The Changing Landscape of Educational Leadership and Management

6th - 8th October 2006

AstonBusinessSchool, Birmingham, England

Keynote Speakers

JimSpillane, Northwestern University

Mike Gibbons, DfES Innovation Unit

Panellists to include:

Rosemary Campbell, Investing in Diversity

Charles Ward, General Secretary, British Association of Educational Psychologists

BELMAS Annual Conferences have a reputation for being informative, stimulating and, importantly very convivial occasions which offer much to practitioners and academics alike. We extend a very warm invitation both to regular attendees and those who may be considering attending for the first time.This year, for the first time, we are arranging the Conference Programme to give more time for interaction, with panel discussions, as well as members papers.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘The Changing Landscape of Educational Leadership and Management’. It is a highly appropriate topic for the Conference to address. In all parts of the UK and elsewhere, there are significant developments currently underway and in prospect that will change the way schools and colleges are organised.

The Changing Landscape of Educational Leadership and Management

BELMAS 2006will be, like its predecessors, a high quality professional learning event, exploring current major issues and involving all those attending, whether as Keynote speakers or panellists, Paper, Seminar or Workshop presenters, or as active participants.

BELMAS 2006will also provide networking opportunities with and for colleagues from all over the world as well as an opportunity to enjoy entertainment which will show the energy and enthusiasm for the arts of local young people.

Conference Venue:

AstonBusinessSchool, Birmingham provides accommodation in good quality single en-suite rooms with some double rooms available. It is easily accessible from international airports, the motorway networks, and by rail and coach.

Conference Programme:

The programme will provide for an exploration of the many changes affecting educational leadership and will enable participants to contribute to the proceedings in a variety of formats, including

• a sharing of understandings with other professionals from the UK and around the world: headteachers, policy makers, teachers and researchers in education leadership

• keynote speakers of high repute exploring the latest developments in their fields; conference members sharing their recent work in papers, seminars and workshops;

• entertainment, receptions and Saturday Conference Dinner including presentation of the BELMAS Distinguished Service Award 2006, followed by dancing.

Conference Papers, Posters, Seminars, Presentations

Papers, Workshops and Seminars will be co-ordinated byChrisOates.

Please contact the BELMAS Office direct for the submission brief and forms.

Critical dates:

Submission of proposals: June 9th 2006

Proposals will be dealt with in order of receipt. Notification of acceptance will be sent to presenters as soon after submission as possible, and at the latest by June 26th 2006.

Conference Fees – per person

BELMAS Members Non Members

Residential (Full Conference incl Conf Dinner) £420 (£399) £460 (£445)

Non residential £240* (£230) £300* (£290)

Special Saturday Rate: £125* includes coffee, lunch and tea

*Conference Dinner may be booked at an additional cost of £35

Early Booking discount: With the exception of Special Saturday Rate and Conference Dinner, a discount will apply on fees for bookings made with full payment before July 28th 2006 (discounted figures in brackets).

Applications: must be made on the attached form and be accompanied by

• the full conference fee(s)


• a purchase order for invoicing (official order/ number; indicate payee number/ name/address)

Payments/cheques should be made to BELMAS CONFERENCE 2006 in UK Sterling only.

Invoices MUST be settled by 30 September 2006, unless otherwise agreed.

Cancellations will incur a minimum charge of £50. We regret that after the closing date for applications, refunds are discretionary.

Please send applications and remittances to:

Catherine Coates

BELMAS Conference Office

c/o SheffieldHallamUniversity

Collegiate Campus,

Sheffield S10 2BP.

Phone +44 (0) 114 225 2328 Fax +44 (0) 114 225 5649


Final date for applications: 29th September 2006

BELMAS Conference 2006 - Application Form

PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY and send to Catherine Coates at BELMAS

BELMAS Membership No. (if applicable) ______

Full conference (member/non-member) residential (*included) £

Full conference (member/non-member) non-residential £

Saturday only £

Conference Dinner* £

Total £

Title and First Name ______

Surname ______

Institution ______

Job Title ______

Institution Address ______

______Post Code ______

Email: ______
Phone/fax (with codes): ______

Correspondence Address ______

______Post Code ______

Email: ______

Phone/fax (with codes): ______

Special Requirements (e.g. vegetarian, disabled access etc)______

# Cheque payable toBELMAS Conference 2006to the value £ enclosed.


# Please invoice: Institution ______

Designated person ______ORDER NO.______

Address: ______

______Post Code ______

Tel. no. ______Fax no: ______

Signature ______Date ______

* Where a combined application is made, full details of each Delegate should be supplied.

# Complete as necessary