Skating Club of Amherst Ice Cycles 2018 Show Date: 2 pm Sunday, March 25, 2018

Basic Skills Show Group Registration Form

The Basic Skills Show Groups are a nice way for our younger skaters to be a part of the annual show put on by the Skating Club of Amherst. This year’s show will be held at 2 pm on March 25 at the University of Massachusetts Mullins Rink.

Skaters eligible to be in a Basic Skills Group must be home club members of the Skating Club of Amherst. The Basic Skills show groups are for those skaters who skate a minimum of one day a week, especially (but not limited to) those in the Learn-to-Skate program. Costume measuring will be done onSunday, January 14. There will be sevenshow rehearsals held during the 15-minute practice time of the Sunday Learn-to-Skate program. The eightrehearsal dates are: January 28, February 4, February 11, February 18, February 25, March 4, March 11, and March 18. There will also be one dress rehearsal on Saturday, March 24 (time to be announced). Skaters must have their own skates. SKATERS IN THE LEARN-TO-SKATE PROGRAM MUST HAVE REGISTERED FOR THE NOVEMBER 2017 SESSION AND MUST ALSO BE REGISTERED FOR THE JANUARY 2018 SESSION IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SHOW.

Skaters must commit to attendance at ALL rehearsals. If there is an issue with a particular date, please contactNancy Asai (413) 478-9037or speak to Nancy at the rink.

Fee: $60.00 on or before Sunday, January 7, 2018or $70.00 after January 14but no later as costumes will be ordered. This fee includes show costume and lessons. The lessons are taught by the coaches and helpers from the Learn-to-Skate program.

Questions: Please contact Nancy Asai (413) 478-9037or speak to Nancy or Simone Enright at the rink.

Make checks payable to the Skating Club of Amherst

Return form with checkby the deadline date of January 7by email or postal mail to Cheryl Cupillo, 97 Redden Street, Springfield, MA 01119.

Thank you.

Basic Skills Group Skater Registration

Skater’s Name: Age______School Grade ______

Address: ______

Telephone: ______E-mail: ______

Clothing size (shirt/pant size): ______Badge Level in Basic Skills Program:

Parent/Guardian’s Name:

Basic Skills Show Fee $60 on or before January 7, $70 after Jan14but no later. Checks payable to SC of Amherst.


The annual SCA ice show is produced entirely by volunteers. It is required that one adult per skater volunteer for a task either prior to, during, or after the show. Attached is a copy of the tasks which the Skating Club of Amherst will need volunteers. We will be sending out our volunteer needs as we get closer to the show. Thank you!