Table 2: Clinical characteristics, EEG, MRI and MTI findings in patients with malformations of cortical development

Patient / Age (yr) / Gender / Seizure Types / Duration of epilepsy (yrs) / Interictal EEG features / Conventional MRI findings / MTI findings
Significant decreases in MTR (max. P-value)
11 / 36 / M / SPS, CPS + tonic / 36 / normal / bil. frontopar. gyral abn. with thick cortex / bil. frontopar. regions in MCD + in body of NA corp.callosum (p<0.001)
12 / 52 / M / CPS, 2o gen. / 39 / R. hemisphere i.e.a / R front. + bil. par. occ. gyral abn. with thick cortex / bil. in MCD + in NA L. front. lobe (p<0.001)
13 / 34 / F / S + CPS, 2o gen. / 19 / normal / L. perisylvian gyral abn. with thick cortex / L. perisylvian in MCD + in NA ant./mid. body of corp. callosum + R. post. lat. periventricular region (p<0.001)
14 / 36 / F / CPS, 2o gen. / 28 / widespread i.e.a., max. R. hemisphere / R. temporopar. gyral abn. with thick cortex / R. temporopar. in MCD (p=0.001)
15 / 24 / F / SPS, CPS + tonic / 22 / widespread i.e.a., max. L. hemisphere / bil. frontopar. gyral abn. with thick cortex / bil. frontopar. regions in MCD + in body of NA corp.callosum (p<0.001)
16 / 51 / F / CPS, 2o gen. / 35 / widespread i.e.a., max. R. temp. / R. hemispheric gyral abn. with thick cortex / R. hemisphere in MCD + in NA L. front. lobe (p<0.001)
Patient / Age (yr) / Gender / Seizure Types / Duration of epilepsy (yr) / Interictal EEG features / Conventional MRI findings / MTI findings
Significant decreases in MTR (max. P-value)

17 / 20 / M / SPS, 2o gen. / 18 / bifrontotemp. i.e.a. / R. temp. nodular SCH / R. temp. in MCD + in NA R. frontotemp. and bil. inferior front. regions (p<0.001)
18 / 31 / M / CPS / 5 / R. temp. i.e.a / R. occ. temp. nodular SCH / R. occ. temp. in MCD extending into NA R. par. + R. front. lobes (p<0.001)
Also inc. MTR in NA R. frontopar. (p=0.03)
19 / 53 / M / 2o gen. / 23 / normal / R. par. nodular SCH / R. par. in MCD + in NA L. front. lobe (p<0.001)
20 / 28 / M / S + CPS, 2o gen. / 20 / widespread i.e.a., max. L. temp. / bil. BHT + bil. frontopar. gyral abn. with thick cortex / R. hemisphere in BHT + bil. frontopar. in gyral abn. (p<0.001)
21 / 32 / F / S + CPS, 2o gen. / 27 / widespread i.e.a / bil. BHT / bil. in MCD (p<0.001)
22 / 45 / F / CPS / 36 / L. hemisphere, max L. front. i.e.a / bil. temp. + par. SEH / None
23 / 54 / F / CPS, 2o gen. / 51 / R. frontotemp. i.e.a / bil. SEH / bil. in MCD (p<0.001)

Patient / Age (yr) / Gender / Seizure Types / Duration of epilepsy (yrs) / Interictal EEG features / Conventional MRI findings / MTI findings
Significant decreases in MTR (max. P-value)
24 / 33 / F / CPS, 2o gen. / 12 / interictal -normal / R. posterior SEH / None
25 / 35 / F / CPS / 4 / L. temp. i.e.a. / L. posterior SEH + L. front. gyral abn. with thick cortex / L. hemisphere in SEH and gyral abn. (p<0.001)

R.=Right; L.=Left; bil.=bilateral; ant.=anterior; post.=posterior; mid.=middle; lat.=lateral; front.=frontal; par.=parietal; temp.=temporal; occ.=occipital; NA=normal-appearing; corp.=corpus; MCD=malformation of cortical development; BHT=band heterotopia; SEH= subependymal heterotopia; SCH=subcortical heterotopia; i.e.a..=interictal epileptiform activity; abn.=abnormality; M=male; F=female; SPS=simple partial seizure; CPS=complex partial seizure; 2o gen.=secondary generalised tonic-clonic seizure; inc.=increased.