Global Observing System
1.Strategies for Improving GOS
1.1Any strategy aiming to develop and take the necessary action to improve the RBSN must inevitably involve a complete overhaul of the Global Observing System (GOS).
1.2The recent evaluation of WWW systems in Africa, while not exhaustive, revealed that there are certain regions of Africa without any GOS coverage at all, especially in countries affected by war or persistent social unrest. There are other countries where the GOS is in very poor condition and needs to be improved, while in some countries it is relatively satisfactory.
1.3The large gaps in GOS implementation in Africa are linked to insufficiencies in infrastructure and know-how, in turn closely related to the shortage of financial resources. As regards surface observations (SYNOP and CLIMAT), very few are automated, and there is a crucial lack of recording equipment. Many stations are not operating a full programme of operations because they lack the human resources to do so. The situation in terms of upper-air observations (TEMP and PILOT) is extremely worrying. The silent stations (49%) lack radio-sounding equipment and consumables. A further 29% of stations are conducting one launch a day because they do not have sufficient consumables (balloons and hydrogen) to use or have not replaced their obsolete equipment.
1.4Hence, the overhaul of the GOS must include priority actions to improve, restore, replace and build capacities. If Africa is to be helped to produce the essential data, the above problems must be addressed.
Possible approaches
1.5Meridional exchanges through Hadley circulation provide an intimate link between the surface and upper-air meteorology of the tropical regions and that of the mid-latitude regions. It is thus crucial to develop and improve weather and climate observation systems in the tropical zones, especially in Africa, in order to improve our understanding Africa’s role in the global climatic system and climate variation and change.
1.6The first approach is to identify those weather and climate observing systems that do not depend on costly classical ground infrastructures. The obvious candidates are satellite methods, AMDAR and automatic stations.
1.7A minimum network of RAOB stations needs to be set up (of the same size as GUAN) in order to process satellite and AMDAR observations. That could be done on the basis of cooperation agreements with northern-hemisphere countries to use the RAOB stations (the principle of international even distribution).
1.8Observation networks should be organized by field of application, taking into account
satellite capacities and user needs in terms of the applications (digital prediction at global and regional level, synoptic meteorology, nowcasts and very short-term forecasts, seasonal and inter-annual forecasts and aeronautical meteorology).
1.9The administration of observation networks should be structured so as to group them on a regional basis and by field of application.
Observing networks
1.10Strengthening of telecommunication and data processing facilities within the NMHSs would be meaningless, if it would not be accompanied by a commensurate development of observing systems. This may be particularly true in Africa where the deficiencies of the ground based observing networks are strikingly evident in several parts of the continent. Among various ways for improvement of this situation, one could mention in particular:
- Enhancing the network of automated stations;
- Increase of the number of the AMDAR aircraft reports; and
- Making more widely available remote sensing data, including those from the new generation of satellites.
- Taking active part in regional project dealing with marine meteorology observing programmes.
1.11Automatic stations represent a response to human resources downsizing and to the need to ensure monitoring at remote sites. It is the latter role of automatic stations that has mainly been considered in the implementation and operation of those stations in Africa. The former role may become increasingly relevant due to the current economic situation and downsizing of human resources in the NMHSs so that fully manned operations can not be no longer guaranteed.
1.12The Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) systems have proved to be effective systems for providing high quality and timely air reports in data sparse areas of the world such as Africa. Aircraft from major national airlines currently providing AMDAR data to the meteorological community include two African airlines namely, South African Airways (SAA) and Air Mauritius that provide AMDAR data over Africa and the adjacent Oceans. One high priority item for the WMO AMDAR Panel is the implementation of an AMDAR Pilot Project for Southern Africa to enhance the number of automated air reports from aircraft in the area and to meet the goal of improving forecast accuracy. African national Meteorological Services and national airlines have been invited to take active part in implementing this important project for Africa. So far, African carriers namely, Air Mauritius, SAA and Air Namibia, and airlines from other regions such as KLM, British Airways, Qantas and Lufthansa, have agreed to participate with 20 flights per day expected over the region during the implementation phase of the Pilot Project. The South African Weather Bureau will evaluate the impact of the AMDAR data on the quality of its numerical weather prediction model output and collected AMDAR data will be placed on the GTS for general use by other meteorological centres. The degraded state of the network of upper air stations in Africa very much increase the need for Members to urge their national airlines to join in providing AMDAR data since they would be one of the major beneficiaries of improved quality of forecasts.
1.13As the space-based component of the GOS enters the new millennium, plans of the satellite operators will provide all WMO Members with vastly improved remote sensed data from new generation of satellites, together with enhanced provision of products and services. Within Africa, two factors will be of great importance to the Region. First will be the conversion of the low-resolution analogue services called APT from the polar-orbiting satellites and WEFAX from the geostationary satellites to new digital services called LRPT and LRIT, respectively. The new digital services will provide more capabilities than exists from the high-resolution data of the present satellite systems now in orbit. In fact, the new LRPT and LRIT services could contain most of observations and products required by a NMHS. The second factor that will contribute to a major impact within NMHSs in the Region will be the installation of high-resolution receivers in most NMHSs. This will be accomplished by the Preparation to Utilize Meteosat Second Generation in Africa (PUMA) Project. EUMETSAT’s second generation of Meteosats, due to enter service in 2002-2005, will provide NMHSs with an order of magnitude more data and the PUMA Project will ensure that the latest receiving and processing systems will be available throughout the Region. Africa will then be amongst the best-equipped Regions throughout the world.
1.14Taking in account the importance of current METEOSAT-5 satellite coverage for the surveillance of Tropical Cyclones that affect countries within south-west Indian Ocean, Eastern and Southern Africa, the meeting requested that EUMETSAT examine the possibility of continuing the coverage after the cessation of METEOSAT-5 (envisaged in 2002) with the use of another geostationary satellite
GOS Rehabilitation and Capacity Building projects
1.15Strategy should focus on the following:
- Support in acquisition and implantation of automatic stations;
- Facilitation of participation of African airlines in the AMDAR programme
- Provision of satellite ground equipment.
- Promotion of participation in regional marine observing projects.
1.16In addition the strategy should focus on activation of silent stations identified as part of the RBSN and RBCN addressing gaps in particular in the following countries and elsewhere in the region:
- SYNOP reports: from Angola, Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, and Sierra Leone. Less than 20 per cent of the expected SYNOP reports were received from Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia. Less than 50 per cent of the expected SYNOP reports were received from Bouvet Island, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Diego Garcia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, and Western Sahara.
- TEMP reports: from Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Seychelles, Somalia and Zimbabwe. Less than 20 per cent of the expected TEMP reports were received from Botswana, Central African Republic, Chad, Diego Garcia, Libyan Arab Republic, Mauritius, Sudan and Zambia. Less than 50 per cent of the expected TEMP reports were received from Ascension Island, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, French Islands between 300 and 600, Gabon, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, South Africa and St Helena Island.
The requirements to achieve the above activation should be developed as projects and may involve all or some of the following:
- Replacement of obsolete equipment,
- Provision of spare parts,
- Supply of consumables
- Human Resource Development
- Regular inspection and maintenance of the network,
- Sufficiently consistent operating budget,
1.17Possible approaches to financing the networks using sub-regional intergovernmental bodies should be explored in addition to the GEF (Global Environment Facility) and the Voluntary Co-operation Programme.
2.Regional Meteorological Data-Communication Strategy for Region I (Africa)
2.1The purpose of the Global Telecommunication System is to provide telecommunication services that are required for the timely and reliable collection and exchange of the required observational data (particularly GOS data), and for the access to and distribution of processed information from the WWW and other related information. It thus facilitates Members' access to information needed for their operational and some research activities. It also gives telecommunication support to other WMO programmes, joint programmes with other international organizations and environmental programmes.
2.2The GTS is an integrated network of point-to-point circuits and multi-point circuits, via a combination of terrestrial and satellite telecommunication links, and data-communication network services, which interconnects meteorological telecommunication centres and operates with internationally agreed procedures. It consists of a core network, the Main Telecommunication Network (MTN), Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Networks (RMTNs) and National Meteorological Telecommunication Networks (NMTNs). The entire system is operated by national Meteorological Services, national or international satellite agencies or telecommunication service providers under contract.
2.3Four RTHs (Algiers, Cairo, Dakar, Nairobi) of RA I (Africa) are located on the MTN. The RMTN of Region I interconnects 8 RTHs and 54 NMCs.
2.4The GTS has been the key basis for the operational cooperation of all National Meteorological Services and a fundamental element for the World Weather Watch and WMO. The GTS development shall keep up with the challenge of the changing requirements and capabilities. Since the early eighties, the strategy adopted by CBS for the development of the GTS has been based on international standards. The information and communication technologies as well as services from communication providers are now changing at an unprecedented rate. The data exchange requirements of the WWW and other WMO programmes are expanding at a similar pace. The development and implementation of new meteorological data-communication systems should take best advantage of these emerging technologies and services, while ensuring that the real-time operational requirements, in particular timeliness, security and reliability are fully met. At the same time, new Information and communication technologies should be taken as an opportunity for facilitating the sustainable development of meteorological Information and communication systems in developing countries.
2.5The main objectives of the Strategy for the Global Telecommunication System in Africa are:
- To implement an effective global telecommunication system to meet Members' needs for the collection and communication of observational data, processed information and related information within established time limits;
- To amplify utilization of modern technology and in particular international telecommunication standards, to ensure that meteorological data-communication systems of NMHSs are implemented and operated in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
National Meteorological Telecommunication Networks (NMTN)
2.6The National Meteorological Telecommunication Networks enable the National Meteorological Centres to collect observational data and to receive and distribute meteorological information on a national level. The development and operation of the NMTN should be tightly co-ordinated with the national component of the GOS to ensure cost-effective observing and data-collection operations.
2.7The Annual Global Monitoring (AGM) and the Special MTN monitoring (SMM) of the operation of the WWW indicate serious shortcomings in the availability of SYNOP reports (52%) and TEMP reports (31%) from the RBSN stations in Region I, including a significant number of silent stations (155 SYNOP stations and 42 TEMP stations). A list of stations from the RBSN that should receive high priority for maintaining operation or for rehabilitation should be established, taking into account the conditions and abilities at the regional, sub-regional and national level, in order to focus the resources in the most cost-effective manner (ref. To the GOS component). Projects for rehabilitation and improvement of NMTNs should aim at serving observing stations from the high-priority list.
2.8The general strategy for implementing NMTNs is the use of telecommunication services provided by Public Data Networks and Public Switched Telephone Networks, which are generally cost-effective and efficient in areas where the public telecommunication infrastructure is available. Some Members (e.g. Algeria, South Africa) have implemented very efficient NMTNs based on public telecommunication services. Through the use of these services, NMHSs can rely upon maintenance and technical support from telecommunication providers and can focus their own resources on more specific meteorological activities. Adequate technical arrangements could be implemented in order to dedicate the use of the relevant switched telecommunication services to NMTN operation with a view to keeping control of recurrent operational costs. NMHSs should make the necessary commitments, at the national level, to establish, secure and increase, as appropriate, the necessary budget provisions for NMTN operation in accordance with the objectives.
2.9NMHSs may have, however, difficulties to afford the recurrent costs, depending upon funding arrangements, the national telecommunication tariff policies and the status of thepublic telecommunication infrastructure. The following techniques are appropriate for NMTN operation, and should be considered on a case by case basis, depending on the national or sub-national conditions. Robust and reliable terminal equipment should be associated to radio-communication systems or DCPs to enable the insertion and transmission of observational data by observers, in accordance with their national practices and WWW procedures.
Radio-telecommunication Systems (HF, VHF)
2.10Modern HF and VHF digital radio-communication systems, providing both voice and data communications, could be efficient for supporting both data exchange and administrative communications between meteorological stations and the NMC. Recurrent costs are limited, but adequate maintenance arrangements should be undertaken by the NMHS, although the technical reliability is very satisfactory. Sparse areas in RA I may be potential candidates for these digital radio-communication systems, as well as in replacement of former SSB equipment, where appropriate. These systems can be integrated into modern PC-based data networks for data collection and exchange.
METEOSAT Data Collection Platforms (DCPs)
2.11DCPs via METEOSAT have the potential to dramatically improve national data collection, in particular in areas where the public telecommunication infrastructure is not available. DCPs have now the required reliability for operation, taking into account the experience gained and the further technical progress made. Functional and operational specifications for DCPs with a view to facilitating their effective and successful integration in WMO Programmes, including guidelines for the procurement of DCPs, factory acceptance tests, and for training of operating and technical staff, were developed taking in particular into account African requirements. DCPs are particularly adequate for automatic and semi-automatic stations; they should be complemented by other communication systems in manned stations for administrative communications.
The Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Networks (RMTN)
Telecommunications means and services
2.12Various types of Telecommunications means and services are appropriate for the implementation and development of the RMTN and related services. Dedicated telecommunications circuits (i.e. leased telephone-type circuits, digital circuits) are generally reliable and cost-effective. Low speed circuits are less and less cost-effective and should be replaced as soon as possible. Public Data Networks, including the Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN), and the Public Switch Telephone Network provide data-communication services which can be easily adapted to the actual requirements (exchange volume and timeliness) and financial capabilities. Satellite-based communications are efficient and reliable, and provide very cost-effective services for multi-point networks (VSAT network). Their implementation and operation, when involving a number of countries, requires adequate administrative and financial arrangements for contractual arrangements with the telecommunication provider, which may be difficult to organise and implement.
2.13The introduction and development of recent data-communication services, such as Frame Relay, are uneven in the Region, in particular in some parts of Africa, but is however rapidly evolving. Frame Relay circuits, when and where available, provide very effective data communication links that can be set up according to requirements, and their cost was tending to decrease depending upon the demand. Data communications network services are not available throughout the Region, and their cost-effectiveness, which is highly dependent upon the total customer use and demand, remains quite low, except in the most developed parts of the World. The current and planned development of the data-communication market and infrastructure in the different parts of Africa should be continuously scrutinised, in order to determine when new services would become cost-effective and affordable for NMHSs, in order to enable efficient upgrade of the GTS for the best benefit of WMO operations. The prerequisite for taking the best benefit of these technological development, when available, would also be that Members group their financial and administrative efforts to reach a critical mass, and entrust an appropriate body with the enforcement of contractual arrangements on their behalf.