5-4 Ratification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights

Pages 170-173


-Supported the ______-Opposed the ______

-Wanted a ______-Feared that it gave too much

central govt______to the ______govt

-thought it offered a good ______-main problem was it didn’t

of ______


-States that supported: NJ, MD, GA, Conn -States that supported: VA, NY, NC


-Famous Supporters:-Famous Supporters:

-Both sides made ______and printed ______advocating their views.

The Federalist Papers played an important role in the fight for ratification of the Constitution

•Federalist Papers: series of essays supporting the Constitution (85 essays)

•Written anonymously by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison

•Federalist Papers argued that new federal government would not overpower states

•They explained and defended the Constitution

•Widely reprinted in newspapers around the country; influenced the Constitution debate

There were also Anti-Federalist Papers: series of articles written in opposition to the ratification of the Constitution.
Written by: George Clinton, Robert Yates, Samuel Bryan and included speeches by Patrick Henry

Primary Source

Look on page 172 in your book. Read the primary source ALONG with the information provided for you. Then in the space below, answer the following question:

Why does Madison think federalism will prevent disagreement?

  1. Ratification
  2. Only _____ States were required to pass it
  3. But wanted ______to show unity
  4. all but ______held special conventions
  1. gave citizens chance to discuss
  2. and vote on it
  3. Who ratified when
  4. Delaware was the ______
  5. ______was the 9th state
  6. Support needed
  7. by the bigger states:
  8. Vir:
  9. NY:
  10. RI:
  1. Bill of Rights

A. Many ratified only b/c promised a bill that would protect ______

B. Antifederalist: say Constitution not ______personal freedoms

C. Federalist: Not needed b/c Constitution ______was the bill of rights

1. It was written to ______the liberty of all citizens

D. Writing of the Bill of Rights

1. James ______

2. during the first ______of Congress

3. ______: official change

a. Article ______created a way to change it

b. How

i. approved by ____ majority of _____ houses

ii. THEN ratified by ___ of the states

E. Took ideas from




F. Bill of Rights:

Federalist/Antifederalist Quick write:

If you lived during this time, would you have been a Federalist or an Anti-federalist? (This is your claim.) Use textual evidence to support your position. You should have at least 2 pieces of evidence to support your claim. (go back and look at your American Revolution Perspective Claim & Evidence sheet if you need help remembering how to do this!!)

Answer this on another piece of notebook paper titled “ Federalist/Antifederalist Quick write” Put it in you’re the back of your journal section.