Pavlina Cilenti, M.A.


Address: Na Viru 447, Lety, 252 29

Phone/fax: +420 257 713 000

GSM: +420 777 038 575

ICQ: 278615893


Date of birth: February 2, 1974

Nationality: Czech


Philosophical Faculty, Charles University Prague (English and American Studies)

Major: American Literature (M.A. September 2000)


1994 Indian Creek Foundation, Harleysville PA (USA)

Direct Care Worker, Junior Coordinator (providing home and social programs

for persons with developmental disabilities, providing vocational training and searching

job opportunities for mild mental retarded adults)

1996/8 International Transport Security Ltd., Prague

Profiler and Operation Officer (passenger profiling program for Delta Airlines and Czech Airlines at the Prague Intl. Airport - passenger interviewing, suspicious passenger and baggage identification, document verification, customer service, close co-operation with the American Embassy in Prague and FAA (Federal Aviation Association)

1998 Intercontact, a.s. Prague

Assistant - Translator/Interpreter (personal assistant to an Irish team of consultants for

support and revitalizing of a national super- and hypermarket network; full-time translating and interpreting, interpreting at the company board meetings)

2000 CAPO REAL, a.s. Prague

Real Estate Broker (participation in the CzechInvest and Prague Business Journal Seminars and events)

Since 2001 EasyLink Business Services, Prague

Project Manager and Consultant in a market research company; matchmaking, marketing analyses, reports in English, preparation of the Irish Trade Mission in Prague (September 2001), Welsh Trade Mission (April 2002), Turkish Trade Mission (2003), Australian Mission (2004), Irish Trade Mission (2004); meeting arrangements, interpreting

Since 2000: Translating and interpreting services (Free-lance translator and interpreter)

Special fields: social sciences, business & law, criminology, automotive, human resources, literature & art, EU projects etc.

Clients: NH Ostrava, Dalnicni stavby Praha, a.s., Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention (Ministry of Justice), CAC Leasing, Stavby silnic a zeleznic, a.s., Nowaco, IKEA, Bosch Diesel Jihlava, Motorpal Jihlava, YAMAHA, KPMG, Accenture, etc.


PC skills - Microsoft Office, Internet

English - Crest School of English London (1993), M.A at the Charles University Prague (2000)

Other languages spoken and written: Italian