Banstead Infant School
Safe Guarding Children and Young People
Code of Safe Conduct 2014
Agreed by Staff: Friday 14 February 2014
Agreed by Governors: 6 February 2014
Reviewed: annually and distributed to all staff and volunteers working in BansteadInfant School
The following gives a guide to appropriate conduct whilst working in or on behalf of BansteadInfant School. Adherence to this code will ensure that both children and adults are safe, including from the possibility of allegations being made against you. The Code of Safe Conduct has been drawn from the document Guidance for Safe Working Practice for the Protection of Children and Staff in Educational Settings (DCSF March 2009)and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ April 2014
The Designated Child Protection Officers (DCPOs) in school are Mrs Gill Harradine and Mrs Stephanie Storrar.
Key Principles
The welfare of the child is paramount.
All adults should act, and be seen to act, in the child’s best interests.
All adults are role models and should be aware of this at all times.
General Principles
Staff and volunteers are responsible for their own actions and behaviour and should avoid any conduct which would lead to any responsible person to question their motivation and intentions.
Staff and volunteers should work and be seen to work in an open and transparent way.
Staff and volunteers should discuss and/or take advice promptly from a senior member of staff over any incident which may cause concern.
Records should be made of any such incident and decisions made/further actions agreed.
Staff and volunteers should apply the same professional standards regardless of gender, race or sexuality.
Staff and volunteers should be aware that breaches of the law and other professional guidelines could result in criminal or disciplinary action being taken against them.
Specific Guidance
You must:
Behave in a mature, respectful, safe, fair and considered manner.
Provide a good example and “positive role model” to pupils.
Treat all children equally and never discriminate favourably or unfavourably towards any child or build “special” relationships with individual children.
Treat all children and adults with respect: not embarrassing or humiliating them, being sarcastic or making offensive remarks or jokes of a personal, racial, discriminatory, intimidating or otherwise offensive nature.
Be aware that even well intentioned physical contact can be misconstrued so never touch a child in a way which may be considered indecent or unwelcome or pull a child to move them.
Not participate in or encourage horseplay, tickling or fun fights
Never use, or threaten to use, force or physical action as a punishment.
Dress decently, safely and appropriately for the tasks undertaken.
Not accept or give (other than “token”) gifts unless arranged through school.
Ensure you are in a fit and proper state to work with children e.g. not whilst taking medication which could lead to drowsiness or under the influence of alcohol.
Respect other people’s rights to confidentiality (unless you need to report something to the Head Teacher regarding child protection concerns)
Always remain in public view if working alone one to one with a child i.e. keeping door open, working in sight of others. Where possible, volunteers should work within or near the class and not in isolation.
Refrain from smoking (this includes e-cigarettes) anywhere on school site (Please note that smoking on school site is a criminal offence).
Follow the school’s security arrangements regarding signing in, wearing a visitor’s badge and keeping doors closed/locked.
- Politely challenge anyone not wearing a school identification badge within school as to who they are and what are they doing.
- Mobile phones and personally-owned devices may not be used during lessons or formal school time. They should be switched off (or silent) at all times.[jh1][SS2][SS3]
- Staff should not use personal devices such as tablets, mobile phones or cameras to take photos or videos of pupils and will only use school provided equipment for this purpose.
- Communication between children and adults, by whatever method, should take place within clear and explicit professional boundaries
- Adults should not share any personal information with a child or young person. They should not request, or respond to, any personal information from the child, other than that which might be appropriate as part of their professional role. Adults should ensure that all communications are transparent and open to scrutiny
Report to the Head Teacher:
Any behaviour or situation which may give rise to complaint, misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
Any difficulties you experience e.g. coping with an unruly child, situations you anticipate you may not be fully qualified, skilled or trained to handle well.
- Any behaviours of another person working for the school which gives you cause for concern.
- Report any behaviour or situation involving the Head Teacher which is causing concern to the chair of Governors, Mrs Joan Hornsby
Further details and information can be found in the following documents:
Procedure for contacting Social Care – details to be found on Child Protection Statement in ‘Sign In’ book and displayed in every room around the school.
Safeguarding File – Big blue file kept on shelf in Head Teacher’s office. This includes general guidance, definition and categories of abuse, signs and indicators of abuse, ways of mapping marks, policies etc.
The following documents can all be found in the governor’s safeguarding section of the learning platform and as hard copies in the governor’s library in head teacher’s office.
- Guidance for Safe Working Practice for the Protection of Children and Staff in Education Settings DCSF 2009
- Working Together to Safeguard Children March 2013
- Keeping Children Safe in Education April 2014
- Keeping Children Safe in Education: information for all school and college staff April 2014
Agreed: February 2014 Review: February 2015
[jh1]See comment on safeguarding policy – these comments don’t seem to match