FEBRUARY 18, 2014
6:00 P.M.
ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware and Councilmembers Mary Littlejohn, Nick McLemore, Dennis Shoaf, and Mike Ragland were present.
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ware called the meeting to order.
INVOCATION Jim Whitworth led the invocation.
PLEDGE TO FLAG Nick McLemore led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
AUDIT REPORT- Jim Finney reviewed the audit with the Council. It was a positive year with a ratio of
JIM FINNEY coverage for debt service increasing. Finney added that the positive numbers were due to the careful spending on the City’s part. He also reminded Council that due to the short- fall of the 2006 SPLOST, the City must repay the County approximately $180, 000. It will be set up as a liability. The auditor will be taking this out of fund balance. No repayment schedule has been set at this time.
PINHOTI TRAIL- Rick Moon, President of the Pinhoti Trail Association, was present and shared the current
RICK MOON status of the Pinhoti Trail as it applies to the City of Cave Spring. The National Conservancy has purchased another 77 acres of forest land near Jackson Chapel Road. This will allow the trail to come from the state line to within two miles of the City without having to travel on pavement. There is one place where the trail crosses Highway 100, but other than that it avoids pavement. The association has been concentrating on the northern section of the trail in the past and has created two mountain bike parks. This spring they intend to put more time into creating and improving the existing trail leading to Cave Spring. The Conservancy owns 940 acres of land in Polk County two miles from the Cave Spring City limits. The Pinhoti Association would like to loop the trail at this point creating ten miles of trails, thus creating another mountain bike park on the South end. They would like to be able to bring the trail into the City without the last two miles being on pavement. The Association believes the trail itself, along with that mountain bike park, would be an economic boost to the City, and asked for the Council’s endorsement of their efforts.
APPROVAL OF MOTION: Nick McLemore made a motion to approve the Council minutes from the
PAST MINUTES meetings on January 9 and 14. Dennis Shoaf seconded the motion. All voted yes.
DAYCARE REPORT Average daily attendance is 18 and total enrollment is 35.
D.D.A. REPORT Martha Crowe presented this report. The Welcome Center has been unable to open due to cold weather. Also, a water leak from frozen pipes had forced the water to be shut off until the problem has been repaired. The promotions team is working hard on plans for the 2nd annual Bike Rally in July. Another promotions team is making plans for a new project, Bacon Fest, on Saturday May 3rd at the Community Center and plaza area. This
FEBRUARY 18, 2014
is a low key competition of homemade dishes using bacon as the main ingredient. A Battle of the Bands promoting the smaller garage type band will also take place. There will also be arts and crafts for sale. Business Over Coffee will be held at City Hall, Thursday February 20th at 8:30 a.m., at which time the plans for the renovation of Fannin Hall will be presented. Mayor Ware questioned if the pipes had been fixed.
POLICE REPORT Chief Ely gave this report. Calls answered for the month of January were 65 while citations issued were 2. Chief Ely thanked the fire department for their help during the snow stating that the two departments worked well together.
COURT REPORT Fines levied for the month of January were $1,820, while the fines collected were $534.
FIRE DEPARTMENT Randy Lacey, Fire Chief, gave this report. There were 12 responses or 39% in Cave
REPORT Spring and 19 responses or 61% in the County. Mayor Ware reported that the County has confirmed the purchase of a new chasis for the rescue truck out of the County Fire Fund.
WATER REPORT This was in written form.
ADJUSTMENTS MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to approve adjustments for customers with leak insurance. Dennis Shoaf seconded the motion. All voted yes.
MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to approve adjustments for customers with
City leaks. Dennis Shoaf seconded the motion. All voted yes.
MOTION: Nick McLemore made a motion to approve all miscellaneous adjustments. Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes.
CLERK’S REPORT The following items need to be added to the agenda:
Tires- Fire Department
Awning repair at Cave Spring Pharmacy
Fannin Hall Relocation- bank repairs
D.D.A. request for the Community Center
MOTION: Nick McLemore made a motion to add to agenda the above mentioned items. Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes.
A work session was set for Tuesday March 4th at 4:00 p.m.
MOTION TO MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to pay all bills. Mike Ragland seconded the
PAY BILLS motion. All voted yes.
FEBRUARY 18, 2014
ANNUAL MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to re-appoint the following:
APPOINTMENTS Attorney- Zach Burkhalter
Judge- Steve Burkhalter
Auditor- Jim Finney
Engineer- Williams, Sweitzer, and Barnum
Fire Chief- Randy Lacey
City Clerk- Judy Dickinson
Nick McLemore seconded the motion. All voted yes.
HOLIDAY MOTION: Mike Ragland made a motion to designate Good Friday and Veteran’s Day as
DESIGNATIONS the two additional City holidays for 2014. Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes.
PINHOTI TRAIL Mayor Ware stated that the trail will be a great asset to the community.
ENDORSEMENT MOTION: Nick McLemore made a motion for the City to go on record endorsing the Pinhoti Trail. Dennis Shoaf seconded the motion. All voted yes.
COMMUNITY MOTION: Nick McLemore made a motion for the City to go on record endorsing this.
HERITAGE Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes.
ARCHITECT MOTION: Dennis Shoaf made a motion to approve the payment of $13,800 to Carter
INVOICES Watkins for Fannin Hall renovations. Mary Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes.
TRAFFIC SIGN This item was postponed due to the attorney still researching the matter.
STREETLIGHT Mike Ragland is requesting an added streetlight at Roundhill Cemetery to deter drug
REQUEST deals and night time parking. Mayor Ware would like to see light in the residential areas as these are for the benefit of the residents. This item was postponed in order to get a cost estimate.
TREE ON BROAD The attorney has researched this. The City ordinance refers to the City streets as having
STREET 50 foot right of ways. Mayor Ware stated that he did not think this would apply to the old streets. The attorney responded that he would have to search the title back 100 years to find the width of the street and for a legal description. The City has acquired the street by use. The City has maintained the ditch where the tree is located. The attorney suggested having the area surveyed. Mayor Ware state that he does not think the City owns the tree. Mike Ragland stated that the tree needed to be cut down. It is a danger and a liability as it could fall on a citizen, a house or a vehicle.
MOTION: Mike Ragland made a motion to have the tree on River Street cut down. There was no second. This item will be postponed until the next meeting.
FEBRUARY 18, 2014
FIRE DEPARTMENT MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to approve tires from Deaton Tire not to
TIRES exceed $900. Dennis Shoaf seconded the motion. All voted yes.
AWNING REPAIR- Fireman, Donnie McCain, while in the rescue truck, damaged the awning at Cave Spring
CAVE SPRING Pharmacy. The repair will cost $1,317.04.
PHARMACY MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to approve payment for repair of awning. Dennis Shoaf seconded the motion. All voted yes.
CITY HALL MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to award the contract to Charles Howell not
RELOCATION- to exceed $3,500. Nick McLemore seconded the motion. All voted yes.
D.D.A. REQUEST Mike Ragland requested the D.D.A. use the Community Center for Bacon Fest on May 3,
FOR USE OF THE 2014 at a reduced rate. The reduced rate for City organizations is $75/day.
COMMUNITY MOTION: Mike Ragland made a motion to grant the request by the D.D.A. Nick
CENTER McLemore seconded the motion. All voted yes.
REMINDER- The 2014 Founder’s Day Ball will be held on February 21st at 7:00 p.m. at the Hearn
FOUNDERS DAY Academy. Dinner will be at Linde Marie’s Steakhouse by reservation.
ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting.