To:Congregations Calling a Seminary Graduate

From:Rev. Allen D. Anderson, President



The purpose of this Memorandum is to clarify the process for congregations which have decided to place a Call to a seminary graduate. If the following guidelines are followed, the process will be less confusing and accomplished in a timely manner.

  1. Plan ahead! Make every attempt to gather all of the information needed for the process 6-8 weeks before the deadline. All completed documents being submitted for Spring Placement are to be in the district office by February 1stfor review by the President and his Administrative Assistant.
  1. Use the current version of the software. The current version of the software for calling a seminary graduate (i.e., Call Document for Ordained Ministers) is Version 4.7. You need to use this version if you are calling a seminary graduate.

If you have a previous version of the Call Document software on your computer, you will need to uninstall it before attempting to download and install the current version (Version 4.6). To uninstall the software from your computer, go to the ‘start’ key in the lower left hand corner, then click on Programs/COP/Call Document Ordained/Uninstall. When you have completed this step, you may proceed to download the current software from the following web site:

Call Document for Ordained Ministers-

(Please contact the district office for access to complete a call document)

  1. Please print out and read the instructions completely before beginning to fill out the Call Document. This will save time in the long run, as fewer mistakes will be made and there will be less likelihood of having to redo sections of the completed document. Please submit only the original, signed document including the Diploma of Vocation (printed on parchment paper). We will make the necessary copies.
  1. Please call the District Office to notify my Administrative Assistant, Monique Hjalmquist at 303-695-8001 of the name and contact information of one person who will be responsible for the following items relative to your calling of a seminary graduate:
  1. Handle all communication with the District President’s office regarding the Call document
  2. Do the actual data entry in the computer software.
  1. Send a draft copy of your call document, via fax or e-mail, for review prior to securing the signatures on the final copy. Make every effort to fill out the Call Document completely (using the instruction pages as your guide). Make a list of questions you have as they arise. Then call the District office to work through those questions so that all items can be addressed at one time. Once your questions/issues have been answered, please mail the original -signed Call Document to RM District LCMS, 14334 E. Evans Ave., Aurora, CO. 80014.
  1. Please note: You must use parchment paper for printing the Diploma of Vocation. If the Diploma of Vocation is not printed on parchment paper, it will be returned to you. If you need a supply of parchment paper, please contact the district office. Your final documents must be complete, neat and professional-looking.

7.Helpful points to remember

  1. Do not enter a candidate’s name on the Diploma of Vocation or the Supplement to the Diploma of Vocation
  2. If you are requesting that a specific graduate be assigned to your congregation, include this information in a cover letter addressed to the Placement Committee.
  3. In the case of a dual parish, each congregation must submit information on its congregation (Pages 7-11).
  4. Make sure that the Diploma of Vocation is signed by officers of the congregation(s).
  5. Make sure that Page 6 is signed by officers of the congregation(s).
  6. Do not answer any questions with “To be determined” or “Per District Guidelines.” All questions must be answered clearly.
  7. Do not submit any additional information (e.g., constitution and bylaws, pictorial directory, newsletters, etc.) with your Call Document. You may send these items directly to the graduate assigned to your congregation.
  8. Please do not fold or staple the original Call Document.
  9. There is no guarantee that a request for a seminary graduate will be granted by the Board of Assignments. If the congregation is not assigned a candidate in April then the congregation is able to call from the field.
  10. For salary information, visit the District website Select the “Resources” tab, then option “Treasurers” and scroll down to "Ordained Minister Compensation Modular" link.

Thank you, in advance, for following these guidelines. If you have any questions, please call.