APEC Project Monitoring Report
SECTION A: Project profile
Project number & title: / Project No. CTI 26 2014A - The Impact of Government Policy on Promoting New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) – The Evidence in APEC EconomiesTime period covered in report: / 6 months / Date submitted: / 1 August 2016
Committee / WG / Fora: / CTI
Project Overseer Name: Organization / Economy / Yuan ZOU, China
SECTION B: Project update
Briefly answer each of the questions below to a maximum of 2-3 pages. If you have submitted previous Monitoring Reports, focus on progress since the last report.
- Current status of project:
On schedule: YES
On budget: YES
On target to meet project objectives: YES
If NO, provide details: How far off schedule, budget or objectives? What actions are being taken to resolve delays? What support is needed from your Committee or the Secretariat?
- Implementation: Describe progress against the project work plan and proposed objectives.
- Were adjustments made to the scope or timing of the project?
- What outputs (e.g. agenda, report, workshop, tools, best practices) have been delivered? How have/are these outputs being utilised?
The latest progress has been reported at the 2015 Automotive Dialogue in Philippines. Based on the instruction from program director, the new evaluation panel has been reformed to evaluate the proposals from the potential contractors. The representatives from co-sponsor economy and other economies has been approved to serve as members of evaluation panel.
- Mr. Madani Sahari, AD representative from Malaysia,, Director of Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI)
- Ms. Fateha Aziz, AD representative from Malaysia,, Researcher at Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI)
- Mr. Tiande Mo, AD representative from Hong Kong, , Hong Kong Productivity Council
- Ms. Denise Hung, AD representative, , Automotive Research center
- Prof. Yaojung Shiao, Chair and Professor, , Dept. of Vehicle Engr. National Taipei University of Technology.
After the hardworking from the evaluation panel, all the evaluation form has been received on July 27th 2016. With the evaluation, Beijing Capital Energy Technology Co LTD is proposed to undertake this contract. The PO has submitted all the evaluation formsto the secretariat via the PD. The project will still be monitored according to the timeline and the plan.
- Evaluation: What are the indicators developed under the project to measure progress/success? Has baseline information or evaluation results been collected? How will any potential impacts on gender be measured? If relevant please provide details.
The project is in the process of contractor evaluation and will be implemented according to the specified schedules.There is no potential impact on gender.
- Challenges: If not covered in Q1, describe any issues which impacted (or might still impact) on the effective delivery of the project. How have these affected the objectives, deliverables, timeline or budget? What are the risk management strategies in place to manage potential or real risks
For the time being, there is no issue which may impact on the effective delivery of the project. During the process, this project has attracted more attention in AD. We got many valuable suggestions about the project.
The current task is to select a proper contractor to undertake the defined task. The potential risk is the implementation scheduling of the project. The PO will supervise the implementation of project according to the request of RFP and guidelines of APEC project.
- Engagement: Describe the engagement and roles of stakeholders in the implementation of the project, including other APEC fora, experts and participants.
The evaluation panel consists of the AD representatives and experts from the industrial and academicinstitution. This project has attracted more attention in AD. Some experts from co-sponsor and other economies gave valuable suggestions during Automotive Dialog.
FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLYAPEC comments: Is the project management effective? How could it be improved? Are APEC guidelines being followed?This project has faced a lot of challenges around selecting an appropriate contractor. In the original bidding no suitable contractor was determined. The PO requested a waiver from a new round of bidding. Conditional waiver was given by PD provided that the evaluation panel is reconstituted to include representatives of co-sponsoring economies. The panel was reconstituted, evaluated the proposal of Beijing Capital Energy Technology Co LTD and found the company suitable to undertake the task. The contracting process has started. The time constraints are the main challenge at this stage given that the project already has extension till the end of the year and further extension will not be possible without BMC approval.