 of the Radio Regulations to describe services, such as FIXED, MOBILE, space research, radio astronomy, etc., using "capitals" to denote a PRIMARY allocation and "normal characters" to denote a secondary allocation (see Nos. 5.23 to 5.31 )

In the column designated "Application and comment", please enter further technical requirements or characteristics, if any, that have been established nationally for a given band such as channel spacing, limitations on radiated signal power;

d) Sector Members that operate in or manufacture equipment for this frequency range are invited to enter information about applications available for operation in the different frequency sub-bands e.g. purpose, operating parameters such as channel spacing, radiated signal power capabilities, etc.

e)  Example extract from a national frequency allocation table

This example extract from a national allocation table shows the typical information administrations are invited to provide in the two columns under "National Use" for each sub-band. The column "National Allocation" shows which service(s) have been allocated the sub-band by the administration on a national basis. This is usually a sub-set of the international allocations. The second column shows the typical applications within the service, further comments on the application or any other application in the sub-band.