Bolton Council

Matters to be specified in Section 15 Proposals

to discontinue a school

WithinsCommunitySecondary School


Contact details

1.The name of the local education authority or governing body publishing the proposals, and a contact address, and the name of the school it is proposed that should be discontinued.

These proposals are being published by:
The Borough Council of Bolton, Town Hall, Victoria Square, BoltonBL1 1RU.
The proposal relates to the discontinuance of WithinsCommunitySecondary School, Newby Road, Breightmet,BoltonBL2 5JB.


2. The date when it is planned that the proposals will be implemented, or where the proposals are to be implemented in stages, information about each stage and the date on which each stage is planned to be implemented.

It is proposed that the existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School will close on 31stAugust 2009, in order to allow a new Academy school to open from the 1st September 2009.


3.A statement to the effect that all applicable statutory requirements to consult in relation to the proposals were complied with.

The Council has undertaken all applicable statutory requirements to consult all relevant parties prior to the publication of the Statutory Notice. The details of such consultations are listed below, and are in accordance with the guidance and advice issued in respect of Closing a MaintainedMainstreamSchool – A Guide for Local Authorities and Governing Bodies, dated February 2008.

4.Evidence of the consultation before the proposals were published including—

(a)a list of persons and/or parties who were consulted;

(b)minutes of all public consultation meetings;

(c)the views of the persons consulted; and

(d)copies of all consultation documents and a statement of how these were made available.

Following approval by The Executive body of the Borough Council of Boltonon the 29th August 2008, a six week formal consultation exercise commenced on Monday 1st September and closed at midnight on Sunday 12th October 2008. A copy of the consultation document is attached as Appendix 1.
Appendix 2 provides a list of all those who were consulted about the application and includes details of which parties received a copy of the full consultation document.
Public drop events for parents, and any other interested parties were held at the school on the 8th and 26thSept, between 3:30pm and 7:00pm on each occasion. Over the two separate sessions that were held, approximately 12 parents and other interested parties attended to discuss the proposal with Officers of the Council.
In addition the following, non public meetings were held with specific interested groups at which details of the proposal were described and explained:
Withins Governing Body - 17th Sept;
WithinsSchool Staff- 19th and 30th Sept;
Unions Representatives - 10th, 24th Sept, and 8th Oct
Joint Unions Consultative Committee- 24th Sept
Withins Pupils (School Council)- 19th Sept and 26th Sept;
Drop In for Elected Members- 23rd Sept;
Bolton Primary Headteachers- 18th Sept;
Secondary Headteachers- 22nd Sept;
Appendix 3 provides a summary of the responses that were received following the consultation exercise.
The results of the consultation exercise were reported to a public meeting of the Executive Member for Children’s Services on Tuesday 21st October 2008, and a copy of the minutes of that meeting are attached as Appendix 4.


5.The objectives of the proposal.

The objective of the proposal is to formally discontinue the existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School, Bolton with effect from the 31stAugust 2009in order to enable a new AcademySchool to be established at the site, with effect fromthe 1st September 2009.

Standards and Diversity

6.A statement and supporting evidence indicating how the proposals will impact on the standards, diversity and quality of education in the area.

Withins Community Secondary School is located on Newby Road in the Breightmet area of Bolton and currently provides mixed sex, non-denominational education for up to 900 pupils, aged 11 -16. The school admits up to 180 pupils at the start of each academic year. The school admitted 145 pupils into Year 7 in September 2007.
WithinsCommunitySecondary School serves a community with high levels of socio-economic disadvantage. A high proportion of students are eligible for free school meals. The percentage of students from minority ethnic backgrounds has increased, but remains below the national average. The percentage of students who speak English as an additional language is also lower than the national average.
The number of students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities is higher than the national norm.
In the area of Bolton from which the school draws its pupils, the percentage of young people who go on from school to participate in further education is below the Bolton average.
The current buildings date from the 1950s. They are in need of considerable investment to provide an environment that is fit for the delivery of a modern curriculum.
When WithinsSchool was inspected in June 2003, it was judged to require special measures because it was failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education. The school was taken out of special measures following an inspection in January 2005, when it was judged to be providing an acceptable standard of education for its pupils.
Since then the school has made steady progress and an Ofsted Inspection in July 2007 found it to be an effective and improving school which provided a satisfactory education for its pupils.
In GCSE examinations in 2007, 25% of pupils achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grade C or above, including English and maths. This was up from 13% in 2006, but is still below the average for Bolton schools of 40.1%and is significantly below the national average.
The Local Authority (the Borough Council of Bolton) and its partners are fully committed to significantly improving the life chances for our children and young people. It aims to transform schools and develop teaching and learning fit for today and tomorrow. A new Academy to replace the existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School would:
•provide significant capital investment to develop a modern, high quality learning environment equipped with the latest technology;
•enable the school to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of Academy sponsors;
•increase the rate of improvement in pupils’ standards of attainment, building on the achievements of the existing school;
•provide the residents of Bolton with wider diversity and greater choice of schools for their children;
•establish stronger links between the primary and secondary stages of education, allowing pupils to make uninterrupted progress and providing primary age pupils with access to shared facilities normally only accessible to secondary age pupils;
•increase the percentage of pupils living in the Breightmet area who go on to participate in further education.
For these reasons it is therefore proposed that the establishment of an Academy to replace the existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School should be considered.
The Academy would be designated as having a religious character and this has always been clear since the Church of England was considered as sponsor for the proposed Academy. However, it would be open to all children regardless of faith or no faith and would not give priority in admissions to pupils of a particular faith. The Academy would continue to admit local children of all abilities.
Initially the Academy would open in the existing school buildings but a new facility will be built immediately thereafter and which will be available to pupils by 2011/12.

Provision for 16 -19 year olds

7.Where the school proposed to be discontinued provides sixth form education, how the proposals will impact on—

(a)the educational or training achievements;

(b)participation in education or training; and

(c)the range of educational or training opportunities,

for 16-19 year olds in the area.

The existing WithinsCommunitySecondary Schoolcurrently provides education for 11 – 16 year old boys and girls only. However, the proposed Academy will provide 200 new places for 16 – 19 years education.

Need for places

8.A statement and supporting evidence about the need for places in the area including whether there is sufficient capacity to accommodate displaced pupils.

The new Academy would provide:
•210 places for primary pupils aged 4 – 11. The proposed admission number for the 5 - 11 component of the Academy would be 30 pupils.
•750 places for secondary pupils aged 11 – 16. The proposed admission number for the 11 – 16 component of the Academy would be 150 pupils.
•200 places for pupils aged 16 – 19.
•26 full time equivalent places for pre-school children aged 3 – 4 would be provided on the site of the new Academy.
The proposed Academy will therefore provide places for all existing pupils from the two host schools in addition to providing 200 new post 16 education places. No existing pupils therefore need be displaced by the proposal to close the existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School, or Top o’th’ BrowCommunityPrimary School.

9.Where the school has a religious character, a statement about the impact of the proposed closure on the balance of denominational provision in the area and the impact on parental choice.

The existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School is a non faith, non denominational LA Maintained school offering education to 11 – 16 year old boys and girls.
The proposed Academy would be designated as having a religious character, since the Church of England will be one of the proposed sponsors. However it would be open to all children regardless of faith or no faith and would not give priority in admissions to pupils of a particular faith. The Academy would continue to admit local children of all abilities. The proposed Academy will therefore have no affect on the overall balance of denominational provision within the Borough nor on parental choice.

CurrentSchool Information

10.Information as to the numbers, age range, sex and special educational needs of pupils (distinguishing between boarding and day pupils) for whom provision is made at the school.

Number of pupils by year groups
Year Groups / Boys / Girls / Total
7 / 70 / 58 / 128
8 / 80 / 63 / 143
9 / 72 / 66 / 138
10 / 80 / 86 / 166
11 / 93 / 88 / 181
Total / 395 / 361 / 756
Number of pupils with SEN
Statements / Without Statements
No. / % / No. / %
11 / 1.5% / 267 / 35%

Displaced Pupils

11.Details of the schools or further education colleges which pupils at the school for whom provision is to be discontinued will be offered places, including—

(a)any interim arrangements;

(b)where the school included provision that is recognised by the local education authority as reserved for children with special educational needs, the alternative provision to be made for pupils in the school’s reserved provision; and

(c)in the case of special schools, alternative provision made by local education authorities other than the authority which maintains the school.

All existing pupils currently attending WithinsCommunitySecondary School will be offered places at the new AcademySchool which is planned to be established from September 2009.
Alternatively, pupils can seek admission to other schools where places are available, in accordance with their approved admission arrangements.

12.Details of any other measures proposed to be taken to increase the number of school or further education college places available in consequence of the proposed discontinuance.

The proposed new Academy to be established at Withins from September 2009, will accommodate all pupils from the existing host schools. There are no proposals to alter provision for pupils at any other school.

Impact on the Community

13.A statement and supporting evidence about the impact on the community and any measures proposed to mitigate any adverse impact.

Following the proposed closure of WithinsCommunitySecondary School, a new AcademySchool will be immediately established on the exiting site, from September 2009
In the short term, the proposed new Academy school will utilise the exiting Withins School buildings and facilities, as well as the exiting buildings and facilities at the existing Top o’th’ Brow Community School located on Greenroyd Avenue which will, for a short time will continue to provide accommodation for the nursery and primary age element of the proposed Academy. However, it is planned that the construction of a new Academy school will commence on the existing Withins site immediately thereafter and that this new, modern facility will be available to all pupils during the Academic year 20011/12.
By focussing on the needs of students, their families and the local community, the proposed Academy will demonstrate a commitment to achieving an inclusive environment. All members of the community will feel welcome and have a sense of security, and a sense of belonging

14.Details of extended services the school offered and what it is proposed for these services once the school has discontinued.

The existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School provides a variety of extended services to pupils and the wider community, including the provision of homework and language classes, and a wide variety of sporting and recreational activities. Other facilities at the school including the main hall are also made available for community uses when the needs arise.
It is envisaged that these services will continue to be offered when the new Academy opens.


15.Details of length and journeys to alternative provision.

All existing pupils attending WithinsSecondary School will be offered places at the proposed new Academy school that is planned to be opened in September 2009 on the existing site at Withins.
There will therefore be no impact to these pupils in respect of travel to and from school as a result of the proposed closure of WithinsCommunitySecondary School.

16.The proposed arrangements for travel of displaced pupils to other schools including how they will help to work against increased car use.

See 15 above.

Related Proposals.

17.A statement as to whether in the opinion of the local education authority or governing body, the proposals are related to any other proposals which may have been, are, or are about to be published.

The proposal to close the existing WithinsCommunitySecondary School is related to a proposal to establish a new Academy schoolon the site of the existing school, from September 2009. The proposed establishment of the new Academy however, does not itself require any separate publication.
The establishment of the Academy is subject to the agreement of the Secretary of State. It is proposed that the closure of Withins Community Secondary School and the nearby Top o’th Brow Community Primary School should be approved to take effect only if by the date of closure of the two schools, an agreement has been made under section 482(1) of the Education Act 1996 for the establishment of an Academy to replace Withins Community Secondary School.
The proposal to close Top o'th' Brow Community Primary School is linked to and dependent on the Withins Community Secondary School proposal, but the proposal to close Withins Community Secondary School is not dependent on the proposal to close Top o'th' Brow Community Primary School being approved.
It is proposed that the Academy will be an all-through 3 – 18 years of age provision school. However, if the proposal to close Top o’th’ Brow Primary School is not approved, but the proposal to close Withins Community Secondary School is approved, then the Academy will open as an 11 - 18 years of age provision. If the proposal to close WithinsCommunitySecondary School is not approved, then the Academy will not open and neither Top o’th’ BrowCommunityPrimary School nor WithinsCommunitySecondary School will close.

Rural Primary Schools

18.Where proposals relate to a rural primary school designated as such by an order made for the purposes of section 15 of the EIA 2006, a statement that the local education authority or the governing body (as the case may be) considered—

(a)the likely effect of discontinuance of the school on the local community;

(b)the availability, and likely cost to the local education authority, of transport to other schools;

(c)any increase in the use of motor vehicles which is likely to result from the discontinuance of the school, and the likely effects of any such increase; and

(d)any alternatives to the discontinuance of the school,

as required by section 15(4) of the EIA 2006.


Maintained nursery schools

19.Where proposals relate to the discontinuance of a maintained nursery school, a statement setting out—

(a)the consideration that has been given to developing the school into a children’s centre and the grounds for not doing so;

(b)the local education authority’s assessment of the quality and quantity of the alternative provision compared to the school proposed to be discontinued and the proposed arrangements to ensure the expertise and specialism continues to be available; and

(c)the accessibility and convenience of replacement provision for local parents.


Special educational provision

20.Where existing provision for pupils with special educational needs is being discontinued, a statement as to how the local education authority or the governing body believes the proposal is likely to lead to improvements in the standard, quality and/or range of the educational provision for these children.

Existing arrangements for pupils with special needs currently attending WithinsCommunitySecondary Schoolwill continue when the new proposed Academy opens in September 2009, and there will therefore be no detrimental impact on pupils requiring special education needs provision.
Para 6 above explains more fully how the proposed new Academy will help to raise standards and quality of provision for all pupils.

APPENDIX 1- Copy of Consultation Document (attached separately)

APPENDIX 2- Details of those persons consulted (attached separately)

APPENDIX 3- Consultation Response Form Results (See Below)

WithinsSchool Closure Consultation

Consultation Response Form Results

A total of 298 responses were received from the following sources:

Medium / No of responses
Online Surveys / 153
Pupils’ response box / 18
Adults response form / 65
Texts / 60*
Emails / 2

*Fifty nine of the texts came from the 4 same mobile numbers. Only one response per mobile has been recorded i.e. a total of 5 texts. The following types of people responded:

Respondent (Base = 237) / No of responses / Percentage
Parent / carer of a child at WithinsSchool / 29 / 12%
Parent / carer of a child at a school other than Withins / 31 / 13%
Pupil / 21 / 9%
Member of staff at WithinsSchool / 12 / 5%
Member of staff at a school other than Withins / 55 / 23%
Governor of WithinsSchool / 2 / 1%
Governor of a school other than Withins / 6 / 3%
Councillors / 1 / 0%
On behalf of a group / organisation* / 33 / 14%
Other** / 60 / 25%

NB: Multiple response question. Doesn’t include text responses.