Learning and Conditioning
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to :
1. Define what is meant by conditioning and state its relationship to learning.
2. Define learning, and state its relationship to behavior.
3. Define classical conditioning and distinguish it from operant conditioning.
4. Explain how classical conditioning occurs.
5. Explain and define UCS, CS, UCR, and CR, list their characteristics, and explain their relationship to each other.
6. Define conditioning trial and test trial
7. Define delayed conditioning, simultaneous conditioning, and trace conditioning, and specify which ones are likely to result in learning associations.
8. Define extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination.
9. Specify how predictability is related to learning.
10. Explain the role that biology plays in the ability to form associations between stimuli and responses.
11. Explain Watson’s “Little Albert” experiment with regard to the terms listed in (5) and (8).
12. Define counterconditioning.
13. Explain how classical conditioning principles, and expectations, can affect illness and other physiological effects.
14. Define operant conditioning and state its assumptions.
15. Define contingency.
16. Apply the terms in (8) to operant conditioning.
17. Define successive approximations and explain the process of shaping behavior.
18. Explain Thordike’s Law of Effect.
19. Define positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. State their relationship to the frequency of behavior.
20. Differentiate between escape training active avoidance training, passive avoidance training, and omission training.
21. Explain how the delay of reinforcement or punishment affects learning. Distinguish its effects between animals, children and adults.
22. Distinguish between each of the following pairs, and state their effects on learning and extinction.
- continuous and partial reinforcement
- ratio and interval schedules
- fixed and variable schedules.
23. List the disadvantages of punishment. Outline a better way to modify behavior, and explain why it is better.
24. Explain how superstitious behavior is learned and why it is maintained.
25. Explain Seligman’s learned helplessness experiment.
26. List possible consequences to learned helplessness, and specify ways to reduce its occurrence.
27. Explain the principles and implementation of behavior modification.
28. Explain what a token economy is, and list its advantages and disadvantages.
29. Outline the effect that instinctive behaviors have on learning, and define instinctual drift.
30. Explain why cognitive factors are important in understanding learning.
31. Define insight learning, observational learning, and cognitive maps.
32. Explain the experiments of Kohler, Bandura, and Tolman.