TUESDAY 3rd May 2016
6:30pm - 8:00pm
1. / PRESENT:Mrs Lynda McDonald, Head Teacher
Mrs Beverley Keith, Deputy Head Teacher
Miss Jane Stewart , Class Teacher
Diane Cherry , Falkirk Council
Mrs Lorna Graham, Friends of Bowhouse Chairperson
Mrs Gail Gallacher, Friends of Bowhouse Treasurer
Mrs Lesley Dickson, Friends of Bowhouse member
Kristeen Brooks, Sub Committee Parents Association - Chairperson
Morag Evans, Sub Committee Parents Association - Treasurer
Jane Saunders, Sub Committee Parents Association - member
Dawn Smillie, Sub Committee Parents Association – member
Lorraine Johnston Sub Committee Parents Association –member
2. / APOLOGIES: Lisa Black, Sharon Ure, Nicola Muir, Susan O’Hare Elizabeth Hunter
FYI – copies of minutes to be circulated to members and Diane Cherry
3. / Minutes from previous meeting
- School Values – Session to be held on 6th June. Still ongoing, to be launched in August.
- Parent Handbook still ongoing
- Validation Visit – No word from Falkirk council relating to a date before summer. Mrs McDonald advised that this would be happening next session.
- School Website – This is being worked on by Miss Caygill. It was agreed to send the minutes of meetings to Mrs Keith after being approved for posting on school website.
4. / Discussion about revised constitution
- The purpose of this discussion was to make the constitution legal.
- It was noted that the draft constitution was available to view on the school website and this was notified to parents via twitter. No comments pertaining to the draft constitution have been received so far.
- Diane Cherry handed out an information sheet (subcommittees- your questions answered) regarding the fundraising (PA) aspect of Friends of Bowhouse.
- It was confirmed that in previous meetings, the PTA had agreed to disband (see minutes from meeting 6/10/15). This was disputed by several members. Diane reiterated that legally the PA will be a subgroup of the Parent Council but will continue to operate as they do at present. Therefore no changes will be made regarding the excellent running of the PA.
- The PA will continue to have their own committee members and bank account. It was agreed that there was no limit to the number of members allowed to join the PA.
It was discussed that it might be helpful to have a written remit stating the above.
Action - It was advised by Diane that the PA can claim money back for insurance as they are now covered under the Friends of Bowhouse insurance –Morag to arrange.
- It was discussed that people turning up to school events to help were welcome but they could only perform suitable roles eg. Not allowed to administer first aid etc.
- Parent Council aspect of Friends of Bowhouse must have their accounts audited by an independent person. Diane advised that Falkirk council website has advice for treasurers and a readymade audit sheet.
- It was discussed that the PC could gift money to the PA subgroup and a vote was held. All found in favour of gifting money to the PA.
- Friends of Bowhouse are obliged to make an annual report. This is usually done frequently via newsletter and therefore no need to report annually.
5. / Points on agenda
a. / Logo for Friends of Bowhouse – A competition will be held in the new term for the children to design a logo for Friends of Bowhouse. There will be a 50p entry fee.
b. / Gala day update – Meetings are currently being held on Wednesday evenings to prepare gala day decorations. It was requested that Lisa Black email/text Friends of Bowhouse members with details for helping.
Action – Lorna Graham to contact Lisa regarding this. Update – this was done on 4th May.
c. / Self Evaluation – Time constraints prevented discussion of this. To be carried over to next meeting.
d. / Planned Property Plan – Work for the coming year includes fixing of the kitchen roof.
Work due to be carried out in the primary 1 and 2 infant corridor has been pushed back to 2018/19 (toilet renovation). Action – Letter to be written to Falkirk council regarding this matter. Lorna Graham to arrange. Update – Lesley Dickson and Lorna Graham have viewed the toilets in the infant corridor and written a letter to be sent to Falkirk Council.
The tarmac overlay on the East side of the building is to be replaced in 2017/18.
6. / AOCB
Parent had brought up issues about dogs in playground. Action – School staff are to go into playground and emphasise that dogs are not allowed. Mrs McDonald to arrange.
7. / Parents Association hand over - Kristeen Brookes Chair
a. / Update from Last Meeting
Easter competition and raffles raised £148.00.
It was noted that there has been a breakdown in communication between Friends of Bowhouse and Parents Association in relation to the forthcoming Matalan Fashion Show since the last meeting, members aware of expectations. Consent forms were circulated prior to the Easter holidays for models and it was highlighted that a class never received consent forms and some parents were advised girls only, however there has been a good uptake and 40 models have been selected.
- Point of contact for Friends of Bowhouse is Lynda MacDonald
- Point of contact for Parents Association is Bev Keith
Shorts and Shades Disco – confirmed 25th May 2016 (DJ confirmed)
Permission slips need to be altered due to reduction in price from £2.50 to £2 and highlight on slip that there will be a tuck shop available.
Age groups:
- Nursery to P3
- P4 to P7
P7 Leavers Event – 23rd June 2016 – Entertainment still to be confirmed for evening event as Jackie Foley is not available.
Action Kristen Brooks to source alternative entertainment. Any ideas by Monday 9th May
Update – Bairnz Disco & Entertainer available 23.06.16; cost £60.00 – includes disco, snow machine, bubble machine and games (possible Karaoke if required)
Action – Jane Stuart agreed to ask Mrs Sherrington to get Publicity group to create awards to P7 Event.
P7 Hoodies still to be costed up.
b. / Monies in Bank
Total monies raised to date is £2729
c. / Matalan Fashion Show/Shopping Experience – 7pm, Matalan Falkirk
Chairs to be transported from Moray School to Matalan on Friday 6th May – meet at Moray School @ 1.30pm to load cars then deliver to Matalan (Helpers - John Smillie and Lesley Dickson) and return to school on Monday morning (Helpers – Dawn Smillie and Lesley Dickson)
Models have been confirmed, outfits selected, models to report to Matalan, Falkirk at 6.30pm
Helpers to arrive at Matalan, Falkirk at 6.20pm to set up chairs.
Matalan store are offering customers a 10% on the evening.
Raffle prizes required for stall (some raffle prizes were handed into meeting)
d. / Sponsored Run Event – 17th May 2016
Sponsor forms to be copied after meeting for circulation to pupils this week.
School will confirm timeslots to allow each class to participate at different times.
Lynda McDonald suggested that the school should get the young leaders involved on the day to supervise.
Action – Helpers to be confirmed To date Morag Evans , Lesley Dickson , Gregor Evans
e. / AOCB
Community Cash Available (information from newspaper)
Lesley Dickson asked the group if the school has applied for community cash through the charitable application which offers up to £1000 if application is successful.
Action: Lesley will complete application form with assistance from Bev Keith and Morag Evans.
Communication re Teachers Show/School Fete – Lynda McDonald asked that if any issues need to be discussed please do not send via email and bring along to our meetings for discussion.
White Line Marker – Morag asked if the school still has the white line marker that the Parents Association purchased to help with the fun run event.
Action Bev/Lynda will check with Mr Dick –
Update - Morag/Jane have checked with Mr Dick and cost or paint needs to be looked at if not cost effective then cones .
Dates to remember
8th May 2016 – Matalan Event
17th May 2016 – Sponsored May Day Fun Run
25th May 2016 – Shorts and Shades Disco
23rd June 2016 – P7 Leavers Awards/Evening event
8. / Vote of Thanks
9. / Date of next Meeting
a. / Friends of Bowhouse Meeting – TBC
b. / Sub Committee Parents Association – Tuesday 7th June 2016