Murray State University Course Syllabus

Department of Music

I. Title: MUS 302: Choral Methods

II. Catalog Description: Methods, materials and pedagogy related to the teaching of choral music in the elementary, junior/middle school and senior high school choirs. Students must be of junior standing. REQUIRED FOR ALL MUSIC EDUCATION MAJORS.

III. Purpose: This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills necessary for the successful teaching of choral music. The students will explore a variety of teaching methods/techniques and will have the opportunity to practice/observe these methods through teaching practicums and classroom observations. In addition, the students will develop everyday management skills necessary for a successful choral program.

IV.  Course Objectives: The student will:

1.  Develop a working philosophy of choral music based on pragmatic skills;

2.  Demonstrate effective teaching through video-taped teaching practicums and on-demand task assessments;

3.  Be able to discuss potential classroom management stategies;

4.  Be able to demonstrate an understanding of sequential music learning through appropriately planned rehearsals;

5.  Develop a packet of materials for use in the academic justification and promotion of choral music programs to school administrations and parents.

V.  Content Outline:

I.  Teaching Singing

A.  Vocal Function

1.  Posture/Body Alignment

2.  Breath

3.  Resonance

4.  Vowel Placement

5.  Vibrato

II.  Beginning to Teach Choir

A.  Auditions

1.  Vocal ranges, colors, classification

2.  Recruiting (Building a progam)

B.  Choral Blend

1.  Diction

2.  Choral Seating

3.  Vowel Alignment

4.  Proper Vocal Function

C.  Rehearsal Techniques

1.  Warm-ups

2.  Sight-reading

3.  Score-marking

4.  Rehearsal Pace

5.  Concert Planning/Literature Selection

6.  Publicity

III. Teaching Methods

A.  Curriculum Development

B. Classroom Management

1.  Approval/Disapproval

2.  Complete Teaching Sequences

3.  High/Low Magnitude

B.  Assessment

1.  Performance-Based

2.  Authentic

3.  Continuous

IV. Why teach people to sing?

A.  Aesthetic Education

B.  Curricular Music Education/Performance

VI.  Instructional Activities: Lecture, teaching practicums, on-demand task assessment, observations, portfolio, and choral repertory cards.

VII.  Field and Clinical Experiences: The students will complete two (2) field observations, on-demand task assessments, and 3 teaching practicums.

VIII.  Resources: The textbooks, handouts, articles from The Choral Journal, the Music Educators Journal and other appropriate journals along with selected repertory.

IX.  Grading Procedure:

1.  Completion of all On-Demand Task Assessments (350 points): (see grade sheet for descriptions.

2.  Portfolio (100 points): Portfolios should be maintained during the semester. They should be kept as up-to-date as possible and be neatly and efficiently organized. They should include all classnotes; observations; library cards; transcriptions of video-taped practicums, on-demand tasks; handouts; exams; and other appropriate materials.

3.  2 Observations (50 points)

4.  Choral Music Library (100 points)

5.  Class Attendance (100 points) as per grade sheet

X.  Attendance Policy: This course adheres to the policy published in the MSU Undergraduate Bulletin.

XI.  Academic Honesty Policy: Cheating, plagiarism (submitting another person’s materials as one’s own), or doing work for another person who will receive academic credit are all impermissible. This includes the use of unauthorized books, notebooks, or other sources in order to secure or give help during an examination, the unauthorized copying of examinations, assignments, reports, or term papers, or the presentation of unacknowledged materials as if it were the student’s own work. Disciplinary action may be taken beyond the academic discipline administered by the faculty member who teaches the course in which the cheating took place.

XII.  Text/References:


Phillips, Kenneth: Teaching Kids to Sing. New York: Schirmer Books, 1996.

Henson, B.R. Rhythmic Diction: A Musical Approach to Choral Diction, San Antonio, TX: Southern Music Co., 1990.

VHS Formatted Video-tape

Prerequisites: Students should be of junior standing and Music Education Majors.