July 2012
Volume 5, Issue6
Inside this Issue
1 / From the Pastor
2 / Fellowship Opportunities
3 / Church In Society
Worship and Music
Christian Education
4 / Mensch Mill
5 / Kid’s Page
6 / Stewardship Update
7 / Lay Ministry Schedule
8 / Vacation Bible School
Church Office Hours:
Tues –Fri. 9:00 am- 2:30 pm
email us at:

From the Pastor

Rev. Deb. Winters

For everything there is a season…Ecclesiastes 3:1

Every January, Gary and I head over to Liberia to take pictures and update the academic records of the students whose tuitions are paid through our 501(c) (3)

God’s Precious Children (), a non-profit organization that helps the children of Liberia have a better chance for a brighter future through an education in the name of Jesus.

Since our return this year people have been asking both when can they see pictures and how can they help support these children going to school. Sunday July 15, 2012 has been set as Liberian Sunday. Our Worship Service is scheduled downstairs that Sunday so that you can more easily view the DVD of our work in Liberia and ask any questions you might have about the work we do.

And, the very last Sunday of the month, July 29th has been set as STAR SUNDAY!!! If you remember the very first Sunday of the New Year every member that day got to select a star. Each star had a word. We trusted that God would guide the star and word we chose and that that word would come to mean something special to us this year.

July 29th is just a little over half-way through the year and time to report out! During the sermon I will ask those who would like to share to tell us what their word was, if that word has come to have any meaning in a new or special way to them, or, if so far, they have experienced nothing about that word at all. One never knows how God will work!

See you in church,

Pastor Deb


• “Let us disappear into praising. Nothing belongs to us.”

—Rainer Maria Rilke

• “Despotism may govern without faith, but Liberty cannot.”

—Alexis de Tocqueville

Our Mission Statement

We are a community of people growing spiritually, sharing God’s love and serving others.


Rev. Deborah J. Winters

Sam DeWald

Consistory President


Regina Floyd

Office Manager


Robin & Dustin Bennett



Dan Smith

Director of Music


Barry Fehnel

Children’s Choir


Christine Miller

Preschool Director


Warren Lubenow



Don Dickerson

Financial Secretary


Jack McGuire

Asst. Financial Secretary


Regina Floyd

Financial Recording Secretary


Fellowship Opportunities

Retirees’ Breakfast ThursdayJuly19th

@ 8:30 a.m.

You need not be retired to join in the fellowship! If you can break away or start the day with us, please do so. We meet at The Breakfast Hut for a scrumptious meal and wonderful conversation. For more information contact Betty Houck (610.779.2962)or Ethel Adams (610.779.2164).

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, July14th

@ 8:00 a.m.

The 2nd Saturday of each month the men of congregation meet at Boscov’s East for breakfast to discuss timely topics concerning the church and our community.

Just as important the Property Committee meets at 9:30 following the breakfast to address the maintenance of the church. All are invited

Book Group

The book group will take a summer break and then resume in September. We will meet sometime this summer to choose our selections for the fall and winter of 2012. If you'd like to be a part of the selection process or join the group, please call Marianne Lubenow at 610-779-3632.

Women’s Ministry

We will be taking a break this summer, and will reconvene in September. We are considering a small discussion group based on the video The Esteemed Journey-“Discovering your Full Worth in Christ” based life’s journey as women. If you are interested please contact Regina at 610-779-3955 for more details.

Reading Phillies All-Star Game, July 11 @ 7:05 p.m.

Schwarzwald UCC received a call from the Reading Phillies and are extending the invitation to us to “join them” at the “All Star Game” July 11 at 7:05 p.m., being hosted here in Reading for the first time in 38 years. There will be post game fireworks and a chance to win a trip to Phila. Training in 2013. The tickets are $10 for groups and $12 individually. Please call him at 610-375-8469, ext. 242 if you need any other information.

Church in Society

Local Food Pantries

Your continued support for the In His Name and Exeter Pantry is greatly appreciated.

The In His Name Food Pantry suggests you donate any canned meat; such as tuna, chicken or Spam. In addition they would welcome peanut butter and jelly. As always, all donations of food, paper and cleaning products and personal care products are welcomed. Thank you!

The Exeter Area Food Pantry -

EAFP continues to serve families in the 19606 and 19508 areas. Any food donations are appreciated and a special request for our church is CEREAL. There is a box in the narthex for all items. Monetary donations/checks should be made out to Reformation Lutheran Church with a special notation “for EAFP”. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Cathy Weaver at 610-779-7030, email .

Exeter Area Food Pantry

Open the 3rd Friday of each month

From 3:00-6:00p.m.

(Doors open at 2:30)

Reformation Lutheran Church

3670 Perkiomen Ave., Reiffton

To register, call 610-572-2344

Mennonite Central Committee School Kits

Many children around the world struggle to get basic school supplies. To meet that need, the Church in Society Committee is asking for your help collecting the items needed for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) School Kits. School kits are MCC’s most-requested item. Notebooks and pencils become treasures to families who struggle to afford basic school supplies. School kits also are given to refugee and displaced children, helping students and teachers add some normalcy to disrupted lives. They are frequently requested after disasters. MCC sends school kits to places including Afghanistan, Jordan and Kenya.

School Kit Contents

4 spiral or perforated notebooks

(8 ½ x 10 ½)

4 unsharpened pencils

1 ruler (flat, flexible plastic, indicating both 30 cm & 12 in)

12 colored pencils (in packaging)

1 large pencil eraser

Please put your donations in the boxes labeled MCC School Kits in the narthex and the fellowship room. Thank you.

Worship and Music

Dan Smith

Lay Visitation Team

A Lay Visitation Team has been formed to visit our sick and shut-in members. Mim Nonnon is the coordinator. Please contact her at 610-777-1173 or heavnsangels, to request a visit.

These people are trained members of the Lay Visitation Team: Bruce May, Sam DeWald, Marian Frederick, Leila Escavacini, Mim Nonnon, Judy Rogers, Sharon Clark, Jolene Miller, Barbara Ash, Marti Smith and Sandy Snyder. If you want to be trained to be a visitation volunteer, please contact Mim or Sandy Snyder.

Save the Date: Sunday, September 30th at 10:15 a.m.

Dave Stahl Sacred Orchestra and Chorus

Christian Education

Children’s Church

Hear God’s message at a child’s level. Children’s Church will include a message, singing, games or a craft. Children will attend the first part of worship and leave after the Children’s Chat. Any child age 2 through grades 6 are welcome. Our insurance requires two adults to lead any program. Helpers are needed. Planning is done, so you just need to work with the students and supervise. Please sign up on the downstairs bulletin board to help with this program. If you like kids, then this is the perfect place for you.

The Church Fair in July is cancelled. We were unable to gather enough people to commit to helping at the event. Perhaps it can be tried another time.

Fund Raiser for Bob Lenz’s

Visit to Exeter High

Please place your extra change in the coin tube to help bring Bob Lenz to Exeter Highand the Exeter Community during the week of October 15-19, 2012. Bob Lenz is an international speaker and evangelist who relates with teens. With a special blend of humor, he speaks of current issues facing teens. His message is one of hope. Bob says, “Without hope for the future, young people have no power to live in the present.” His mission is to impart a new system of determining self worth based on internal qualities of friendship, character and love. Bob’s eveningcommunity gathering, with AJ an animated illusionist, seeks to reconcile parents and teens and promote communication at home.

Your donation is tax deductible. Checks should be made payable to Life Promotions and given to Marti Smith or you can drop coins in the coin tube at the stairs. Levels of sponsorship: Individual student sponsor $1.80. Class of 30 students sponsor $54, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th Grade sponsor $150

Vacation Bible School is coming, July 23-26.

Tell your friends. Volunteers are still needed. An adult or dependable high school student is needed to lead games (game suggestions are provided). Adults and dependable high school students are needed as tour guides. Tour guides lead a small group of kids to their activities and help them participate.

Christian Symbols

Bible Quiz





Our Ministry of Worship

Each Sunday, we gather for worship at 9:15 a.m. Children’s Church is located on the parking lot level of the church. Remember that we have an elevator from the parking lot level to the sanctuary level

Lay Ministry Schedule

When Your Ducks Aren’t

In a Row

On the surface, people, like ducks, can seem to glide effortlessly through life. We’re often the picture of calm, in perfect control. But underneath, we may be paddling like mad to keep up a façade — or just to keep up.

Although we like to look and feel as if we have it all together, the truth is we often don’t. Think how much better we’d feel if we could just admit our weaknesses and doubts. Think how much more genuine our churches would be if we didn’t have to pretend we’re okay when we’re actually struggling.

Surely, God wants the pretense to stop. Set an example for friends and fellow worshipers by ending the mad paddling, embracing honesty and helping one another.

Sea of Circumstances

Amid the ebb and flow of challenges and changes, it can be difficult to keep our footing. We can get so caught up in daily concerns that we lose our balance. When anxiety replaces peace, we may realize something isn’t right with us spiritually but not know how to fix it.

According to Samuel Rutherford, the problem is our perspective. “Trust God’s Word and his power more than you trust your own feelings and experiences,” he said. “Remember, your Rock is Christ, and it is the sea that ebbs and flows with the tides, not him.”