Katie Pinard

Spring 2015

Ms. Pinard

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations- Friday 3/6/15

Round Background:

Today we are talking about the effects that Italy’s geography had on ancient Roman civilization. Yesterday and Thursday, we mapped Italy’s geography. Thursday they answered comprehension questions about mapping. One question was, “Look at the boot of Italy and the location of Rome. Do you believe geography played a role in Rome’s success? Why or why not?” Today students will start with answering the question “Review: What are some geographical features that made settlement in ancient Greece difficult? Write as many as you can. Be able to explain why you picked them.”

Round Focus:

I want students to focus on how landscape and geographical features affect how a civilization functions. At the start of class, students will be answering the starter question about Greece, listed above.Then we will be previewing some vocabulary that they will be seeing today. I used pictures to help them visualize the vocabulary words. Students will be walking around the room, after first trading in their groups, and trading geographical feature cards with their classmates. When they trade cards, students will look at their new cards and decided whether or not the geographical feature was a pro or a con for Roman civilization. When the trading is done, students will sit down and silently respond to the comprehension questions. “How did the land and water of Italy help the ancient Romans expand their territory?” “What about the land and water did they have to overcome to expand?” They will then share some of their pros & cons lists, along with comprehension question answers. Their ticket to leave class will be “What 3 geographic features do you think helped the ancient Romans the most?”

Round Inquiry

I want students to build on mapping skills, and geography skills throughout this unit. I feel that last unit, with ancient Greece, some students were still struggling with mapping skills & how geography affects populations. I want students to realize how Italy’s geography, affected Roman culture and expansion before we proceed with mapping Rome as a city on it’s own. During the lesson, please pay attention to what students are writing in their pro and con columns & in their comprehension questions.

Learning-centered Inquiry

1. Connection: How are students connecting geographical features, as a way to determine how a population lived? Do their starters show any recollection of some geographical problems we talked about in Greece?

2. Concepts: Are students comfortable with filling in the pros and con sections? Or do these geographical features seem like foreign ideas? Are they struggling with the comprehension questions? Please give examples.

Practice-Centered inquiry

3. Card trading: How effective is this card trading and everyone’s participation? Is it encouraging most/all students to participate? Are all students writing? Are students on task? Please give examples.

4. Class Discussion: Was this an effective lesson? Are students interested and engaged with the material, or are they checked-out?