5d: Animal Rights

Lesson 6 of 6: Resource Sheet 1

Should Animals have rights?

Snakes and ladders

Animals are thought of a little differently in Hinduism – The God Vishnu is often shown with a friendly snake. This snakes and ladders game has you going up the snakes and down the ladders. At the foot of every snake is an example of the respect Hindus give animals; at the head of every ladder is an example of how this is not always put into practice.

You add the snakes and ladders where you think they should go

From your own research into animals in Hinduism you could enlarge this snakes and ladders game and add your own good and bad points.

5d Animal Rights

Lesson 6 of 6: Resource Sheet 1

Elephants are used as working animals in India / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35
In India cows are often left to suffer because no-one wants to kill them / 36
25 / 26
You can be reborn as an animal – so look after them they might be your relatives! / 27 / 28
It is claimed that Ayurvedic medicines are sometimes tested on animals / 29 / 30
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Animals are used for experiments in India too
Hindu gods sometimes take the form of animals – even snakes. / 14 / 15 / 16
Ganesh travels around on a rat. So rats are often seen as special. / 17 / 18
7 / 8
Rats are still exterminated as pests in India / 9 / 10 / 11
Cows are sacred in Hinduism / 12
The elephant headed god Ganesh is very popular in Hinduism. / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Ahimsa is important in Hinduism. It means avoiding harming all life

Science and Religion in Schools – 5d: Animal Rights