(Registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No: 727/MDS)

State Bank Buildings, St. Mark’s Road, Bangalore – 560 001

CIRCULAR NO.45 DATE: 21.03.2016





It was a grand show of unity and solidarity of the entire membership of Delhi Circle Association. There was massive participation on the historic occasion of the celebration of 50 years of the Circle Association, which has contributed in a substantial manner to the trade union movement in the country. The supervisory cadre got consolidated under the leadership of Com.Umed Singh, the doyen of our trade union movement after he took over the mantle of the Circle Association from Com.M.M.Lal and Com.Rudra who were responsible for the initiation of the trade union activity for the supervisory cadre in the circle. The Delhi Circle has created history for having gone on a mass casual leave during 1967 which was the first strike by the supervisory cadre in the country. Thereafter the Delhi Circle consolidated its position and grew as a fulcrum of all the trade union activities under the veteran leader Com.Umed Singh, who led the organization from the front until he retired from the Bank. Thereafter, Com.T.N.Goel, the former General Secretary of the Circle Association, who rose to the position of the President of the Federation through his valuable contribution, was responsible for consolidation of the officers’ movement all over the circle through continuous trade union activities. It was in fitness of things that the Circle Association remembered the services of all the former leaders of the Circle Association and decided to honour them on the occasion. The Golden Jubilee of the Circle Association is not only a celebration for the members of the Delhi Circle but also for the entire fraternity of officers working in State Bank of India for their valuable contributions in building a strong Federation and Confederation of Bank Officers.

2. The mammoth gathering was testimony to the efforts of the Circle Association who organized the function at the new venue despite the last minute cancellation of the venue of IIT Auditorium. The membership rallied round the Circle Association and could ensure that alternative arrangements were made for the grand celebrations in record span of half a day. It was also a memorable day for many of the senior office-bearers whose contribution is immense in making the 50 years of the Circle Association as an eventful one.

3. Com.V.K.Yadav, the President of Delhi Circle Association chaired the 8th Triennial General Council and the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Circle Association.

4. When Com.Ravinder Gupta, rose to extend a warm welcome there was all round thundering applause from the large number of members. While expressing his regret for the inconvenience caused to the members, he extended a warm welcome to the dignitaries who had come to attend this historic meeting. He also extended a warm welcome to the leaders of various circles and organisations, coming from different parts of the country to grace the occasion. He made special reference to the delegates and members who had come from different parts of the Circle to participate in the 50th Anniversary of the Circle Association.

5. The following dignitaries graced the occasion and were seated on the dais. S/Shri. Pallav Mohapatra, CGM, Delhi Circle, S.P.Singh, General Manager, NW-I, Delhi Circle, V.S.Ohri, General Manager, SAMG, Delhi Circe, Radha Krishna, General Manager, CAG, Biswas Ketan Das, General Manager, NW-II, S.Salee, General Manager, NW-III, Com.Parveen Chabbra, General Secretary, SBISA, Delhi, Com.Y.Sudarshan, General Secretary, AISBOF, Com.D.T.Franco Rajender Dev, President, AISBOF, Com.Ravinder Gupta, General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.V.K.Yadav, President, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Sanjeev Mishra, General Secretary, SBIOA, Bhopal Circle, Com.D.S.Chabbra, General Secretary, SBIOA, Chandigarh Circle, Com.Soumya Datta, General Secretary, SBIOA, Bengal Circle, Com.G.Subramaniyam, General Secretary, Hyderabad Circle, Com.Atul Swaroop, General Secretary, SBIOA, Lucknow Circle, Com.Rakesh Agarwal, President, SBIOA, Bhopal Circle, Com. Gautam Debnath, President, SBIOA, Bengal Circle, Com.S.K.Srinivas, President, SBIOA(K), Com.Anil Verma, President, SBISA, Delhi Circle, Com.T.N.Goel, former President, AISBOF, Com.Aturi, Com.Sudhendee, Dy.General Secretary, SBIOA, Patna Circle, Com.Sripad Madakaikar, Dy.General Secretary, SBIOA, Mumbai Circle, Com.Tritha, Com.Swathnath, Com.Sadhee were welcomed & felicitated, The Inaugural song was sung by Com.Jalajarao Goel and the Chief Manager of Treasury Branch.

6. Thereafter, Shri.Pallav Mohapatra, Chief General Manager Delhi Circle released the Golden Jubilee Coin in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations to signify the commencement of the function. He also released the Special Issue of the Officers Care, the ‘in-house’ magazine of the Circle Association, on the occasion. Delivering his inaugural address he expressed his unhappiness over the last moment change of the venue due to some of the members raising certain issues with the concerned authorities. He stated that he was happy to address the members as comrades. It was happy occasion for every one when the Association is completing 50 years of its foundation. These types of activities are not political activities and it is the forum in democratic nature for the members to deliberate on their own issues. All the members of the Association are responsible citizens and he assured that he would convey the correct position to the authorities concerned and clarify the position so that the confusion prevailing in the minds of the authorities concerned that the meeting is of political nature will be wiped out.

7. He expressed his happiness over the Industrial Relations maintained in the Circle and assured that he would extend all cooperation for maintaining same cordial industrial relations in the bank. The employees and Officers are extending all the support to the Bank and are performing as the partners in the growth of the institution. He wished the conference all the success.

8. Com.D.T.Franco Rajendra Dev, the President of the Federation in his address congratulated the Delhi Circle Association for conducting the Celebrations in a grand manner in the newly shifted venue at the last moment. He complimented the Chief General Manager and his team for ensuring a cordial atmosphere in the circle by treating the entire workforce as a team and partners in the growth of the bank. He also supported the idea of the Chief General Manager treating all staff as members of the SBI Family. He conveyed his happiness over the success achieved by the circle through a good industrial relationship.

9. He also complimented the Delhi Circle Association leadership for the excellent support that they have been extending for the Federation activities in the capital City of Delhi and for the successful conduct of programmes at JNU during November, 2015 on Neo Liberal issues and as also at YMCA on Alternate Gyan Sangam organized by the Federation for the benefit of our leaders from all over the country.

10. He traced the history of Delhi and the British attitude towards the struggles launched by the freedom fighters. He also referred to the various attacks on SBI with a view to privatizing the institution by the Government in the recent past. He also referred to some of the important aspects of the Union budget and the need to strengthen the equity of the public sector banks. He was critical about the attitude of the Government towards the Public Sector Banks when they are able to serve the country and is achieving good profits for the Government.

11. He referred to the recent initiatives of the Government with a view to privatize the Public Sector Banks and the attempt of Gyan Sangam in this direction. He feared that the SBI may be privatized through calculated campaign moves by the Government. He referred to the growing NPA’s due to the corporate loan while the small farmers and entrepreneurs are being pressurized for recovery of loans.

12. He also highlighted some of the issues that are pending with the Corporate Center and the damage that have been done by consultants namely M/s.Mckensy and Ms.Boston Consultant Group in the bank.

13. Com.Mangal Saheb Sharma who has completed 90 years was honored on the occasion.

14. The occasion was used to facilitate all the dignitaries of the yester years for their valuable contributions. The following dignitaries were: Com.Mangal Saheb Shastry, Com.Rakesh Agarwal, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Gandhi, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Survesh Sharma, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Magon, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Maheshwari, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Tilak Raj, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Vijay Sharma, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Guha, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Kheda, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Chaddha, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.Mittal, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle, Com.T.N.Goel, former General Secretary, SBIOA, Delhi Circle were felicitated.

15. Com.T.N.Goel, the former General Secretary of Delhi Circle Association and the President of the Federation speaking on the occasion referred to the contribution of the Circle Association in promoting the school activity at Jaipur and the members donations towards this cause. He referred to the cordial industrial relations that prevailed presently due to the approach of the Chief General Manager. He expressed his concern over the present position of the bank and in particular the sliding value of the shares of the Bank. He desired that the Management should take the staff along with them and see that the bank maintains its premier position in the country. He congratulated the present leadership under Com.Ravinder Gupta for holding 50 years celebrations on Saturday which is the exceptional achievement of the Federation and the Association in ensuring the 2nd and 4th Saturdays as holidays. He complimented the leadership of the Association and declared that the Circle Association and the Federation are stronger now and would be definitely able to ensure that all Saturdays are holidays in the days to come.

16. Com.Y.Sudarshan, General Secretary of the Federation and President of the Confederation was in all happiness to be present in the function and declared that it is a festival of officers, staff, management together to share the happiness of the Golden Jubilee of the Circle Association. He thanked the leadership and the members of the Circle Association for the excellent manner in which the function is being organized. He made special reference to the Chief General Manager for his warmth feeling and expressed his happiness over the presence of the Veterans of the Circle Association. He complimented the Circle Association for converting an adverse position into an opportunity, by shifting the venue and conducting the meeting in a grand manner.

17. He deliberated at length about the various issues connected with the Officers and the achievements of the 10th Bipartite Settlement. He also referred to the efforts of the Federation and trying to sort out some of the major issues of the Pensioners and Family Pensioners in particular the 100% Dearness Allowance nutralisation, improvement in family Pension, etc. He insisted that these are the issues which needs to be considered on the basis of humanitarian approach and not on the basis of the cost calculations. He also highlighted the salient features of the Medical Insurance Policy that the bank has introduced for the benefit of the Pensioners and Family Pensioners.

18. As regards some of the industry level issues in regard to the Stagnation Increments in respect of Scale II and III as significant achievement of the 10th Bipartite. He also referred to the removal of anomaly in respect of stagnation increments at senior level etc.,

19. As regard the current issues that are under negotiations with the bank he referred to the need for rationalization of the disciplinary procedure. He also referred to the regulated working hours so that the officers are able to have healthy lives. He also referred to the industrial relations problem at Dhanalakshmi Bank and the attack on the trade union by the Management. He expressed his confidence in resolving all these issues and also ensuring that all the Saturdays are made holidays in the next bipartite settlement. He complimented Com.D.T.Franco Rajendra Dev, the President of the Federation for his initiative to campaign in regard to save the public sector banks and series of activities meant to expose the intention and design of the Government and other agencies to hand over the Public Sector Banks to the private Sector.

20. Referring to the bank level issues he made reference to the issues that are being discussed at Corporate Center. He also made reference to the Transfer Policy which is under consideration, the detail guidelines on the disciplinary proceedings etc. He was also concerned with the problems of the Officers and pressures that was being brought about on them in regard to the cross selling etc. He also referred to the chronic shortage of staff in the bank and wanted that the recruitment should take place immediately to improve the performance of the branches. He called upon all the members to unite together in order ensure that there is all-round progress in their work life as well as the growth of the Bank.

21. Com.Parveen Chhabra, of SBISA spoke about the cordial atmosphere between the SBIOA and SBISA and expressed his happiness over excellent IR that is prevailing in Delhi Circle. He appreciated the conduct of the programme in such a grand manner and complimented and congratulated the leadership of Delhi Circle Association for celebrating 50th year of the Association in such a grand manner and extended his felicitation for the success of the function on behalf of the Association.

22. Com.V.K.Yadav, President of the Delhi Circle Association complimented all the members for working hard while getting quick shift from IIT Campus to the present venue. He conveyed his thanks and happiness to all the members, volunteers including a large number of women officers. He saluted each and every one for making the programme a grand success.

23. Comrades, the 50th Anniversary of the Circle Association at Delhi is yet another mile stone in the history of bank officers’ movement. It is not only a happy moment for our comrades in Delhi but the entire membership all over the country under the banner of the Federation and the Confederation who were richly benefited by the valuable contributions made by Delhi Circle association. The celebrations will remain green in the memory of all the participants for a long time to come. Let us say three cheers to our comrades in Delhi Circle on this occasion and wish them all success in their future endeavour.