Tewkesbury Health Walks
Walks programme
September 2014- June 2015
How you can get involved
Tewkesbury Health Walks is your local Walking for Health scheme. Our walks are free, fun and friendly – perfect to help you get active and meet new people. If you’d like to take part, all you have to do is come along to the start point of one of our walks a few minutes early, so that one of our trained walk leaders can take your details. Then you’re free to take part in as many walks as you like, as often as you like. If you want to know more before you start, just get in touch with your Sports Development Officer, Neil Meynell on 01684 272092 or
Tewkesbury Town Health Walk
Every Monday starting
15 September 2014
130pm to 245pm
Length 60-90 Minutes
Walk starts from outside the Tewkesbury Abbey Refectory at 130pm every Mon
For more information contact Rosemary Taylor on 01684 295974 or email
Churchdown Health Walk
Every Wednesday starting
24 September 2014
10.30am to 12am
Length 90 Minutes
Meet at 1030hrs at Churchdown Council Offices, Parton Rd, Glos GL3 2AB
For more information contact Brenda Vines 01452 713161 or email
Brockworth Health Walk
Every Thursday starting
25 September 2014
2pm to 330pm
Length 90 Minutes
Meet at 2pm at Brockworth Community Centre, Court Rd ,Glos GL3 4ET
For more information contact Fiona Miles on 01452 864345 or email / Tewkesbury Town Short Walk
Every 4th Tuesday of the month starting
23 September 2014
1100am to 1130am
Length 30 Minutes
Walk starts from outside the Tewkesbury Abbey Refectory at 1100am for a relaxed 30 min walk. For more information contact Duncan Fraser on 01684 298176 or e mail
Churchdown Short Walk
1ST Wednesday of every month starting 1st October 2014
10.30am to 11am
Length 30 Minutes
Meet at 1030hrs at Churchdown Council Offices, Parton Rd, Glos GL3 2AB
For more information contact Brenda Vines 01452 713161 or email
Brockworth Short Walk
Last Thursday every month starting
30 October 2014
2pm to 230pm
Length 30 Minutes
Meet at 2pm at Brockworth Community Centre, Court Rd ,Glos GL3 4ET
For more information contact Fiona Miles on 01452 864345 or email / Winchcombe Health Walk
Every Thursday starting
25 September 2014
1030am – 1200pm
Length 90 Minutes
Meet at 1030am at The Plaisters Arms, Winchcombe GL54 4LL. For more information contact Ursula Cootes 01242 609033 or email
Winchcombe Short Walk
Every Thursday starting
25 September 2014
1030am – 11am
Length 30 Minutes
Meet at 1030am at The Plaisters Arms, Winchcombe GL54 4LL. For more information contact Ursula Cootes 01242 609033 or email
All walks are free and led by locally trained volunteers. No need to book just turn up at the meeting place 5-10 mins before the start time.
The first time you attend the walk you will need to complete a short and simple health questionnaire so please arrive in enough time. / Scheme Coordinator
Neil Meynell
Sports Development Officer
Tewkesbury Borough Council
Gloucester Road GL20 5TT
Tel: 01684 272092
E Mail:
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