Course Design Guide
PSY/211 Version 3 / 6
/ Course Design Guide
College of Social Sciences
PSY/211 Version 3
Essentials of Psychology

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Course Description

This course overviews the foundations of psychology as the field applies to everyday life. The physical and mental aspects of psychology are traced through lifespan development with emphasis on psychological health and wellness. Further study focuses on personality; thinking, learning and memory; motivation and emotions; and gender and sexuality. Based in various historical traditions, the course is set in the context of contemporary psychological principles.


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Course Materials

Hockenbury D. H. & Hockenbury S. E. (2014) Discovering psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

All electronic materials are available on the student website.

Week One: A Brief History of Psychology
The Brain and Mind
Details / Due / Points
Objectives / 1.1  Describe the major perspectives in the field of psychology.
1.2  Identify research methods used by psychologists.
1.3  Identify major ethical issues in the field of psychology research.
1.4  Identify major structures and functions of the brain.
Readings / Read Ch. 1 of Discovering Psychology.
Readings / Read Ch. 2 of Discovering Psychology.
Participation / Participate in class discussion. / 2
Discussion Questions / Respond to weekly discussion questions. / 2
Activities and Preparation / Watch The Field of Psychology – Interactive Tutorial located at the following link:
Learning Team Instructions / Resource: Learning Team Toolkit
Complete the Learning Team Charter.
Introduction to Psychology Worksheet / Complete the Introduction to Psychology Worksheet located on the student web page. / 10
Week Two: Learning and Memory
Details / Due / Points
Objectives / 2 
2.1  Compare classical and operant conditioning.
2.2  Interpret a learning experience through the lens of observational learning.
2.3  Describe sensory, short-term, and long-term memory in relationship to each other.
Readings / Read Ch. 5 of Discovering Psychology.
Readings / Read Ch. 6 of Discovering Psychology.
Participation / Participate in class discussion. / 2
Discussion Questions / Respond to weekly discussion questions. / 2
Activities and Preparation / Watch the Learning with Change and Experience and Memory – Interactive Tutorial located at the following link:
/ Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing a single, informal learning experience that someone could have.
·  You may describe, for example, how someone could become afraid of heights, why a particular food or smell moves him/her emotionally, or why he/she dislikes elevators. The experience must be concrete and can be a singular experience or an experience that occurs over a longer period.
Describe the experience by applying learning theories to the steps involved in the learning experience. You are going to look at the experience from different learning perspectives-classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Be sure to include the following in your paper:
·  Describe how what was learned could have occurred through classical conditioning. Identify the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, the conditioned stimulus, and the conditioned response.
·  Explain how what was learned could have occurred through operant conditioning. Describe the behavior, consequence, and reinforcement. Indicate the schedule of reinforcement, if applicable.
·  Address how the learned experience could have occurred through observational learning.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. / 10
Learning Team
Memory Discussion / Submit a 300- to 500-word summary of the discussion of the following:
·  Explain the three stages of memory.
·  How might understanding how our memory works help us learn? / 2
Week Three: Thinking and Intelligence
Motivation and Emotions
Details / Due / Points
Objectives / 3 
3.1  Summarize theories of intelligence.
3.2  Compare different approaches to motivation.
3.3  Classify the range of emotions and related theories.
3.4  Explore the connection between psychological needs and motivation.
Readings / Read Ch. 7 of Discovering Psychology.
Readings / Read Ch. 8 of Discovering Psychology.
Participation / Participate in class discussion. / 2
Discussion Questions / Respond to weekly discussion questions. / 2
Activities and Preparation / Watch the Motivation and Emotion – Interactive Tutorial located at the following link:
Psychological Needs Paper / Write a 500- to 700-word paper about psychological needs as represented in Maslow’s hierarchy. Include the following:
·  Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
·  Does this hierarchy make sense to you? Explain your answer.
·  How does Maslow’s hierarchy relate to motivation?
·  Which need to you find most challenging?
·  Why is this need challenging? Why?
Format your paper according to APA standards. / 8
Learning Team
Motivation and Emotion Worksheet / Complete the Motivation, Emotions, and Intelligence Worksheet located on the student web page. / 8
Week Four: Lifespan Development
Details / Due / Points
Objectives / 4 
4.1  Outline physical, social, and cognitive development from childhood to late adulthood.
4.2  Compare theories of personality development.
4.3  Explain ways personality can be assessed.
Readings / Read Ch. 9 of Discovering Psychology.
Readings / Read Ch. 10 of Discovering Psychology.
Participation / Participate in class discussion. / 2
Discussion Questions / Respond to weekly discussion questions. / 2
Activities and Preparation / Watch the Children's Social Status tutorial located at the following link:
Personality Paper / Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about personality. Include the following:
·  Describe four perspectives of personality.
·  Compare three theories of personality development.
·  How is personality assessed? What are the benefits of these assessments?
·  What issues need to be considered with some personality assessments?
Format your paper according to APA standards. / 10
Learning Team
Development Matrix / Complete the Development Matrix located on your student web page. / 10
Week Five: Psychological Disorders
Psychological Health
Details / Due / Points
Objectives / 5 
5.1  Describe perspectives on normal versus abnormal behavior.
5.2  Identify the major classifications of psychological disorders.
5.3  Explain treatment approaches for psychological disorders.
5.4  Describe how people cope with stress.
5.5  Describe the physical, emotional, and cognitive effects of stress.
Readings / Read Ch. 12 of Discovering Psychology.
Readings / Read Ch. 13 of Discovering Psychology.
Readings / Read Ch. 14 of Discovering Psychology.
Participation / Participate in class discussion. / 2
Discussion Questions / Respond to weekly discussion questions. / 2
Psychotherapy Matrix / Complete the Psychotherapy Matrix. / 12
Learning Team
Coping with Stress Presentation / Develop a presentation on strategies to cope with stress and promote wellness. The presentation can be an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint, pamphlet, or brochure. Online students are to also provide detailed speaker notes.
·  Describe physical, emotional, and cognitive effects that stress can have on an individual.
·  Explain two to three effective strategies that can reduce stress.
·  Describe how the strategies can reduce the negative effects of stress on physical, emotional, and cognitive. / 10

Optional Discussion Questions

Week One Discussion Questions

·  Watch the Field of Psychology – Interactive Tutorial located at the following link: After completing the tutorial and reviewing the summary, answer the following questions:

o  Name two areas where most professionals in the field of psychology work.

o  What percentage of practicing psychologists specializes in clinical or counseling psychology?

o  What does this data tell you about the profession of psychology?

·  Describe two subfields of psychology that most interest you and explain where you might encounter professionals in that field.

·  Describe one ethical issue mentioned in the text. Why is informed consent necessary for ethical research?

·  Describe two research methods psychologists use. If you were selected to participate in a study that focuses on the average college student, what are some variables that may affect the validity of this study?

Week Two Discussion Questions

·  Watch the Learning with Change and Experience and Memory – Interactive Tutorial located at the following link:

o  Explain classical conditioning. Provide an example from your childhood that demonstrates this learning condition. After reading the section on operant conditioning, explain punishment vs. positive reinforcement.

·  Determine your memory style and explain how might you apply this information at work and at school.

·  What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning? Provide an example of each type of conditioning. Do not use the same example as the text.

Week Three Discussion Questions

·  Watch the Motivation and Emotion – Interactive Tutorial located at the following link: Describe the three main types of needs. Identify four of the 10 suggestions for living a happier life.

·  What are different approaches to motivation? Choose one of the approaches and explain how it affects motivation.

·  Choose one positive and one negative emotion to discuss related to being a student. Provide one example of how these emotions may affect your performance in class.

·  Summarize two theories of intelligence. Which type of intelligence do you think will be a strength for you in your current or future career? Explain your answer.

Week Four Discussion Questions

·  Review the Children's Social Status tutorial located at the following link:

o  Explain the development of social behavior. How does attachment and parental styles influence adult produced behaviors in children?

·  Discuss the social and physical aspects of late adulthood. What physical and cognitive changes are involved?

·  Sally and Bob have a 3-year-old son, Jimmy. Sally thinks Jimmy has aggressive behavior because he watches too much TV. Bob thinks Jimmy has aggressive behavior just because he is a boy and boys are typically more aggressive than girls. Identify what the problem and issue are in this scenario.

o  What do you think influences our behavior more: nature, nurture, or a combination of both? Explain your answer.

·  Review the major physical, moral, and cognitive changes that occur in adolescence.

o  Provide an example from your childhood where you discovered your own role and personality traits.

o  What peer pressure did you face?

o  How did you respond to it?

·  What are some of the factors that affect social development in adulthood? What is a midlife transition?

·  Describe views of marriage and children in early historical periods and compare those views with today’s society. Why do you think this shift has occurred? Overall, has this shift been good or bad for society?

·  Evaluate the Big Five trait approaches to personality. Which personality trait best describes you and why?

·  What is self-efficacy? How does this affect your educational goals and career goals? What is the relationship between self-efficacy and self-esteem?

Week Five Discussion Questions

·  What are some ways people cope with stress? What is the difference between emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping?

·  Select one of the major classifications of psychology disorders and discuss what types of treatment approaches are available for this disorder.

·  Explain two definitions of abnormal behavior. Compare the differences between the psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive perspectives on abnormality.

·  What are the differences between anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, and mood disorders? Provide two examples for each one.


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