A Meeting of The Medical Group Patient Participation Group held in
OnTuesday 13th December 2016 at Meadowfield Surgery
Present / BL, JL, JE, DT, BJ, KMc, PR, JMc, Karen Elgey & Deborah WilkinsonApologies / JM, CL, EH, JK, TT, HD & Lesley Hunter
Minutes: / Deborah Wilkinson
Esh Winning Surgery Update / Karen informed the meeting the practice has received the signed letter from NHS Properties to go ahead with Esh Winning rebuild. It was hoped that building work would have started 9th December however work will not start until 9th January 2017. As the work is part funded by NHS Properties the part of the building which is funded by them must be invoiced by the end of March 2017, which could be a struggle. The aim is that all building work will be complete by May 2017. Karen explained that it might be a difficult period over the next few months but that we will try our best to keep a normal service for patients. The dispensary has been temporarily moved to Tow Law and there is a poster displayed in Esh Winning Surgery to informing patients of this.
CQC / The practice has received a draft copy of the CQC report which covers 5 key lines of enquiry – Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive & Well-led. The practice has gained an overall good rating across all five areas. The report is very positive; Karen read out the section regarding the practice patient reference group and feedback from patients. Once the official report is received it will be available both on the CQC website and the practice website.
Future Meeting Dates / The patient reference group meeting dates for 2017 are as follows;
January 26th Thursday 2.00- 3.00 LP
February 27th Monday 6.00 – 7.00 UM
March 28th Tuesday 6.00 – 7.00 MF
April 20th Thursday 2.00 – 3.00 LP
May 22nd Monday 6.00 – 7.00 TL
June 27th Tuesday 6.00 – 7.00 EW
July 20th Thursday 2.00 – 3.00 LP
August 21st Monday 6.00 -7.00 UM
September 19th Tuesday 6.00 -7.00 TL
October 19th Thursday 2.00 – 3.00 LP
November 20th Monday 6.00 – 7.00 EW
December 12th Tuesday 6.00 – 7.00 MF
Feedback from Other Meetings / NDPRG Meeting
BJ expressed his disappointment in the last NDPRG meeting as questions raised at the last patient reference group meeting were unable to be answered because some CCG members were absent. Discussions took place regarding tier I and tier II physiotherapy; a patient was initial declined tier II physiotherapy as although their GP referred to this service the senior physiotherapist downgraded the referral to tier II, undermining the GP and resulting in a delay in treatment for the patient. PR attended a sub-focus group meeting which Dr O’Brien was present so took the opportunity to enquire if the tier II service can downgrade referrals, Dr O’Brien eventually confirmed this and the reason given is that GP’s are not specialists in this area.
RSO was discussed again and BL read out a letter which Dr Bhatti wrote explaining that it is not mandatory for GP’s to refer via RSO especially if patients refuse to pass their details onto the private company. The RSO service will be reviewed in a couple of months’ time. JMc enquired whether our RSO letters are seen locally at Durham, it was thought by Karen & Deborah that this was not the case however will find out where our letters are seen.
PPCE Meeting
PR attended a PPCE meeting recently and explained that big changes are going to happen within the NHS. PR explained that the Hubs will be going ahead as the CCG have appointed an Integration Manager; Stanley Health Centre has been named as one of the Hub locations and another will be based in Shotley Bridge. Durham will also have two Hub locations. The CCG wish to see cross working within GP Practices, Karen confirmed that Derwentside practices already do this. PR also explained that the sustainability plans are to be signed off by January 2017 but that not many patients are aware of these plans. It was discussed that the practice should promote awareness of this and Karen suggestion information could be put on the practice TV’s directing patients to the CCG link on our website.
Any Other Business / The group wished to send Lesley Hunter, Practice Manager a bouquet of flowers to wish her a speedy recovery; Karen agreed to arrange this and PRG members will make a donation at the next PRG meeting.
There being no other businessThe Meeting closed at 19:10
The next meeting is on Thursday 26th January 2017 at Langley Park Surgery
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