All ink is good ink

02/19/11 · 8:55 am :: posted by Peter Link to Post/Share

Five years works gets five minutes from newspaper

"Reasonable Doubt" will be published in July.

In response to this morning's publication of K.C. Myers' article on my forthcoming Worthington trial book:

I got a call last night here in California at approx. 7:30 Cape time. It's K.C. Myers. who is gushing and tells me she's got a galley and is doing a piece for The Times for Sat.It's obvious she has not read the book.

I tell her I'll be happy to discuss the book with her only after she's read it. I ask that she postpone after she says she's on deadline;

I say that the book represents five year's work, and, at the very least, it says a lot about Cape Cod that her readers deserve to know about. "Well how do you feel about it?" she goes on, oblivious. I repeat she ought to read the book, then cut the conversation short by commenting, in my usual modest way, that anything she might write now would be as meaningful as if "The Times" were to ask our well known "maniac and sociopath" DA to write the piece.

She laughed. We hung up. In the end she proved me right by quoting Mike O'Keefe, calling my book "trash." With all due deference, how would O'Keefe know if the book is good or bad, or even what news value it may have, since he, too, hasn't tread it?

Aside from the fact that what she writes has all the consistency of oatmeal, I never gave Myers "a telephone interview." I took her call, explained that the elementary rules of journalism (not to say fairness) mandate that she read the book if she's going to write about it, then I hang up.

It does me no good to court attention for "Reasonable Doubt" four months ahead of publication even if the book can be pre-ordered on I apologize for the present tense used in much of this letter but I have the feeling that Myers' article needs to be addressed simply and directly, even artlessly, since it's about 90 percent filler.

Peter Manso

Blog posts and comments are entirely the thoughts and ideas of the people who write them and in no way represent the views of, eCape, Inc., or its employees or owners.

- c14689502/19/11 @ 9:58 am

capedoc [Member] writes:

Marketing 101 Grade A+
Writing New Book TBA

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- c14690302/19/11 @ 11:57 am

capdecoddah [Member] writes:

Manso, you're full of yourself. Why would anyone waste time reading your book based on your sub-par past work? Journalism is hardly your forte. Jackass.

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- c14691502/19/11 @ 5:00 pm

insubordinate [Member] writes:

I can't wait until your book comes out being the book expert that you are. What will be the subject and title?

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- c14692202/19/11 @ 8:02 pm

bipr [Member] writes:

Perhaps the focus of the feature was the author's motivation, what new insights he might shed on this well-covered terrain and why he believes previous coverage fell short.
Perhaps it wasn't all about what you want, Mr. Manso.

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- c14692802/19/11 @ 11:18 pm

fidel [Member] writes:

capdecod, obviously you have read ALL of M's work. No? then shut up.
bipr, you are not a well informed individual if you think that everything about the Worthington murder trial was "well covered". Tell us after you've read the book.

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- c14692902/20/11 @ 6:10 am

bittersweet [Member] writes:

I read that tttimes article. And boy, can you tell that's a Murdoch rag!
Wtf is she going into all that sensationalism and character assasinations?
The only thing that mattered in that article was this: An innocent man is doing life in prison, and the real killer is still free.
All the rest is bs.
And if that's how this pressis going to handle this, they are nothing but fluff on a sandwiche.
Deal with some facts and the reasonable doubt, not the personal lifes of those involved...cause that can get ugly on all sides.
Murdoch=sensationalism, rumors, petty tripe.
Deal with facts and evixcdew3nce alsy..not sensationalist People magazine typr tripe!

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- c14693302/20/11 @ 6:50 am

mooner17 [Member] writes:

Seeing as you're such an expert on journalism, you should've known that unless you went "off the record," you absolutely did give a phone interview.
You got a front page article out of it, so what are you complaining about? And as for coverage, the Times & other papers wrote at length about racial bias, the dismissal of the juror, etc. That is not new ground. The only "new news" is this book, so that's what they focused on. And rightly so.
Frankly I don't think your book warranted front page exposure.

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- c14693402/20/11 @ 6:51 am

clambelly [Member] writes:

Shssh - Five minutes after five years and she didn't even read the book?
They probably feel they've already financially milked all they can from that chapter of the dastardly "BIG BLACK" dust man who was hung out to dry for savagely beating, raping and skewering that poor white, worldly, jet-setting trash route customer. Sounds more like, not in our lilly Whitey picket-fenced backyard, to me.
I look forward to Peter's book. His "facts" about the DA being a "Maniac and Sociopath" are right on. Will he name the rest up and down the sociopath self-service chain of corruption? Personally, I've met several in many states and even have a few in my own blood family, including Christa Worthington's grim-reaper. “Frazier, however, had an alibi that placed him elsewhere the night of the crime. Manso questions the credibility of the alibi in the book.”

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- c14693502/20/11 @ 7:06 am

clambelly [Member] writes:

To Peter - I've met with several nationally well-known TV "Talking heads" due to this being a "Political Assassination." One network will jump on this broader story if one Boston local picks up on the main story.
Maybe you'll get that Pulitzer after all, but maybe one day we can both share a pair of Metals of Freedom for our tenacity, due diligence and bravery in the incredulous fights we have both endured in the name of FREEDOM, LIBERTY, LAW, JUSTICE and TRUTH. Perhaps the one currently being touted by the press as “The President of the World” will do the honors. ;-) Just Kidding.
Kevin M. Mulvey

You'd get a kick out of the level of sociopath self-servers that visit this website. It's going through a major overhaul soon and with optimism it will enhance your books sales and further enhance "PUBLIC AWARENESS" about our ROGUE GOVERENMENT, that has NO OVERSIGHT to hold them accountable or responsible.

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2/20/11 @ 8:50 am

wise [Member] writes:

Manso has always been an arrogant little man looking for publicity and now he has his few moments of fame.
Maybe he will move away from the cape but not hopeful that he will. After all, he is a big fish in a small pond here....

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2/20/11 @ 9:17 am

bittersweet [Member] writes:

This place NEEDS a big fish!!!
It gets way with MURDER because everybody who's anybody all know each other, and everybody who's anybody all protect each other.
IF you are judging a man, and he scares can you judge that man fairly?
IF you say "This is why I don't like black people because you see what they do", how can you be on a jury judging a black man???
And this doesn't EVEN get into all the technical points of incredulity in this trial.
Reasonable Doubt?
How about dumbfounded disbelief???
(Hey CLAM!! How are you?)

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2/20/11 @ 10:21 am

CCToday [Member] writes:

We have deleted two comments which attacked the writer rather than his ideas.
If such conduct continues, these commenters will be denied access here.
The commenting rules are simple and fair:
No slander, no libel and no personal attacks.

02/20/11 @ 11:29 am

clambelly [Member] writes:

Hanging in there Bitter. NOT EASY to say the least.
I was reading the comments on the Boston Herald's article, which is a reprint of the Cape Cod Times article and the posts are so prejudice.
It was almost like reading something from another time period. I set the bloggers straight about THESE MANY CRIMES & CASE AND MAJOR CORRUPTION ISSUES, but not their preconceptions nor racial bias's.
I see that the four men that had been setup and framed in Boston many years ago finally were paid the $101.2 million dollar suit (Plus three years interest)they won by Juliane Balliro (Peter's first lawyers daughter and Bob George's partners before going into private practice.) Shawn Drumgold is still waiting for his $14 Million for that frame, and being harassed.
This case is much bigger and a lot worse. This ensnares our current FBI Director Mueller who was the same Boston Federal Prosecutor and head of the Crime Task Force under the since proven Corrupt Fed. Prosecutors Office and FBI that lost this suit. Congress was looking into MA LE as well. Bellotti & Worthington. :-(

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02/20/11 @ 12:21 pm

fidel [Member] writes:

Mooner, have you read the book? No? then how can you comment on the book? Read and then this forum might listen to you. But then again you've already made up your mind, pre judged the book. Much like the jurors prejudged McCowan. Another irresponsible twit.

02/20/11 @ 1:08 pm

bittersweet [Member] writes:

I have to wonder WHY that reporter chose to use all the character-assasinating things bout McCowen in her article? Sensationalism?
And WHY does everyone repeat this LIE:
"But McCowen claimed that it was Wellfleet resident Jeremy Frazier who killed her."
I SAW George, on a news-clip, stand up IN COURT, and say "My client does not know who killed Ms.Worthington."
So, WHY do they keep using a lie from Mason's phony report?
Sorry-I want real journalism this the old Cape Codder and that magazine that went out of business..I want the truth and people who are not afraid to say it.
BTW--I was at that racial-bias hearing, and those jurors were Lieing! And the judge was helping them. IMO
And it tweren't only me that felt that way..I'd say the whole room did.Maybe just like the original trial..I heard people were stunned by that verdict.
Hey Clam..I will go to the Herald too. But I already know all about the racism here.
In school,they're telling me N word it's not a hate- issue. So i said, "Oh yeah, what if I was calling someone a "four-eyed-retard"? Would you consider that hate?

02/21/11 @ 2:53 am

clambelly [Member] writes:

The media has been the worst when it comes to repeating these fabrications of Mason's creative writing venture. The jury discounted this statement as reported on Dateline, in June 2007. This is NOT Investigative Journalism nor even accurate "facts", much like the alledged statement that Mason penned, 8-9 days later and was only 29 pages long after a 6-7 hour UN-TAPED interview.
No matter what the detractors (Dirty Cops & Contraband minions) post on these pages - I "trust" Peter will publish the "FACTS" not the mis-truths.
I'm NOT a writer or wordsmith and leave that to Mr. Manso's skilled hand, no matter what the controversy's may have been - The "FACTS" are the "FACTS" for better or worse.
I'm doing my best in getting the word out about Mr. Manso's book on this TOTAL breakdown of Government, American Law, Justice, as well as, Civil and Human Rights ABUSES by a lawless and moraless organized vigilante organization "CoIntelPro" being directed at the hand of yet another sociopath, FBI Director Mueller as a minion of the Just-Us Dept. and Administrations. Satan's lot.

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02/21/11 @ 8:42 am

lottabaloney [Member] writes:

Well I'm no expert, but my common sense tells me that if I were looking for people to review my soon-to-be-released book, I wouldn't attack one of the potential reviewers in a public forum.
Even if I was right.

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02/21/11 @ 9:34 am

farron hite [Member] writes:

Some things, in and of themselves, demand doing.

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02/21/11 @ 4:22 pm

bittersweet [Member] writes:

What is one of the biggest myths about the criminal justice system?
"If you’re charged by a police officer, there’s an assumption that you must be guilty of something. There isn’t a presumption of innocence. In order to get a fair trial you need a prosecutor who is fair. You need a good lawyer, and if you don’t have the money to hire one, you must rely on a legal aid attorney who is likely overburdened, yet you face the state that can bring many resources into the court room. Then there’s the judge that probably doesn’t know your world. The jury often votes on emotion. There are so many layers in the trial process. You’re guilty until proven innocent."
What is one truth about the criminal justice system?
"Perception is bigger than fact. Perception is as important as the facts of the case."

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02/21/11 @ 9:16 pm

capdecoddah [Member] writes:

Cape Cod Today, I do believe Mr. Manso personally attacks reporter KC Myers in his blog above, implying she does not understand the basic rules of journalism and "what she writes has all the consistency of oatmeal." But that's OK for your site? I think you should keep fair standards across the board. Feel free to suspend my freedom of speech here ... For Cape news, I'd rather hear from dedicated journalists who are true to the cause so I'll leave you alone and stick with CCTimes. Fidel, glad I riled you up. LOL. Insubordinate, will be glad to send you both my past and future books. Have fun everyone. This has been entertaining.

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02/21/11 @ 10:09 pm

755855 [Member] writes:

If I have this right, Manso (fidel) can attack those that post in here and also can attack Meyers, the entire crux of the thread, yet nobody can question the delicate genius? Nobody can question the basic premise of his book, the question of whether CM got a fair trial, something that has been through the courts and essentially is old news? Sounds fair to me.
Sure it does.

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02/22/11 @ 6:10 am

bittersweet [Member] writes:

It's not old news 88. It's as fresh an injustice as when it occurred.
People can question anything they like...the question I have is why did she write all those derogatory things about the defendant in that article?
Why didn't she go into the relevant facts?
Because we all know Murdoch is a sensatioanlist. News comes second, if at all.....
Fox News won a law-suit enabling them to lie, for C's sake!!
I can just see it now:
"Well, this guy was a such and such....that woman was a such and such".....
But Hey--what about that person seen speeding down her driveway on saturday????
Won't sell as many papers.

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02/22/11 @ 6:34 am

clambelly [Member] writes:

As Mr. Manso stated in his earlier blog 'you may love him or hate him, personally, etc ' but the "FACTS" are the "FACTS" AND IN DEPTH, THAT IS INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM.
IF this CCTimes writer/reviewer didn't read his book of "FACTS" and report on IMPORTANT “FACTS”, would you "TRUST" this publication as an IMPORTANT SOURCE for news YOU NEED TO KNOW (Minus the vile and corrupt public self-service criminals in Law Enforcement and Just-Us) in order to form opinion, let alone maintain a Democracy and FREEDOM, which requires transparency, and accurate "FACTS" that are in FULL PUBLIC VIEW, in order to hold our "Officials" ACCOUNTABLE?
Take a good look at the Middle East, as it's ablaze. That fire is spreading Eastward, back to the shores where this emanates from.
I was listening to an early morning PBS radio show yesterday about early America, at the time of that Revolution.
Washington was a very admirable soul, as were the many that surrounded him.
Our so-called "Officials" today, are reviling and bring great disgrace and dishonor to us all, as well as our forefathers.

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02/22/11 @ 7:35 am

clambelly [Member] writes:

In many ways I'm rebuked as Mr. Manso is for my "TRUTHFUL" stance on this "FACTUAL" account and EVIL story, that I had been sadistically brought into through an estranged "PROVEN" SOCIOPATH, and former CORRUPT public Self-Servant Brother. THE STALKER FROM HELL - THE FAMILY FROM HELL - THE GOVERNMENT "OFFICIALS" and "CoIntelPro" SELF-SERVERS FROM HELL.
We'll leave the story of "FACTS" for Mr. Manso with his well qualified talent to EXPOSE as an INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST. Over the course of time I've met with MANY people in many walks of life, as a direct result of this "Political Assassination,", my estranged nephews INVOLVEMENT and the FBI's "COINTELPRO" threat and destruction to our lives.
I have met ALL kinds and quite a few were more than reluctant when it came to Mr. Manso's "Truths" in Journalism.
I analyzed each one of these sources reluctance, and in most cases found they "DID NOT WANT TRUTH."