WGMS Competitions

Track & Field and Cross Country Programs

Are there different types of Meets?

Cross Country and Track & Field meets are very different. Cross Country competitions consist of only one event. The distance of each race varies depending on the host, the course, the age, and the fitness level of the runners. These races usually take place on natural terrain (parks, trails, farms, etc.). Track & Field has multiple running, throwing, and jumping events and usually takes place in stadiums or school Track & Field facilities. The Meets are opportunities to gain experience and knowledge through competition. Most are low-key and have varying levels of abilities. This changes when the qualifying meets begin and all of the best competitors converge in one place. The meets are almost always held on weekdays and usually finish in 2 (XC) to 4 (Track) hours. Some of the larger competitions and the qualifying meets are longer in duration. The first qualifying meet is the Division meet. Athletes need to compete in this meet in order to advance to the next meet, the Section Championships. At this meet athletes can attempt to qualify for the Santa Clara County meet. The location of these meets change based on who is hosting them each year.

We occasionally get invited to compete in meets hosted by groups other than our league (other middle schools, USATF, Footlocker, etc.). These meets usually have different formats, but share similar structure (grade level/age, length of course, entry requirements, etc.).

Where are the meets and when do I need to be there?

Most of the meets are held in the San Jose area, but occasionally we will travel up to 60 minutes for a competition. The Footlocker meet, club competitions, and some team outings may require traveling far and staying one or more nights. Check the WGMS team or the Mercury Running Club web sites for more details.

If you have ever been to a Track Meet before, you know that they are usually long and the exact time an event will start is usually unknown. Cross Country meets tend to have a rolling start but the first race usually starts on time. Plan to be there at least an hour before competition starts to take care of checkin, setup, and warm-up. Expect to stay for a while if doing multiple events in Track. Runners tend to perform better when they have the support of their teammates so we ask that you stay and cheer if you can.

Who do we run against?

There are 6 different teams in our league: 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys, 7th grade boys, 7th grade girls, C boys, and C girls. The C team can consist of any grade. Other leagues that we visit tend to have 6th grade teams instead of C teams. Some races may combine boys and girls or different grade levels to save time, but the runners are usually scored separately if this happens. USATF (Club) competitions have 2 year age groups (11-12, 13-14) and are also separated be gender.

Which events (Track& Field) can I participate in?

If you are an experienced athlete we usually support you on your choice of events. A coach will advise athletes, especially new ones, as to what event(s) would be most appropriate to compete in. Attempting events you have not trained for or do not have sufficient ability for can lead to injuries. Some events go well together, and some do not. We tend to have distance runners only running distance (with the exception of the 4x400), throwers throw, and sprinters-jumpers-hurdlers can be interchangeable within those three disciplines.

What do I do if I have scheduling conflicts between events at a track meet?

Running events take precedent over field events. Athletes should go to their field event, in between their running events, when they have sufficient time. Events are usually announced over a loud speaker, but you should always pay close attention just in case. If you are competing in a field event and you need go to a running event, consult with the person/official at the field event about leaving and returning before you go to run. There is a time limit for this, so check with your coach for more information.

How do I qualify for the championship meets?

For Track & Field events, teams are usually allowed 2-5 athletesper event. Cross Country usually takes the top 7 runners. The coach will decide who will compete for the team in each of these cases. Athletes must finish within the designated qualifying number for the next level of championship competition

What are the coach’s names and contact information?

If you have any questions throughout the season please don’t hesitate to call. The coach will be happy to assist you in any way.

Head Coach Cliff Pappadakis (Willow Glen) (408) 535-6277 (ext 315)