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for 2017-2018

Parent Education Events!

JOIN YOUR PTA! Joining your PTA provides free or discounted admittance to exciting Parent Edge speakers and events for the entire school year!

IVORY TOWER (Film) ê SEPT 27, 2017 · 6:30PM · Mercer Island Public Library

KCLS Presents the “Life After High School Series”

View portions of Ivory Tower, a documentary that looks at the cost and value of a college education. After the film, a panel including college counselors, parents, and a student activist will answer questions about choosing a college and financing a college education.

For parents with students in grades 9-12 Sponsored by Friends of the MI Library

JO LANGFORD êTweens, Teens and Tech OCT 25, 2017 · 7PM · MIHS PAC

Do you know what your teen is doing on their phone? JoLangford is a Master’s-level therapist, and sex educator for tweens, teens and parents in Seattle. He will address the most popular apps teens are using; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - The Three Big Bads; Sexting, Cyberbullying and Porn, and what parents can do about them. He is the author of Spare Me ‘The Talk’! (for boys for girls) and is featured in Parent Map.

For parents with students in Middle & High School, No children

ANGST (Film) êAnxiety and Kids FEB 6, 2018 · 7PM · MIHS PAC

Parent Edge in partnership with Mercer Island Library and Youth and Family Services presents ANGST- Breaking the Sigma Around Anxiety. Children and young adults offer intimate, honest and accessible perspectives on suffering from and managing anxiety. Experts highlight research and offer tools and resources that provide hope. There will be a panel discussion post screening.

For parents with students of all ages & students in grades 7-12

JASON FRELOT êKids and Race JAN 18, 2018 · 7PM · MIHS Library

How can parents and educators empower their children to be successful participants in an increasingly racialized world? Learn from Jason how the stories we unintentionally tell our children have the greatest impact on their racial identity development and steps for empowering families to address racial injustice in a loving, sustainable, humble way. Jasen Frelot is a father, early childhood educator, social justice advocate, and co-founder of Kids and Race Seattle, which has been featured in Parent Map Magazine and on NPR.

For parents with students in elementary and middle school

JESSICA LAHEY êThe Gift of Failure MAR 20, 2018 · 7PM · MIHS PAC

Research has shown that the key to motivating students to own their education and develop resilience is intrinsic motivation. Jessica offers practical advice for fostering intrinsic motivation and weaning kids off of extrinsic motivators such as short-term rewards, bribes, honors, coercion, and yes, even grades, while giving kids the support and encouragement they need in order to succeed. Jessica Lahey is the author of the New York Times Best Seller, “The Gift of Failure.”

For parents with kids of all ages

FOREFRONT (Suicide Prevention) êDates TBA · Fall and Spring Events ê “Like Us” on @MIParentEdge