¿Cómo eras de niño?

Task: You have a summer job at the “guardaría infantile” and several students speak Spanish. They are always asking you what you were like when you were their age. Create a music video that shows when you were young

1.  Prepare: Think about your childhood; what you were like, what things did you used to do, and what weren’t you allowed to do?

·  ¿Cómo eras?

·  ¿Con quién jugabas?

·  ¿Qué te gustaba más?

·  ¿Qué tenías que hacer?

·  ¿Qué no te permitían hacer?

2.  Create: Make a music video, starring you, to illustrate the above questions about you when you were young. Your lyrics will be the answers to the above questions.

Link below has PDF of lyrics (you just rewrite 2 verses personalizing them

& keep chorus the same):


Link below has music w/ lyrics (you just rewrite lyrics personalizing them):


Link below is just music w/o lyrics. You can play it in backround as you sing your lyrics.


3.  Practice: Practice your song several times. You cannot read the lyrics when you record your video. Provide as much information as possible on each of the talking points.

4.  Record: Talk about what you were like as a child. Label file with all members last names. Email your music video to any day prior to 6/3/15.

*10% deduction for each day late. Come for help doing test drop now (5/27/15).

Speaking Rubric

Below Average / SCORE 3
Good / SCORE 5
Completion of task / Describes what a student liked to do and mentions toys / Describes what a student liked to do and mentions toys: describes who student played with most of the time and favorite places student used to go / Describes what a student liked to do and mentions toys: describes who student played with most of the time and favorite places student used to go; describes how student used to behave
Accurate use of the imperfect / Many errors when using the regular and irregular forms of the imperfect tense / Some errors when using the regular and irregular forms of the imperfect tense / Very few errors when using the regular and irregular forms of the imperfect tense
Fluency / Many long pauses and false starts, with frequent resort to English / Some pauses and false starts, but thoughts expressed in short sentences / Few pauses and false starts, smoothly puts thoughts together.

·  On the due date you will be recorded again to ensure no aids were used in the production of your video.

Visual Rubric

Below Average / SCORE 3
Good / SCORE 5
Completion of task / Included visual data about:
what a student liked to do and toys / Included visual data about:
what a student liked to do and mentions toys: describes who student played with most of the time and favorite places student used to go / Included visual data about:
what a student liked to do and mentions toys: describes who student played with most of the time and favorite places student used to go; describes how student used to behave
Accurate depiction / Visuals rarely accurately depicted written data. Visuals did not appropriately depicted lyrics of the song. Sequence of lyrics and song did not coincide. / Visuals sometimes accurately depicted written data. Visuals sometimes appropriately depicted lyrics of the song. Sequence of lyrics and song sometimes did not coincide. / Visuals almost always accurately depicted written data. Visuals almost always appropriately depicted lyrics of the song. Sequence of lyrics and song almost always coincide.
Creativity / Visuals were somewhat unique an creative / Visuals were very unique an creative / Visuals were extra ordinarily unique an creative