Windows 8.1 Operating System Lesson # 6 –Windows Store and Desktop Programs

In previous lessons we explained the difference between Windows Store and traditional Desktop programs. Here we will explore the Windows Store, download a program and install it. We will also search for a traditional Desktop program and install that one. We will contrast how the two programs operate and then uninstall both.

Turn Computer K on and log in

  • Trip the switch on the surge protector.
  • Press the On button on top of the computer tower. Wait for the computer to boot.

Since this computer is a dual boot you need to choose an Operating System.

  • If it appears, click on Windows 8.1.

Note 1: Most commonly a dark screen with “Choose an operating system start…” will appear.

  • Windows 8.1 should be highlighted, so just press the Enter key.
  • If it is not highlighted, use the Up arrow key to select it; then press the Enter key.
  • Click anywhere on the colorful Lock screen to continue.

Note 2: Two accounts have been set up on the computer. If the last account open was Lab User, then the computer will open directly into its Desktop, because that account does not require a password. For these lessons you need to log into the Computer Group account.

If you were not asked for a password and the Desktop appears, to change the log in to Computer Group:

  • RIGHT click on Start.
  • Point to Shut down or sign out.
  • Go straight across and click on Sign out.
  • Click anywhere to get past the Lock screen.
  • Wait for the Accounts screen to appear and click on Computer Group.

On the Computer Group log in screen, when asked for the password:

  • Type in the password provided by your instructor and press Enter.

Download and Install a Windows Store App

You can only download Windows Store programs from the Start Screen.

  • Click on Start to get the Start Screen.
  • Move the mouse to the right edge and scroll to the green Storetile with the shopping bag image at lower left.
  • Click on it. Wait for the Title to open.
  • At top right of the screen, click in the Search for apps box andtype Solitaire.
  • Click on Microsoft Solitaire Collection.
  • If needed, click again.
  • Click on Install.

This will take two or three minutes. Wait tillthe message a top right saying that the app is installing changes to saying that it was installed.

  • Point to the top right corner and click on the Xto close the installation window.
  • If the Desktop appears, click on the Start button to get the Start Screen.
  • On the Start Screenfind the down arrow with the notice of the new app. Click on it to view the installed apps.
  • Find the Microsoft Solitaire Collection tile(in alpha order) and note the message that it is new.
  • Click on the Microsoft Solitaire Collection tile.
  • Close any messages that may pop up.
  • Select one of the games by clicking on is tile.
  • If you wish to play the game, follow the directions on the screen.
  • Point to the top right corner and click on the X to close the game window.

Uninstall a Windows Store App

  • Click on Start to get the Start Screen.
  • At lower left click on the down arrow to view the installed apps.
  • Find and RIGHT click on Microsoft Solitaire Collection.
  • Amenuwill appear. Click Uninstall.
  • Click on Uninstallagain to confirmthe operation.
  • Wait for the process to complete.
  • At the bottom of the screen, click on the up arrow to get to the Start screen.

Updating apps

Installing updates for the apps on our computer improves security and often corrects problems oradd features. You will be notified when updates are available for any of the installed apps. A link will appear in the top-right cornerof the live Store tile indicating how may tiles are eligible for updates.

To update apps:

  • If anyupdatesare available, click on theUpdateslink at the top-right of the Store screen.

A list of apps withavailableupdateswill appear.

  • Select the app to update and click theInstall buttonat the bottom of the screen to download and install the updates.

The updates will bedownloadedand installed.

  • If you are not on the Desktop, click in the lower left corner to bring it up.

Download and Install a Desktop Program

Notes: In the steps below you will be downloading and installing an executable program to the folder C:\Work-CG. On your home computer, if you do not have a separate folder for downloads set one up. It is useful to save the downloaded installation files in case you need them later.

When offered a choice of servers from which to download, keep in mind the possibility of accompanying spyware and choose the one that appears safest. If you don’t trust any, or if you have to accept other software to download it, don’t download.

In some downloads you may get an Information Bar that pops up at the top or bottom of the screen and pop up UAC notices. Confirm that you want to download the program, either by clicking on the bar confirming the operation or on Click here to download.

  • On the Desktop, log onto the search engine.
  • Search for WavePad download.
  • Open the WavePad - NCH Softwarelink.
  • Find the paragraph starting withGet it Free.
  • In the lower part of it click on download the free version here.
  • Do not click on Open (do not install the program directly).
  • Click on the down triangle () next toSave.
  • Click on Save as.
  • If you do not see the Save As window, click on the – sign at top right to minimize the I/E window to the Task bar.
  • In the Save As window’s left Navigation panel scroll down and click on the triangle () in front ofWin 8 (C:).
  • Scroll down toC:\Work-CG and click on it.
  • Check that Work-CG shows in the address bar at top andwpsetup.exe shows next toFile name: box below.
  • Click on Saveat lower right.
  • If you get a message that the program already exists, click on Yes to replace it.
  • Close all windows.
  • On the DesktopDOUBLE click on This PC.
  • Click on the triangle () in front of Win 8 (C:).
  • Use the left Navigation bar to browse to C:\ Work-CG and open it.
  • DOUBLE click on wpsetup.exe.
  • Click on Yes for the User Account Control notice.
  • In the ULA notice screen, click in the circle next to I accept the license terms.
  • Click on Accept at right.
  • On the Optional Programs and Extras screen click on Finish.
  • If a notice asking to install Chrome appears, click on the box next to Install Google Search Chrome as default browser to remove the check mark there.
  • Click on Finish.
  • Click on X at upper right to close the window.

The WavePad program window appears.

If anMP3 file in the Music folder does not open automatically,

  • Click on File on the Menu bar.
  • Click on Open File.
  • In the left navigation pane click on Music.
  • DOUBLE click on the file Naxos-New Orleans.mp3.
  • Click on Open below to open it.
  • If you wish, borrow the earphones from Computer I and experiment with the program.
  • If you borrowed the earphones, return them to Computer I.
  • Close all windows
  • On the Task bar click on theFile Explorer icon.
  • In the left Navigation panel click on the triangle () in front of Win 8 (C:).
  • Click on the triangle () in front of the different folders shown below to browse lower down on the screen and find

C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs.

  • In the LEFT panel click on Programs.
  • Be careful not to not activate anything else on the screen.

In the RIGHT panel DOUBLE click on the shortcut to WavePad Sound Editorto open the program.

  • Close all windows.

The above displays the folder where the shortcuts are stored that are listed on the Start Menu, All Programs. You can add or delete shortcuts in this folder to edit the Start Menu.Donot place executable filesthere. Becareful in handling the system folders along the path, do not accidentally drag them into other folders.

We will now uninstall the WavePad Sound Editor program.

  • RIGHT click on Start.
  • Click on Programs and Features.
  • Scroll down to WavePad Sound Editor.
  • DOUBLE click on it.
  • Place a dot in the circle next to Uninstall this software.
  • Click on Next.
  • Click in the circle next to No, I don’t want to tell you to place a dot there.
  • Click on Finish.
  • Click on Continue to clear the notice that the uninstall is complete.
  • Shut down the computer as previously instructed.

Win8-6-(Windows-Store-&-Desktop-Programs).doc 9/1/2014 P. 1 of 6