Consumer goods
Automotive industry

Brussels, 08 October 2009

ENTR.F1/KS D(2009)

New WLTP driving cycle:

Minutes of meeting of European representatives of 5 October 2009 on driving data collection


1.Adoption of Minutes of EU-WLTP meeting of 9 September 2009

The minutes have been adopted with some changes, in particular to the contributions individual Member States want to make the EU-WLTP process. The revised minutes are available on the Circa group.

2.contributions t o European Driving Data Collection

ACEA: "Historical" driving data collected by vehicle manufacturers for normal development and business processes are being analysed. First results should be available by end of 2009 from individual vehicle manufacturers: technical information about vehicle, routing, driving patterns (accelerations, speeds etc.). In addition to a comprehensive report, which contains consolidated data, the underlying unprocessed data will be made available by vehicle manufacturers to EU-WLTP.

JRC and ACEA (represented by Heinz STEVEN) will define a common data format for the report asap. JAMA and KAMA are encouraged to join the European industry process for supplying driving data for EU-WLTP.

Industry still has to assess whether resources for WLTP specific new data collection are available.

FIA:Focus will be and data collection in South-America. However, FIA (e.g. ADAC) will check on the availability of historical driving data in Europe. Possibility to set up a data collection process in Europe if budget becomes available.

3.Technical Issues

3.1.Weighting factors

Weighting factors will determine how specific driving situations, e.g. urban/non-urban/motorway driving should be represented in the future mandated driving cycle. Although some environmental-political considerations will play a role, they should be largely derived from real traffic distributions. Individual Member States are encouraged to investigate the availability of statistical information from traffic monitoring to be used for defining the weighting factors, e.g.

-On road category (e.g. urban, sub-urban & motorway) use, i.e. annual mileages, average speeds on different road categories.

-Peak/off-peak traffic (including the respective definitions for these two terms)

-Trip length distributions

-Soak time distributions (if available)

3.2.Format of (new) driving data to be collected

For the collection of new driving data a common scope and format should be used. The definition of such common format/scope should however not preclude the use of historical data, which do not provide all the information requested. Subject to a check against the common WLTP definitions and acknowledging the need of a harmonisation of the terminology with WLTP, EU-WLTP suggests to collect (at least) the data below. JRC and ACEA (Heinz STEVEN) will define a more precise technical data format that can be directly used for data collection purposes until end of October 2009.

3.2.1.General information

–Vehicle category (M1, N1, …)

–Make/model (if not in conflict with privacy)

–Engine type (fuel used, charged/non-charged)

–Engine displacement

–Curb mass

–Transmission type

–Number of gears

–Rated power

–Rated maximum speed

–Year of first registration

–Emission category (Euro 1-6) (if available)

–Adaptive speed equipment (i.e. automatic warning for speed limits)

–Cruise control

–Gear shift indicator

–Gender of the driver

–Age of the driver

–Is the driver in charge of fuel expenses (Yes/No)?

3.2.2.Journey information

–Starting date & time of the journey

–End date & time of the journey

–Weather conditions (if available)

–Vehicle occupation (number of persons) and/or load (in kg)

3.2.3.Continuous information (resolution at least 1 Hz)

–Continuous time signal

–Vehicle position (if GPS is available)

–Vehicle speed (from both OBD and GPS if available)

–Vehicle acceleration (from OBD, GPS and accelerometer if available)

–Engine speed

–Engine torque (if available)

–Temperature (if available)

–Road slope (if available)

–Altitude (if available)

–Gear used (if available)

–Clutch signal (if available)

–Brake signal (if available)

–Recommended gear (if available)


The companies Drivaware and Semtech AM gave presentations on their equipment for collecting driving data under real driving conditions. The presentations are available at the Circa group.

5.Next Meeting

The next EU-WLTP meeting is scheduled for 23 November 2009 in the Commission meeting room BREY 5/A, Avenue d'Auderghem 45, B-1049 Brussels.