Teaching Italian as a Second Language

Prof. Cristina Bosisio


The course will present the theoretical and methodological foundations of language education applied to the teaching of Italian as a second language. The general principles and the most recent results of language acquisition applied to the teaching of Italian, likewise the psycho- and socio-linguistic effects of the appropriation of a non-native language will be the object of reflection and application in a diversified range of learning contexts.


1. Theoretical assumptions

– Teaching Italian as L2 in the sphere of language education.

– L1, L2, LS: some definitions.

– Teaching factors: variables and internal dynamics.

2. Foundations of language acquisition

– The pioneers of acquisitional studies.

– Contrastive analysis and error analysis.

– Inter-language and the “learning varieties”.

– The learner profile: variables at play.

– From the linguistic continuum to the theory of interdependence.

3. From learning to teaching Italian as L2: the current scenario

– Who, where and why? Markets (school, university, CTPs, businesses, etc.).

– What? Skills (from communicative skill to “multi-skill”).

– How? Teaching approaches, methods and techniques.


Attending students:

Course notes (lecture notes, the materials published on Blackboard, any photocopies and/or work done in class).

C. Bosisio, Dagli approcci tradizionali al Quadro comune europeo di riferimento. Riflessioni glottodidattiche e applicazioni per l’insegnante di italiano L2, EDUCatt, Milan, 2005.

C. Bosisio, Interlingua e profilo d’apprendente: uno sguardo diacronico tra linguistica acquisizionale e glottodidattica, EDUCatt, Milan, 2012.

Non-attending students

M. Chini, Che cos’è la linguistica acquisizionale?, Carocci, Coll. Le Bussole, Rome, 2005.

C. Bosisio, Dagli approcci tradizionali al Quadro comune europeo di riferimento. Riflessioni glottodidattiche e applicazioni per l’insegnante di italiano L2, EDUCatt, Milan, 2005.

C. Bosisio, Interlingua e profilo d’apprendente: uno sguardo diacronico tra linguistica acquisizionale e glottodidattica, EDUCatt, Milan, 2012.

Any additional information on the reading list will be indicated in class and published on the lecturer’s webpage (http:\\docenti.unicatt.it\\ita\\cristina_bosisio).


Lectures, guided practical assignments, group projects, creating and participating in online forums (via Blackboard).


Oral exam, practical assignments.


The student is invited to check the lecturer’s webpage regularly for updates, study materials and other information.

Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG, or on the Faculty notice board.