Parish Priest: Canon Declan O Connor. Parish Office (Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm) 068-21188. After hours emergency no. 0870908949.Email: . Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays. Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and Sundays and Holy Days at 11.00am. Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office. Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass. Check out our web page and all Diocesan news on:
Saturday22nd / Mary & Tim Horan, Ennismore /
Jack McElligott & Deceased Family, Shrone West / JJ Rowan & Deceased Family O’Connell’s Ave. / Pat O Connor, Craughatoosane / John Joe & Mary Hartnett, Clieveragh / Teddy & Margaret Hartnett, Clieveragh / Con & Bridget Hickey & Deceased Family Members, O’Connell’s Ave. / Vigil
Sunday 23rd / Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane / Eileen Larkin, Ballyduff / Seamus & Phyllis Diggin Tracey & Deceased Family Members of the Diggin Family, Main St. & Ballybunion & Deceased Members of the Tracey Family, Charles St. / 9.00am
Denis & Mary McCarthy, Tarbert /
Ann Looney, Skehenerin / 11.00am
Mon 24th / Agnes Buckley, Denis O Sullivan, Kathleen Daly &
Denis B. O’Sullivan /Vivi Carey, Cahirdown / 10.30am
Funeral – Margaret Halpin, Clounmacon / 11.30am
Tues 25th / Jimmy Harris, Greenville / 10.30am
Wed. 26th / Matty & Paddy Walsh, Garryard / 10.30am
Thurs 27th / Patrick & Kathleen Stack & Deceased Family Members, Gortcreen / 10.30am
November Saint Padre Pio Evening Mass / 7.00pm
Friday 28th / Peggy & Finton McGrath & Deceased Family Members, William Street / 10.30am
Mass for the Deceased 2013/2014 / 7.00pm
29th / Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee, Birthday Remembrance / 10.30am
Molly Skehan nee Ahern, Clounmacon, 1st Ann. / John & Josephine Woulfe, Patrick St. & Ballygologue Road / Daniel Donegan, Dromin
Betty Gillespie nee Horgan & Eddie Gillespie, Dirha East & Teresa Reece, Donegal /
Jimmy Clancy, St. Brendan’s terrace /
Michael McAuliffe, Church Street /
Andy Sayers, Cahirdown /
Tony Brennan, Ballygologue Pk & Newcastlewest / Tom & Josie Lyons, Derry / Vigil
Sunday 30th / Michael Meehan, Lartigue Village /
Jack Kelly, Finuge / 9.00am
Noreen & Sean Galvin nee Holly, St. Brendan’s Terrace & London, Months Mind /
Aine Andrews, O’Connell’s Ave. 1st Anniversary / Patrick O Regan, Ballyheigue / 11.00am
Priest on duty for Listowel Deanery on this Sunday, 23rd Nov., Fr . Pat Moore, 0876751706 (emergencies only).
FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Margaret Halpin, Clounmacon. Arriving to the Church this Sunday evening at 6.50pm. Requiem Mass Monday 24th at 11.30am. burial St. Michael’s Cemetery.
ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE Michael & Maurice O’Connor, Craughatoosane, Kit Rowe (nee Moriarty), Coolkeragh, Eddie Flaherty, Charles St, Willie & Mary Keane & Deceased Family, Ballygrennan, Richard & Margaret O’Rourke & Deceased Family, O’Connell’s Ave, James O’Sullivan, Bedford, Mary Healy, Greenville.
PARISH OFFERTORY COLLECTION Our sincere thanks for the Offertory Collection last weekend. May God reward you and thank you.
DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME PROGRAMME: for our First Holy Communion children and their parents for the month of November is taking place on this Saturday night (Vigil) – 7pm. (Nov. 22nd).
MASS FOR THE DECEASED HOSPITAL STAFF of the Community Hospital Chapel on Tuesday night next (25th Nov.) at 6pm. All are welcome!
ANNUAL KILLOCRIM GROTTO MASS is taking place in the SCHOOL on Wednesday Nov. 26th at 8.00 p.m.
NOVEMVER MASS OF SAINT PADRE PIO: incorporating the Rosary, Mass and Benediction is taking place on Thurs. night next (Nov. 27th) beginning at 7 p.m.
SCOIL REALTA NA MAIDNE SERVICE OF LIGHT for First Holy Communion children and their parents on Thursday night next (Nov.. 27th ) at 8.00 p.m.
ANNUAL MASS FOR THE DECEASED OF PAST YEAR (Nov. 1st, 2013, to 31st Oct., 2014) organised by the Parish Liturgy Group will take place on Friday night next, Nov. 28th at 7.00pm. 66 Funerals in total took place in our Church during that period as you can see their names in the special Poster opposite Our Lady’s Altar. All are welcome!
ANNUAL MASS FOR THE DECEASED MEMBERS OF FINUGE GAA will take place also on Friday night next at 8.30 p.m. in their Club House.
Enrolment of confirmation candidates for 2015: Will take place at the Vigil Mass at 7pm. on Saturday night next 29th November. All candidates and their parents are asked to attend.
LISTOWEL ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FOOD AND CRAFT FAIR celebrating its 20th Anniversary takes place in Listowel Community Centre,on this Sunday November 23rd, 10.30am-5.00pm.A perfect way to end the weekend in one of Ireland's finest Food Festivals
ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE & PRESENTATION SECONDARY SCHOOLS present X Factor on Thursday next 27th November at 7.30pm in St. Michael’s College. A great night of entertainment, singing, dancing and comedy. Your support would be much appreciated.
MEALA BEREAVEMENT GROUP will hold their monthly meeting at Listowel Family Resource Centre on Wednesday November 26 at 8pm.
ANNUAL SPINATHON FUNDRAISER FOR LISTOWEL COMMUNITY CENTRE takes place on Friday 5th December in the Square, Listowel. It promises to be a fun day with entertainment from local school kids, zumba dancers and a mega spin off between the Garda, Fire fighters, Publicans, Traders, Instructors & Teachers.
ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE Bereavement Support Day: Sat 29th Nov 10-4.30pm with Sr Mary Lalor & Maire Geraghty-Stewart Advent Weekend Retreat: Fri. Dec. 5th - Sunday 7th, led by Adrian Farrelly OP. Residential and Non-residential places available.
Bookings & info tel: 066-7134276.
FESTIVE JUMBLE SALE items are currently being sought for a festive jumble sale to be held at Listowel Family Resource Centre on Tuesday December 2 from 12 noon-3oulpm., old or unwanted items including books and toys sought. All items sold at low cost prices. Further details available from 068 23584 .
RECOVERY HAVEN - CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE will host a talk by Dr. Tony Humphries - "The Compassionate Intentions of Illness" at Ballygarry Hotel Tralee, onNovember 26th at 7.30pm. Admission Free.
KNOCK SHRINE 2014 MINI NIGHT VIGIL December 7th 2014 Vigil Programme 8pm. Confessions in the Chapel of Reconciliation 9pm. Rosary & Holy Hour Mass 11pm. – Midnight. Fare €25 per seats as per last year. Coach will leave Listowel at 2.30pm. contact 068-31232 or 0873966399.
BAZAAR meeting Monday 24th Nov. at 7pm. in the parish room.
TROCAIRE SAYS THANKS: One year ago collections were held in each our churches across Ireland, including Listowel in response to humanitarian emergencies in Syria and the Philippines. These collections raised €5.1m which has supported Trócaire's response in both regions. Sincere thanks to everyone for their generosity, which helped approximately 725,000 people affected by these crises.