Form 2

Journal 2 – Holiday and festival

Choose ONE of the topics below and write a 100-120 words essay.

  1. Which holiday/festival do you think is not necessary? Base on the school calendar, choose ONE holiday/festival that you want to cancel. Write a brief description of the holiday/festival you have chosen and explain why it is necessary to be cancelled.
  1. If you had a chance to add ONE more holiday/festival to your school calendar, what holiday/festival would you add? Write a description of the new holiday/festival that you want to add and explain why it is necessary to be added.

Bonus: Draw a picture related to the holiday/festival that you want to cancel or to add.

Form 2 English Readers

Matilda by Roald Dahl (Ch.4-6)

Read chapter 4 – 6 and complete the following tasks.

  1. Have you ever had a teacher like Miss Honey? What was she like? Do you think there really are teachers like Miss Trunchbull in the world? Have you ever met one? Write a short paragraph and share your experience.
  1. Miss Trunchbull is said to be a horrible teacher. She does not like children and always punishes them hard. Imagine you are one of those children who have been punished by Miss Trunchbull. Think of a plan to take revenge. What will you do to her? Write your plan in not less than 50 words

Hint: a picture to describe your plan will always earn you a bonus point!


Complete the following exercises during your sweet stay at home. Remember to do them all in your notebook.

  1. Simple Future + ‘Going to’ Form (Exercise 58, page 84, from 1-10)
  2. Future Continuous + Future Perfect tense (Exercise 61, page 88, from1-12)

New Headway:

1. Read the passage in Unit-2, “The Clown Doctor” and be prepared for a short quiz on 5th October, 2009 (Monday). Questions for the quiz will be one-word-answer model. Example: How old is Loo Loo? Ans. 23

2. Identify at least 10 new vocabularies from Unit-2, and add them in your Vocabulary notebook. I will check them the first day I meet you.

3. What do you thinkis the happiest time of a person’s life – when they are young or when they are old? Why? (Answer this question in no less than 50 words)

Please take note:

  1. The due date of all these assignments is the 5th of October (Monday), 2009.
  2. Please come well-prepared for the Oral test.
  3. For any query, do meet me at or call at the school during working hours.