Sheffield Diocesan Readers Association

Meeting of Executive Committee, 9th May 2017

Draft Minutes

Present: Imogen Clout, Leslie Combe, Rosemary Neill, John Patterson, Peter Rainford, Ian Watson (chair)

  1. The meeting opened with prayer
  1. Apologies were received from: Beryl Adamson, Gwyneth Hodgson, Joan Robinson, Patrick White
  1. The Minutes of the meeting on 21stFebruary were accepted as a true record
  1. Matters arisingwere considered under the main agenda headings
  1. Peter Rainford was welcomed as new Assistant Warden – he would be authorised at the Annual General Meeting
  1. Draft Handbook

This had been reported to the Lay Ministry Oversight Group and sent to Bishop’s Senior Staff for endorsement before being circulated more widely to Readers. The issue of action required if a Reader is sick and incapacitated was being raised with Elaine Frecknall – action: Imogen. It was noted that the Handbook was working towards increased collegiality between lay and ordained ministers. The Diocese would be bidding to be a pilot for implementing the recommendations of Setting God’s People Free.

  1. Constitution

The version amended agreed at the open meeting of the Exec (29th March) had been sent to Bishop Peter. The new Object of the Association was agreed for proposing to the Annual General Meeting. The draft constitution would be sent out with notices of the AGM and, if approved at that meeting would take immediate effect. This would mean that Deanery reps would cease to exist as such though if they wished to continue on the Exec they could be proposed and seconded for election at the meeting.

  1. Welcome to New Readers

The Wardens’ meeting had proposed not to have the welcome evening in October, when people were reluctant to travel to Rotherham for another evening meeting but instead to welcome them at the tea party and AGM the following June, when they could meet a larger number of other Readers. Imogen would continue to meet them on the course in May and July and the Chair of the Exec would send them a letter of welcome also introducing the Exec and looking forward to the tea party – action: Beryl, as the new Chair.

  1. AGM Preparation

The Accounts have been prepared and are ready to be sent for examination – action: John

The implications of the revised constitution would need to be introduced in the documentation for the AGM – this to note the broad changes, explain the arrangements for voting and invite members to stand for election. Nominations with proposer and seconder should be sent to the Chair beforehand if possible but could also be made on the night – action: Ian. It should be decided at the next Exec which members serve the one, two and three years before standing down and possible re-election for the normal three-year term. It was recognised that to ensure sufficient ‘institutional memory’ there may be a need to co-opt some members who would have served for too long to be elected.

Agenda items:


2.Minutes and Matters Arising

3.Proposed Amended Constitution

4.Election of six members of the new Executive Committee

5.Questions about the Reports (tabled)


7.Date on next meeting of Executive Committee (18th July)

Actions: Ianto chair the whole meeting, handing over to Beryl at next Exec. Lesley agreed to take the minutes. Ian to contact Joan to arrange attendance list. The retiring collection to be for lay ministry development in Argentina.

The tea would begin at 6 pm – action: Rosemary to bring sticky labels for name badges. The church would be open from 7 pm. Following the AGM, evening prayer would be at 8 pm and might include a sermon or address – action: Imogen to check with Bp Peter. Other actions: Ian to contact invitees.

Noted the continuing need for a new Treasurer. Action: Ianto ask Chun about possible candidates.

The CMD sessions had helped to increase a sense of Reader identity. It was agreed that at the AGM we should draw attention to St Peter’s College and invite Bill Goodman to the meeting. If Bp Peter needed to leave early Bill should be invited to speak about CMD and the College at greater length (20 or 30 minutes). Action: Imogen.

  1. Reports for AGM

The reports would be put on the website. The Secretary’s Report needed some numbers adding – action Joan. The Treasurer’s Report would follow the Examination – action: John. Deanery reports had been received from Ecclesfield, Doncaster and Laughton.

In discussion on the Warden’s Report it was agreed that the Warden and assistant Wardens would comprise the trustees for the Pamela Richardson Fund for training and development grants. This would ensure a degree of spread across the diocese whilst maximising confidentiality. The application form was agreed.

The 2016 Yearbook of Readers could now be supplied on CD at a price of £2. Orders should go via the Treasurer who will let the Warden know and she would post them.

Imogen indicated that she is willing to extend her term by a year to provide overlap with the new appointment of diocesan bishop and any early review of lay ministry arrangements. The need for more secretarial support was re-iterated – perhaps a ‘clerk of lay ministry’ based at Bishopscroft. Otherwise Imogen’s successor would be diverted from pastoral oversight to administration. The Exec members placed on record their gratitude for Imogen’s work including the extra administrative mile.

Treasurer’s Report – it was confirmed that we have authority to transfer from the shares to a deposit account and it was agreed to transfer £4,000 to the Pamela Richardson Education Fund.

Current balances were: Current Account - £4,362; Deposit Account - £5,234; Investment Fund (shares) - around £8,000.

It was re-iterated that payment for Readers’ scarves should be through the parish and not involve the new Readers. Action: John to order the next batch of 14 scarves.

The Committee expressed their gratitude for John’s diligent work as Treasurer over eight years – this was very greatly appreciated.

  1. Dates of Next Meetings

AGM – Wednesday 14th June

Exec – Tuesday 18th July

Welcome to New Readers – originally Tuesday 10th October but now cancelled and the date used for the autumn meeting of the Exec – action: Imogen to check out room booking.

Exec –Tuesday 14th November – cancelled