Day Nurseries Act

Key Terms Pages 2-23

Day Nursery– a place where there are more than 5 children unrelated and whose purpose is to provide temporary care and guidance for a continuous period not exceeding 24 hours.

Licence– means that a program receives a licence to operate under this act.

Ministry - means the Ministry of Children and Youth Services of the Ontario Government

Operator- means a person who has control or management of a day nursery or a private-home day care agency. This could mean the Chair person of a Board of Directors of a non-profit childcare agency

Private Home Day Care- means the temporary care for compensation of five children or less who are under ten years of age within a private residence ( see organization and management-R2.6)

Purchase of Service- The ministry (municipality) may enter into an agreement to purchase the services in a day nursery or a private home . (child subsidy) (pg.5)

Capitial Payments- The Ministry approves the erection of a new building, an addition to an existing building, or the purchase or other acquisition of an existing building. (pg. 11)

Renewal of Licence- The Ministry issue a renewal of a day nursery licence on application of the program. Thus the program has meet the licensing requirements however may be subject to terms and conditions.

Provisional Licence- Licensee has been issued a provisional license and which suggests that they did not meet the requirements for a full licence. They will be given terms and conditions whereby they will need to meet in order to get a full licence. (pg. 12)

Licensed Capacity- the maximum number of children including the number in each age group allowed to be in attendance in the day nursery at one time as set out by the licence. ( R2.2)

Operating Cost ( yearly)- the gross expenditure of a child care centre for a budget year ( R2.2)

Serious Occurence

a)death of a child while in attendance at a day nursery or private home care

b)serious injury to a child while in a day nursery or private home child care

c)fire or disaster occurring on the premise of a day nursery or home child care

d)a complaint concerning operational , physical, or safety standards

e)abuse of a child within the meaning of the Child and Family Services Act. By a staff member or person operating a home care facility. ( missing child - neglect) (R2.3)

Wage Subsidy- a subsidy for the enhancement of salaries and benefits for employees of a day nursery, private home care facility, resource centres (R2.4)

A Corporation- is a legal body that operates a day nursery and is approved by the Ministry. (R2.4)

Organization and Management- R2.6

Private Home – 3. 1-4 – Speaks to the organization and management of a licenced Private Home Child Care agency. A separate piece of legislation governs the operation of licenced homes and the delivery of childcare within these homes.

Supervisor in a Day Nursery- (5) Each day nursery operator must employ a supervisor who oversees the planning and direction of the program, is ultimately in charge of the children, and overseeing the staff. The supervisor is responsible to the operator.

Building and Accommodation- R2.6- R 2.9

6. (1) Each day nursery must provide play activity space of at least 2.8 square meters of unobstructed floor space for each child based on licensed capacity.

8. a) Infants- operator is required to have a play room for each ten children and a separate sleeping area that is not a part of the play area

b) 18 months to30 months ( Toddlers) – play area for each 15 children or less based on licensed capacity

c) 31 months – 5 years of age ( Preschoolers)- separate play area for each 24 children of less based on licensed capacity

d) 6 year olds to 9 year olds ( 12) ( School Agers) separate play area for each 30 children based on licenced capacity

9. Play areas for children under the age of six are to be on or below the second storey.

10. Each play area has to have windows which are 10% of the floor area of the play room.

11. Artificial Light- Each play area has to been properly lit.

12.Temperature- must be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius.

Equipment and Furnishings- R2.9-11

14.Play Equipment and furnishings in each day nursery are provided in adequate numbers reflecting the licensed capacity. They need to meet the developmental needs of the children enrolled keeping in mind the children’s ages.

The operator must also have sufficient toys on the premise for rotational purposes.

15.a) Change table – In programs where there are children from infancy up to 30 mths the program must have a table or counter space to be used for diapering and it must be adjacent to a sink

b) Bedding and proper cribs and cots must be provided

16. Furnishings and equipment must be properly maintained and cleaned regularly.

Playground- R.2.11

21. A playground needs to be provided for any program running more than 6 hours. It has to have at least 5.6 square meters for each child based on licensed capacity.

The play space will need to be divided if there are more than 64 children using the play space at one time.

22. Playgrounds need to be –

a) at ground level adjacent to the building

b) if used by children under 6 years- fenced at the minimum height of 1.2 meters

c) is designed so that staff can maintain constant supervision


25. Copies of all inspections by health inspectors, or fire safety inspectors are kept on the premise with a copy being sent to the program advisor at the Ministry.

26. – Insurance- all programs need to have comprehensive general liability insurance as well as vehicle coverage for any vehicle owned by the operator. ( person car liability insurance is required)

27. Fire Safety and Emergency Information-

a) Each program must have a written procedure for evacuation in the case of a fire. It must be approved by the fire chief and posted in a conspicuous area of the room

b) Each staff person must know their duty in such an event.

c) Fire drills must be completed each month.

d) Detailed records must be kept of each fire drill

e) There must be a designated space for the children to go to in the case of a fire.

28- Emergency information must be posted beside the phone in case of an emergency.

29. All information pertaining to the child must be readily accessible to each staff person. This includes parents phone numbers, emergency contact person, Family physician, health card number, and any medical information deemed necessary.

Health and Medical Supervision

30. A daily record must be maintained which includes a summary of any incident affecting the health or well being of any staff or child.

32.There needs to be policies in place in respect to sanitary practices- hand washing, toy cleaning etc.

33. The Ministry requires that children are immunized before entering a day nursery or private home. Records must be kept and forwarded to the local health unit. Parents who do not wish their child to be immunized must put that in writing and it needs to be kept on file.

34. a) The operator ( private home) is required to do a daily health check on each child in order to detect possible health problems.

b) If the child becomes ill they are to be separated from the group in an alternate location and it is to be documented in the child’s file and room record.

c) If the child becomes ill their parents need to be called . In such cases that the child is severely ill and/or the parents cannot come for the child the operator must be have the child seen by a qualified medical professional.

35.Serious Occurrences: the operator must have written policies and procedures regarding the handling of a serious occurrence.

36. There must be an up to date first aid kit on site accompanied by a first aid manual.

37.Administration of drugs or medications:

a) There must be a written procedure in place which has been written by a doctor which includes the administration of the drugs or medications as well as the keeping of records with respect to the administration.

b) All drugs must be stored in the appropriate location as per the instructions of the label. They must be administered according to the instructions.

c) The medications must be inaccessible to the children at all times and must be kept in a locked container.

d) Drugs or medications can only be administered with written authorization from a parent or guardian who has explicitly written out times and amounts to be given.

e) Drugs or medications can only be administered if they are in their original containers and clearly labeled. Do not assume the risk !!!


39. a) Infants under 18 months must be fed according to the parents instructions.

b) All containers of specific children must be labeled.

40. Meals offered at a full day facility must follow Canada’s Food Guide. Snack must also be nutritious in nature.

41. Menu plans must be posted for a two week period and be kept on premise for one month or longer. In private home locations care giver must consult with the parents and the home advisor when planning menu’s.

42. There must be an list posted in cooking and serving areas outlining any children within the program who have allergies.

43. Day nurseries must consult with parents if there are any dietary concerns that requires menu accommodations.

Behaviour Management

45. No operator shall permit:

a) corporal punishment of a child

b) harsh or degrading measures on a child that would humiliate them or undermine their self respect

c) deprive the child of basic needs such as food, clothing or bedding

d) lock or confine a child **

46. a) Each operator must have written policies and procedures with respect to behaviour management within the centre or home.

b) These policies and procedures must be reviewed with all employees upon hiring or with any students or volunteers.

c) This policy must be revisited each year by all staff and a record be kept of this annual review.

( 47.2)

47.3 a) Each operator must also have a written procedure for monitoring the behaviour management practices of employees and volunteers.

b) A record must be kept of monitoring procedures on each person and be kept for a period of two years.

Enrolment and Records

48. a)Operators must ensure that up to date records on each child are available at all times. **

b) A daily attendance record must be kept on all children showing arrival, departure or absenteeism. These records must be kept for two years.


52. The operator must provide be a written statement outlining the programs philosophy and method of operation of each program offered . It must be review annually by the operator and be discussed with each parent as they enter a program. **