The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Study Questions

Section 3,p. 65-99Due:

Please respond in full, thoughtful sentences. Be sure to include specific examples in each of your responses. Use a different color font to type your answers.

  1. Christopher compares his mind to a computer doing searches and to a DVD player. Explain how his mind makes sense of what he’s experiencing.
  2. Discuss Christopher’s attitude toward the supernatural. How does it influence how he regards his mother’s death?
  3. What purpose does Christopher’s long discourse (discussion) on The Hound of the Baskervilles serve?
  4. Christopher has difficulties with rhetorical questions. What is a rhetorical question and why would he have trouble understanding them?
  5. How are Christopher’s parents developed in this section? What information do we learn about their characters? Provide examples to support the character traits you name for each parent.
  6. Explain Christopher’s color preferences. How do colors help him deal with the world?
  7. Apply the principle of Occam’s razor to Christopher’s reaction to the letter. Does he appear to apply Occam’s razor to this situation?
  8. Discuss the correlation (connection) between Christopher’s reluctance to accept the truth of his mother’s letter and his relationship with his father as expressed on page 87.
  9. What do you think Christopher will do when he realizes his mother isn’t really dead?

Response #3- Please respond in a minimum of 10 sentences.

What do you learn from this section about the difficulties of raising a disabled child? Do you think the author faults the mother for abandoning Christopher or does he sympathize with the mother? Explain and support your answer. This means- state your opinion then, provide examples from the novel (with page numbers!) that support your opinion statement. You must also explain how these examples support your opinion statement.