Minutes of theMonthlyMeeting of the
Moresby Parish Council
held on 2nd March 2015
1. Attendance: Chairman Cllr Lawson, Cllrs Clarke, Coward, McGuirk, Maxwell-Kelly, Troughton, Young, Ward Cllr Blackwell and the Clerk.
2 Apologies and Announcements: There were apologies from Cllrs Horricks and Pritchard and from County Cllr Hayman. One member of the public was present.
3. Approval of the last minutes: The minutes of the February 2015 meeting were agreed.
4 Declaration of Member’s Interests: It was agreed that should an item arise where it was proper for a declaration of interest to be made it would be done at that stage.
5. Ward/County Councillors Ward Cllr Blackwell said that he still had not had a date for speed gun training The clerk said he would contact Collette Harrison the PCSO who would undertake the training Ward Cllr Blackwell said he had walked round Moresby Parks with the Home group representative and they had noted some flooding and fences in need of repair. He said Home Group were showing interest in acquiring a brown field site in Moresby Parks in order to build affordable homes. He said that the footpaths were in a poor condition and that the county council had indicated that they would budget for repair work in the year 2015/2016. He said he had had no confirmation. The chairman said that he had spoken to the county councillor who when giving apologies had mentioned the work on School Brow footpath
b) Public ParticipationMr Musgrave said that the position at Gallows Lonning was unchanged and he was concerned about the speed of cars given that the one way system was not always obeyed especially when the signs were turned He raised the issue of the consultation on the Copeland Plan site allocation and remained concerned that insufficient publicity had been given. He mentioned that the School Brow road sign was in need of replacement.
6. Police The clerk said there was an apology from the PCSO who had prepared a report. Her report dealt with problems at Gallows Lonning where she said increased patrols were being undertaken. There had been one theft which was under investigation but otherwise little to report
7 Lengthsman The work around Walkmill Close where the paths were covered in moss had been undertaken. It was noted that the road sides were strewn with litter and the lengthsman was asked to take action. Enquiries were to be made about the board walks in the Walkmill country park.
8 Copeland Local Plan Site Allocation Consultation It was agreed to object to the recommendation for housing allocation on School Brow because it was believed this would only add to the drainage problems in the area. It was noted that there were some small brown field sites in Moresby Parks and it was considered that two or three were suitable but otherwise the council felt that there were real problems with two other possibilities It was agreed to ask for the removal from the site allocation document of the two potential travellers sites neither of which it was considered were acceptable The clerk said he would make the representations to the district council planning officers.
9. Traffic and Highways.The clerk said that he had asked that the C4006 through Moresby Parks be included in the Copeland speed limit review. He said he had received another letter about Gallows Lonning and it was noted that correspondence had appeared in the local newspaper He said the chairman and himself had attended Lowca parish council on the 18th February 2015 but Moresby issues had not been discussed. He said that Helen Conway had contacted him expressing concerns from Low Moresby residents about speeding from the Howgate roundabout past the nursery. The clerk said that he had been advised by the countryside ranger that works on the paths around the Walkmill country park was underway. It was agreed that a representative from the county highways team should be asked to attend a parish council meeting to explain what plans they had for Gallows Lonning.
10. Clerk’s Report
a) PlantersThe clerk said he had obtained a price list from Works for You for Planters and it was agreed to proceed with Planters in Moresby Parks, Low Moresby and Scilly Banks.
b) Licensing Policy ConsultationThe clerk said that the district council were reviewing the licensing policy and a consultation was open. It was agreed to ask that 3.6 of the policy should be amended to require early consultation and that it should be a condition that the applicant serve papers on the town or parish council in which the premises are sited and that the district council licensing committee are made aware of any representations that the town or parish council wishes to make.
c) Methodist Church Hall The clerk said that he had received a note from David Andrews about the problems that exist in running the village church He said they were to hold a service once a month and review the situation in May. It was agreed to ask whether there were restrictions on the use of the hall for other activities and to keep a close watch on developments as the council would not want to lose another amenity in the parish.
11. Planning Applications and Notifications
12 Parish Newsletter Mr Maxwell- Kelly said that a newsletter would be an opportunity to communicate with residents in the villages and he would be prepared to draft the first edition It was noted that the Gazette was no longer circulated through the villages and some other method of distribution would be necessary.
13. Correspondence
a) Zurich Insurance had written offering to quote for insurance that the parish council require It was agreed to ask for a quote for the play units.
b) An affordable rural housing guide prepared by the Rural Housing Trust had been received.
c) Wickstead had sent a product information paper.
14 Cheques to be approved for payment
101114Regen North East Copeland (Lengthsman contribution)£998.00
101115Inland Revenue (Tax)£135.00
101116J C Shaw(Salary January)£180.00
101117J C Shaw(Expenses)£23.57
14 Parish Councillor’s Items
a) Mrs Coward said that there were still problems with the street lights. The chairman agreed to pursue the matter.
b) Mrs Coward asked whether work had been completed on the footpath to the school because of the rubble that had been left. The chairman said work was incomplete.
c) Mr Clarke asked whether a note could be placed in the school newsletter about dog fouling.
d) Mr Clarke said that the play area had been a successful project and said that consideration should be given as to how the parish council could assist in other areas.
e) Mrs McGuirk said that the drain outside the post office was blocked despite workmen being in attendance within the last few weeks
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm. Thenext meeting was fixed for the13th April 2015
Chairman...... Date......