Attachment 2.

Submitted by Canada to the Small Inter-sessional Working Group

November 7, 2003

Revised Table of Content for the preparation of revised draftGeneral technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants

  1. Introduction


Provide guidance on waste management, treatment, disposal and destruction practices for POP wastes, addressing the Stockholm Convention issues on low POP content concentration, levels of destruction and irreversible transformation, when destruction/irreversible transformation do not constitute the environmentally preferable option and what constitutes environmentally sound disposal methods applicable to POP wastes that do not require destruction/ irreversible transformation. These guidelines will be used in the development of more detailed technical guidelines for each POP waste.

1.2About POPs

General information on characteristics of POPs, the health and environmental concerns they raised and international actions developed to control them during their life cycle management.

  1. Relevant provisions in the Stockholm Convention and in the Basel Convention

2.1Stockholm Convention

2.1.1 General provisions

Objectives of the Stockholm Convention and categories of POPs addressed by this convention.

2.1.2 POP waste related provisions

Categories of POP wastes addressed by the Stockholm Convention and discussion of the Stockholm Convention Articles 3, 5 and 6 plus Annex A, Part II. Discussion on the definition of disposal and on recycling and mixing issues.

2.2Basel Convention

2.2.1 General provisions

Objectives of the Basel Convention and categories of wastes addressed by thisconvention.

2.2.2 POP waste related provisions

Categories of POP wastes addressed by the Baselconvention Discussion on the definition of disposal and on recycling and mixing issues.

  1. Provisions in the Stockholm Convention to be addressed cooperatively with the Basel Convention

3.1Low POP content definition

Provides a list of the Contact Group’s and the SIWG’s suggestions for provisional definitions before COP 7. Refers to a separate Issue Paper for a more detailed discussion on provisional definitions and options.

3.2Levels of destruction and irreversible transformation definition

Provides a list of the Contact Group’s and the SIWG’s suggestions for provisional methods to establish levels before COP 7 (BAT/BEP, BAT/BEP in combination with destruction efficiency (DE) or detection limits or absolute levels). Refers to aseparate Issue Paper for more detailed discussion on provisional methods and options.

3.3Methods that constitute environmentally sound disposal

Provides general considerations with regards to issues in following subsections 3.3.1-3.3.3 including pre-treatment and disposal definition differences in the two conventions, POP waste disposal and site remediation.Refers to a more detailed technology discussion in subsection 4.7.

3.3.1Destruction or irreversible transformation methods

Discussion takes into considerationthe Contact Group’s and the SIWG’s suggestions on methods to be included.

3.3.2Other disposal methods when the POP content is low

Discussion takes into considerationthe Contact Group’s and the SIWG’s suggestionson methodsto be included.

3.3.3Other disposal methods when destruction or irreversible transformation does not represent the environmentally preferable option

Discussion takes into considerationthe Contact Group’s and the SIWG’s suggestions on methods to be included.

  1. Guidance on Environmentally Sound Management (ESM)

4.1General considerations

Discussion includes objectives on environmentally sound management under the Stockholm Convention, Basel Convention, OECD etc. Addresses also transboundary movements.

4.2Legislative and regulatory framework

Discussion includes key areas for the implementation ofthe Stockholm and the Basel Conventions provisions.

4.3Waste prevention and minimization

Discussion includes objectives and program management setting.

4.4Identification and inventories

Discussion includes both identification of wastes, stockpiles and contaminated sites.

4.5Analytical sampling and monitoring

Discussion includes needs for sampling in waste management activities and contaminated sites monitoring, and available sampling and analytical methods.

4.6Handling, collection, packaging, transportation and temporary storage

Discussion includes identification of issues, available and relevant guidance on these issues (includes safety, labelling, packaging, transportation and transboundary movement documentation).

4.7Environmentally sound destruction and disposal

Discussion includes the Contact Group’s and the SIWG’s suggestions.This section includes a comprehensive list with a detailed description of all methods/technologies available. This list could be duplicated entirely or in part in each technical guidelines.The location of this list in the General Technical guidelines is an interim procedure. A method to update this list will need to be established.


Discussion includes application consideration and techniques.

4.7.2Destruction and irreversible transformation methods

Discussion includes only technologies which are currently commercially available and are environmentally sound. Technologies that are currently operating on a pilot or test basis (emerging or innovative technologies) should also be mentioned but in a separate section. (OEWG Draft Decision 2.(e)).

Discussion includes also UNIDO Destruction Efficiency(DE)and Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DRE), a consolidated list of technologies from the two current draft documents with additional information;1)destruction efficiency and applicability of technology for each waste POP and for site remediation, 2) suggestion/ recommendation of technologies for each waste POP.

The discussion will consider the work conducted by the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the GEF on innovative technologies for use in developing countries and the technologies identified by the BAT/BEP Expert Group under the Stockholm Convention. available methods Methods in the pilot or test phase

Reference to Appendix 5.

4.7.3Other disposal methods when the POP content is low

Includes a list of methods with applicability for each waste POP and for site remediation, method selection criteria and suggestion/ recommendation of method for each waste POP where feasible. Includes a discussion on life-cycle management .

4.7.4Other disposal methods when destruction and irreversible transformation does not represent the environmentally preferable option

Includes a list of methods with applicability for each waste POP and for site remediation, and where feasiblemethod selection criteria and suggestion/ recommendation of method for each waste POP.

4.8Remediation of contaminated sites

Discusses approach to site decontamination, site decontamination criteria. Includes discussion on any additional information to the information provided in subsection 4.7 where necessary on on-site containment and technologies applicable to contaminated site remediation.

4.9Health and safety

Discusses general guidance to be provided on health and safety issues during the handling, storage and transportation of waste POPs.

4.10Emergency response

Discusses elements of an emergency response plan.

4.11Public participation

Discusses opportunities for public input at the national level in the implementation of the convention provisions.


  1. Relevant documents and guidelines/references
  2. Toxicological characteristics of the 12 POPs
  3. Stockholm Convention exemptions/acceptable purposes
  4. Basel Convention Annexes I,VIII, IX
  5. Destruction methods that are currently operating on a pilot or test basis

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