Consolidated Index


Abolition (Sardari System) / Balochistan System of Sardari (Abolition) Ordinance, 1978 / 741
Abolition (Shishak) / Abolition of Shishak Act, 1973 / 257
Acquisition (Mining Concessions) / Balochistan Mining Concessions (Acquisition) Act, 1973 / 249
Administration (Ground Water) / Balochistan Ground Water Rights Administration Ordinance, 1978 / 723
Allowances (Salaries) (Assembly Members) / Balochistan Assembly Members (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1975 / 397
Allowances (Salaries and Privileges) Chief Minister and Ministers / Balochistan Chief Minister and Provincial Ministers (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 / 405
Allowances (Salaries and Privileges) (Speaker’s and Deputy Speaker) / Balochistan Speaker’s and Deputy Speaker’s (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975. / 425
Amendment (Civil Procedure) (Special Provisions) / Civil Procedure (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 151
Amendment (Court Fees) / Court Fees (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980 / 1137
Amendment (Criminal Law) / Pakistan Criminal Law (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 9
Amendment (Criminal Law) (Special Provisions) / West Pakistan Criminal Law (Special Provisions (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 143
Amendment (Criminal Law) (Special Provisions) / West Pakistan Criminal Law (Special Provisions)
(Balochistan Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 147
Amendment (Criminal Law) (Special Provisions) / Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1972 / 209
Amendment (Criminal Law) (Special Provisions) / Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Act, 1974 / 343
Amendment (Criminal Law) (Special Provisions) / Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1979 / 877
Amendment (Criminal Law) (Special Provisions) / Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980 / 1075
Amendment (Explosive Substances) / Explosive Substances (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 13
Amendment (Forest) / Balochistan Forest Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1974 / 335
Amendment (Forest) / Forest (Balochistan Amendment) Act, 1974 / 339
Amendment (Land Reforms) / Balochistan Land Reforms Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 69
Amendment (Land Reforms) / Balochistan Land Reforms Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1973 / 239
Amendment (Land Reforms) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Amendment) Act, 1974 / 331
Amendment (Land Reforms) Pat Feeder Canal) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1975 / 451
Amendment (Land Reforms) Pat Feeder Canal) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 497
Amendment (Land Revenue) / West Pakistan Land Revenue (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 487
Amendment (Land Revenue) / West Pakistan Land Revenue (Balochistan Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 581
Amendment of Laws (Repeal) / Balochistan (Amendment of Laws) (Repeal) Act, 1974 / 275
Amendment (Minimum Wages) / Minimum Wages (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 17
Amendment (Prevention of Corruption) / Prevention of Corruption (West Pakistan) Ordinance, 1970 / 1
Amendment (Railways) / Railways (Transport of Goods) West Pakistan) Ordinance, 1970 / 5
Amendment (Succession) / Succession (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1979 / 829
Applications for Grant of Resumed Lands (Land Reforms) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation, 1972 (Validation of Applications for the Grant of Resumed Lands) Act, 1973. / 227
Application Act (Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Extension to Tribal Areas) / West Pakistan Muslims Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1976 / 467
Application (Shariat) / Balochistan Civil Disputes (Shariat Application) Regulation, 1976 / 471
Application to Tribal Areas (Foodstuffs Control) / West Pakistan Foodstuffs (Control) Act (Application to Tribal Areas) Regulation, 1971 / 205
Application to Tribal Areas (Labour Laws) / Provincial Labour Laws (Application to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974. / 391
Application to Tribal Areas (Minimum Wages) / Minimum Wages Ordinance (Application to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1972 / 223
Application to Tribal Areas (Probation of Offenders) / Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Application to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1972 / 219
Area (Pat Feeder) / Balochistan Pat Feeder Area (Settlement of Land Disputes) Ordinance, 1970 / 131
Areas (Tribal) (Balochistan Development Authority) / Balochistan Development Authority Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 387
Areas (Tribal) (Extension of B.O.R. and Land Revenue) / West Pakistan Board of Revenue Act and the Wet Pakistan Land Revenue Act, (Extension to the Tribal Areas of the Province of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 265
Areas (Tribal) (Extension of Motor Vehicle Taxation) / West Pakistan Motor Vehicles Taxation Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 271
Areas (Tribal) (Foodstuffs Control) / West Pakistan Foodstuffs (Control) Act (Application to Tribal Areas) Regulation, 1971 / 205
Areas (Tribal) (Good Conduct Prisoners) / Good Conduct Prisoners’ Probational Release Act (Extension to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 383
Areas (Tribunal) (Labour Laws) / Provincial Labour Laws (Application to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 391
Areas (Tribal) (Minimum Wages) / Minimum Wages Ordinance (Application to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1972 / 223
Areas (Tribal) (Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) (Application Act) / West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1976 / 467
Areas (Tribal) Probation of Offenders) / Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Application to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1972 / 219
Areas (Tribal) Validation of Transfer of Properties) / Balochistan Tribal Areas (Validation of Transfer of Properties) Regulation, 1979 / 881
Assembly (Privileges) / Provincial Assembly of Balochistan Privileges Act, 1975. / 439
Assembly Members (Salaries and Allowances) / Balochistan Assembly Members (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1975 / 397
Authority (Development) / Balochistan Development Authority Act, 1974 / 307
Authority (Quetta Development) / Quetta Development Authority Ordinance, 1978 / 585
Authority (Tribal) Balochistan Development Authority) / Balochistan Development Authority Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 387
Authorizations (Cancellation) Foodstuffs) / Balochistan Foodstuffs Whole-Sale and Retail Dealers (Cancellation of Authorizations) Ordinance, 1979 / 859
Balochistan / Balochistan (Amendment f Laws) (Repeal) Act, 1974 / 275
Balochistan / Balochistan Assembly Members (Salaries and Allowances) Act, 1975 / 397
Balochistan / Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance, 1977 / 509
Balochistan / Balochistan Buildings Control Ordinance, 1979 / 863
Balochistan / Balochistan Canal and Drainage Ordinance, 1980 / 1087
Balochistan / Balochistan Charge Nurses (Compulsory Service) Act, 1975 / 457
Balochistan / Balochistan Chief Minister and Provincial Ministers (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 / 405
Balochistan / Balochistan Civil Disputes (Shariat Application) Regulation, 1976 / 471
Balochistan / Balochistan Civil Servants Act, 1974 / 289
Balochistan / Balochistan Control on Possession and Consumption of Drugs Act, 1973 / 231
Balochistan / Balochistan Corporation Employees (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 / 747
Balochistan / Balochistan Development Authority Act, 1974 / 307
Balochistan / Balochistan Development Authority Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 387
Balochistan / Balochistan Finance Ordinance, 1971 / 155
Balochistan / Balochistan Finance Act, 1972 / 213
Balochistan / Balochistan Finance Act, 1975 / 419
Balochistan / Balochistan Finance Ordinance, 1980 / 1069
Balochistan / Balochistan Foodstuffs Whole-Sale and Retail Dealers (Cancellation of Authorizations) Ordinance 1979 / 859
Balochistan / Balochistan Ground Water Rights Administration Ordinance, 1978 / 723
Balochistan / Balochistan Lady Health Visitors (Compulsory Services) Act, 1975 / 461
Balochistan / Balochistan Levies Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1980 / 1079
Balochistan / Balochistan Local Councils High Schools (Taking Over) Ordinance, 1970 / 33
Balochistan / Balochistan Local Government Ordinance, 1980 / 891
Balochistan / Balochistan Marble and Coal Minerals (Control of Movement) Ordinance, 1978 / 751
Balochistan / Balochistan Medical Graduates (Compulsory Service) Act, 1974 / 379
Balochistan / Balochistan Mining Concessions (Acquisition) Act, 1973 / 249
Balochistan / Balochistan Ministerial (English) Service Joint Cadre (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1971 / 173
Balochistan / Balochistan Orphanages (Supervision ad Control Ordinance, 1978 / 709
Balochistan / Balochistan Pat Feeder Area (Settlement of Land Disputes) Ordinance, 1970 / 131
Balochistan / Balochistan Prevention Gambling Ordinance, 1978 / 733
Balochistan / Balochistan Private Colleges (Management and Control) Ordinance, 1970 / 41
Balochistan / Balochistan Prohibition of Public Meetings (on Public Thoroughfares) Act, 1973 / 261
Balochistan / Balochistan Provincial Council Ordinance, 1980 / 1059
Balochistan / Balochistan Requisitioning of Stage Carriage (Temporary Powers) Ordinance, 1970 / 25
Balochistan / Balochistan Sea Fisheries Ordinance, 1971 / 161
Balochistan / Balochistan Service Tribunals Act, 1974 / 281
Balochistan / Balochistan Speaker’s and Deputy Speaker’s (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975 / 425
Balochistan / Balochistan Sportsmen’s Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1980 / 885
Balochistan / Balochistan Students Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1979 / 833
Balochistan / Balochistan System of Sardari (Abolition) Ordinance, 1978 / 741
Balochistan / Balochistan Tenancy Ordinance, 1978 / 757
Balochistan / Balochistan Text Book Board Ordinance, 1977 / 543
Balochistan / Balochistan Tribal Areas (Validation of Transfer of Properties) Regulation, 1979 / 881
Balochistan / Balochistan Waqf Properties Ordinance, 1979 / 839
Balochistan / Balochistan Weights and Measures (International System) Enforcement Ordinance, 1977 / 557
Balochistan / Balochistan Wild Life Protection Act, 1974 / 347
Balochistan (Amendment) / Balochistan Forest Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1974 / 335
Balochistan (Amendment) / Balochistan Land Reforms Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 69
Balochistan (Amendment) / Balochistan Land Reforms Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1973 / 239
Balochistan (Amendment) / Civil Procedure (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 151
Balochistan (Amendment) / Court Fees (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980 / 1137
Balochistan (Amendment) / Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1979 / 877
Balochistan (Amendment) / Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980 / 1075
Balochistan (Amendment) / Forest (Balochistan Amendment) Act, 1974 / 339
Balochistan (Amendment) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Amendment) Act, 1974 / 331
Balochistan (Amendment) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1975 / 451
Balochistan (Amendment) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 497
Balochistan (Amendment) / Succession (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1979 / 829
Balochistan (Amendment) / West Pakistan Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 143
Balochistan (Amendment) / West Pakistan Criminal Law (Special Provisions (Balochistan Second Amendment), Ordinance, 1971 / 147
Balochistan (Amendment) / West Pakistan Land Revenue (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 487
Balochistan (Amendment) / West Pakistan Land Revenue (Balochistan Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 581
Balochistan (Application of Minimum Wages to Tribal Areas) / Minimum Wages Ordinance (Application to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1972 / 223
Balochistan (Application of Probation of Offenders to Tribal Areas) / Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Application to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1972 / 219
Balochistan (Application of Provincial Labour Laws to Tribal Areas) / Provincial Labour Laws (Application to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 391
Balochistan (Expeditious Correction of Record of Rights) / Expeditious Correction of Record of Rights in Balochistan Ordinance, 1977 / 479
Balochistan (Extension of Balochistan Development Authority to Tribal Areas) / Balochistan Development Authority Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 387
Balochistan (Extension of B.O.R and Land Revenue to Tribal Areas) / West Pakistan Board of Revenue Act and the West Pakistan Land Revenue Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of the Province of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 265
Balochistan (Extension of Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release to Tribal Areas) / Good Conduct Prisoners’ Probational Release Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 383
Balochistan (Extension of Motor Vehicles Taxation to Tribal Areas) / West Pakistan Motor Vehicles Taxation Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 271
Balochistan (Extension of Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) to Tribal Areas) / West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1976 / 467
Balochistan (Finance) / West Pakistan (Balochistan) Finance Ordinance, 1970 / 61
Balochistan (Land Reforms) (Pat Feeder Canal) / Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation, 1972 (Validation of Applications for the Grant of Resumed Lands) Act, 1973 / 227
Balochistan (Provincial Assembly) (Privileges) / Provincial Assembly of Balochistan Privileges Act, 1975 / 439
Balochistan (University) / University of Balochistan Ordinance, 1970 / 79
Board of Intermediate / Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance, 1977 / 509
Board of Revenue / West Pakistan Board of Revenue Act and the West Pakistan Land Revenue Act, (Extension to the Tribal Areas of the Province of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 265
Board (Text Book) / Balochistan Text Book Board Ordinance, 1977 / 543
Book (Text) (Board) / Balochistan Text Book Board Ordinance, 1977 / 543
Books (Text) Regulation and Control) / West Pakistan Publication of Text Books (Regulation and Control) Ordinance, 1970 / 73
Buildings Control / Balochistan Buildings Control Ordinance, 1979 / 863

Cadre (Joint) (Ministerial (English) Service)

/ Balochistan Ministerial (English) Service Joint Cadre (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1971 / 173

Canal and Drainage

/ Balochistan Canal and Drainage Ordinance, 1980 / 1087

Canal (Pat Feeder)

/ Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation, 1972 (Validation of Applications for the Grant of Resumed Lands) Act, 1973 / 227

Canal (Pat Feeder) (Amendment)

/ Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation (amendment) Act, 1975 / 451

Canal (Pat Feeder) (Amendment)

/ Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 / 497

Cancellation of Authorizations (Foodstuffs Whole-Sale and Retail Dealers)

/ Balochistan Foodstuffs Whole-Sale and Retail Dealers (Cancellation of Authorizations) Ordinance, 1979 / 859

Carriage (Stage) (Temporary Powers)

/ Balochistan Requisitioning of Stage Carriage (Temporary Powers) Ordinance, 1970 / 25

Charge Nurses (Compulsory Service)

/ Balochistan Charge Nurses (Compulsory Service) Act, 1975 / 457

Chief Minister and Ministers (Salaries, Allowances etc.)

/ Balochistan Chief Minister and Provincial Ministers (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1975. / 405

Civil Disputes (Shariat Application)

/ Balochistan Civil Disputes (Shariat Application) Regulation, 1976 / 471

Civil Procedure (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ Civil Procedure (Special Provisions (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 151

Civil Servants

/ Balochistan Civil Servants Act, 1974 / 289

Coal Minerals (Control of Movement)

/ Balochistan Marble and Coal Minerals (Control of Movement) Ordinance, 1978 / 751

Colleges (Private) Management and Control)

/ Balochistan Private Colleges (Management and Control) Ordinance, 1970 / 41

Compulsory Service (Charge Nurses)

/ Balochistan Charge Nurses (Compulsory Service) Act, 1975 / 457

Compulsory Service (L.H.Vs)

/ Balochistan Lady Health Visitors (Compulsory Service) Act, 1975 / 461
Compulsory Service (Medical Graduates) / Balochistan Medical Graduates (Compulsory Service) Act, 1974 / 379
Concessions (Mining) / Balochistan Mining Concessions (Acquisition) Act, 1973 / 249

Conduct (Good) (Prisoners’) (Extension to Tribal Areas)

/ Good Conduct Prisoners’ Probational Release Act (Extension to Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 383

Consumption (Drugs)

/ Balochistan Control on Possession and Consumption of Drug Act, 1973 / 231

Control (Buildings)

/ Balochistan Buildings Control Ordinance, 1979 / 863

Control (Foodstuffs) (Application to Tribal Areas)

/ West Pakistan Foodstuffs (Control) Act (Application to Tribal Areas) Regulation, 1971. / 205

Control of Movement (Marble and Coal)

/ Balochistan Marble and Coal Minerals (Control of Movement) Ordinance, 1978 / 751

Control (Orphanages)

/ Balochistan Orphanages (Supervision and Control) Ordinance, 1978 / 709

Control (Possession and Consumption of Drugs)

/ Balochistan Control on Possession and Consumption of Drugs Act, 1973 / 231
Control Private Colleges / Balochistan Private Colleges (Management and Control) Ordinance, 1970 / 41

Control (Publication of Text Books)

/ West Pakistan Publication of Text Books (Regulation and Control) Ordinance, 1970 / 73

Corporation Employees (Special Powers)

/ Balochistan Corporation Employees (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 / 747

Correction of Record-of-Rights

/ Expeditious Correction of Record-of-Rights in Balochistan Ordinance, 1977 / 479

Corruption (Prevention of) (Amendment)

/ Prevention of Corruption (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 1

Councils (Local) (High Schools) (Taking Over)

/ Balochistan Local Councils High Schools (Taking Over) Ordinance, 1970 / 33

Council (Provincial)

/ Balochistan Provincial Council Ordinance, 1980 / 1059

Court Fee (Amendment)

/ Court Fees (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980 / 1137
Criminal Law (Amendment) / Pakistan Criminal Law (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 9

Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ West Pakistan Criminal Law (special Provisions) (Balochistan Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 143

Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ West Pakistan Criminal Law (Special Provisions) Balochistan Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1971 / 147

Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1972 / 209

Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1974 / 343

Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1979 / 877

Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Amendment)

/ Criminal Law (Special Provisions) (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980 / 1075


Dealers (Whole-Sale) (Foodstuffs)

/ Balochistan Foodstuffs Whole-Sale and Retail Dealers (Cancellation of Authorizations) Ordinance, 1979 / 859

Defence Purpose (Requisitioning of Immoveable Property)

/ Requisitioning of Immovable Property for Defence Purpose Ordinance, 1980 / 1051

Deputy Speaker’s (Speaker’s) (Salaries, Allowances etc.)

/ Balochistan Speaker’s and Deputy Speaker’s (Salaries, Allowances and Privileges Act, 1975 / 425
Development Authority (Balochistan /

Balochistan Development Authority Act, 1974

/ 307

Development Authority (Balochistan)

/ Balochistan Development Authority Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 387

Development Authority (Quetta)

/ Quetta Development Authority Ordinance, 1978 / 585

Disputes (Civil) (Shariat Application)

/ Balochistan Civil Disputes (Shariat Application) Regulation, 1976 / 471

Disputes (Land) (Pat Feeder Area)

/ Balochistan Pat Feeder Area (Settlement of Land Disputes) Ordinance, 1970 / 131

Dissolution (Service Joint Cadre)

/ Balochistan Ministerial (English) Service Joint Cadre (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1971 / 173

Drainage (Canal)

/ Balochistan Canal and Drainage Ordinance, 1980 / 1087

Drugs (Control and Possession)

/ Balochistan Control on Possession and Consumption of Drugs Act, 1973 / 231


Education (Board of Intermediate)

/ Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance, 1977 / 509

Employees (Corporation) (Special Powers)

/ Balochistan Corporation Employees (Special Powers) Ordinance, 1978 / 747

Enforcement (Weights and Measures)

/ Balochistan Weights and Measures (International System) Enforcement Ordinance, 1977 / 557

English (Ministerial) (Service)

/ Balochistan Ministerial (English) Service Joint Cadre (Dissolution) Ordinance, 1971 / 173

Expeditious Correction of Record-of-Rights

/ Expeditious Correction of Record-of-Rights in Balochistan Ordinance, 1977 / 479

Explosive Substances (Amendment)

/ Explosive Substances (West Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1970 / 13

Extension of Balochistan Development Authority to the Tribal Areas

/ Balochistan Development Authority Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 387

Extension of BOR and Land Revenue to the Tribal Areas

/ West Pakistan Board of Revenue Act and the West Pakistan Land Revenue Act, (Extension to the Tribal Areas of the Province of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 265

Extension of Good Conduct Prisoner’s to Tribal Areas

/ Good Conduct Prisoner’s Probational Release Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1974 / 383

Extension of Motor Vehicles Taxation to the Tribal Areas

/ West Pakistan Motor Vehicles Taxation Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1973 / 271

Extension of Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) to the Tribal Areas

/ West Pakistan Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act (Extension to the Tribal Areas of Balochistan) Regulation, 1976 / 467


Feeder Area (Pat) (Settlement of Land Disputes)


Balochistan Pat Feeder Area (Settlement of Land Disputes) Ordinance, 1970

/ 131

Feeder Canal (Pat) (Land Reforms)


Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) (Regulation, 1972 (Validation of Applications for the Grant of Resumed Lands) Act, 1973

/ 227

Feeder Canal (Pat) (Land Reforms) (Amendment)


Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1975

/ 451

Feeder Canal (Pat) (Land Reforms) (Amendment)


Land Reforms (Balochistan Pat Feeder Canal) Regulation (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1977

/ 497

Fees (Court) (Amendment)


Court Fees (Balochistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1980

/ 1137



West Pakistan (Balochistan) Finance Ordinance, 1970

/ 61



Balochistan Finance Ordinance, 1971

/ 155



Balochistan Finance Act, 1972

/ 213



Balochistan Finance Act, 1975

/ 419



Balochistan Finance Ordinance, 1980

/ 1069



Balochistan Sea Fisheries Ordinance, 1971

/ 161

Foodstuffs (Control) (Application to Tribal Areas)


West Pakistan Foodstuffs (Control) Act (Application to Tribal Areas) Regulation, 1971