
Circle the two activities you did to practice your spelling words.

1)  Write your spelling words in ABC order.

2)  Make a word search using your spelling words.

3)  Write each spelling word and its value (vowels = 2 points consonant = 1 point)

4)  Create a cartoon that includes some of your spelling words.

5)  Write each spelling word in a sentence and underline the spelling word.

6)  Draw apicture foreach word.

7)  Trace your spelling words three times each in sand, shaving cream, pudding or water.

8)  Write a story or poem using as many of the spelling words as you can.

9)  Createa crossword puzzle using your spelling words.

10)  Type your spelling words on the computer.

11)  Make a color code for your spelling words and write out your spelling words

using this code.(For example vowels are red and consonants are blue.)

12)  Take a practice test of your spelling words.

13)  Rainbow words: Write your words infour different colors. Write it once with one color, then choose another color andtrace overthe word. Repeat with two more colors.

14)  Use letter stamps, magnetic letters, yarn or clay to form your spelling words.

15)  Cut out letters from magazines or the newspaper to spell your words.

16)  Write spelling words on index cards and cut index cards apart into puzzle pieces (Cut in between each letter c/a/t). Try to put your spelling puzzles back together.

17)  Play bingo with spelling words. Draw a simple bingo board on paper and write spelling words in the boxes. When someone gets Bingo,he or shemust spell and say the words out loud to win.

18)  Use chalk to draw a hopscotch board outside and write a spelling or vocabulary word in each square. If you land on a square, you have to say the word and spell it to stay there.

19)  Make up your own spelling activity.

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