22/ 06 / 2006
In a two-dimensional universe of RxC cells, a cell may contain or not a live organism.Initially the universe is populated by a set of live organisms.A cell has 8 neighbors.
The population evolves according to the following generation rules:
- An organism survives for the next generation if it has 2 or 3neighbors
- An organism dies if it has more than 3 or less than 2neighbors
- Each void cell with 3 neighbors will contain a live organism in the next generation
Implement a concurrent C program with a CONTROLLER thread that
- initialize the universe by reading a file init.dat and createsRxCorganisms (threads)
- shows the generation maps when the user give the command ’s’ from the keyboard
- stop showing the maps the user give the command ’n’ from the keyboard
- exit the threads when the user give the command ’e’ from the keyboard
Each organism (thread) has associated a status - live or dead- according to rules 1. 2. and 3.
The thread must synchronize – using semaphores - to proceed per generation cycles, where in each cycle:
- threads performs their update operations concurrently,
- and then one of them displays the new generation map
All threads execute the same code, there is no coordinator.
// init.dat corresponding to the generation 0 map of the figure
10 10// R and C
4 3
5 3
6 3
5 4
Sequential pseudo code
initial_configuration (map);
display (map);
do {
// UPDATE – new generation
for (i = 1; i < R; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < C; j++) {
n = count_neighbors (map, i, j);
if (map[i][j]) { // live
if ((n == 2) || (n == 3))
new_map[i][j] = true;
else { // void
if ((n == 3))
new_map[i][j] = true;
} // END new generation
swap (map, new_map)
if (show) display (map);
scanf ("%c%c", &ans, &ans);
if (ans == 's') show = true; else if (ans == 'n') show = false;
} while (ans != 'e');
} …………
22 / 06 / 2006
- Given this reference string
Compute the page fault frequency and the mean resident set for the Working Set strategy with control parameter = 3.
- Write the sequence of instructions of a parent process that
- creates a child, which executes a file print.exe,which takes anargument (a filename: foo), and prints on foowhat it receives from its standard input
- loops forever sleeping 2 seconds, increments an integer number and writes its value on its standard output (code not necessary)
- redirects its standard output to the standard input of the child process when it receives a SIGUSR1signal, and recovers the original redirection to the standard output when it receives again the same signal.
- Illustratethe use of thepopensystem call.
- Describe the distributed solution to the Mutual Exclusion problem.