Membership in the LSA chapter of NHS incurs both privileges and responsibilities. It is important for seniors to remember that you must earn the right to be recognized for your NHS membership. Below are some things to keep in mind as you finish your last semester as a high school senior and NHS member:

  1. All active members in good standing will receive a white stole to wear at graduation.
  2. Members in good standing will receive an NHS letter.
  3. Members in good standing will have a seal placed on their diploma.

Note: A member in good standing is one who has met all requirements and is not currently on probation.

  1. Seniors must maintain a minimum 3.4 on a 4.0 scale (simple GPA) each semester. Failure to maintain the grade point minimum results in members receiving one probationary letter. A second violation results in dismissal by the faculty council from the chapter.
  2. All members are required to perform 10 hours ofcommunityservice this semester & turn in by May 8. Service hours must be verified on the official HS service form with an adult supervisor’s signature & contact information or letter on official letterhead & turned in on time.
  3. NHS members must attend regularly scheduled NHS meetings.
  4. Seniors should participate in a total of 3 NHS designated activities this school year.
  1. Failure to maintain the grade point minimum or lack of completion of the 10 required service hours will result in members receiving one probationary letter. A second violation results in dismissal from the chapter by the faculty council.
  2. Any student receiving an “F” in any course in any grading period after membership will be automatically dismissed from NHS.
  3. A “D” in any grading period after membership will result in a probationary letter.
  4. NHS members who are suspended or assigned to In-school suspension for disruptive or inappropriate conduct will be dismissed from NHS.
  5. Proven cheating violates character & scholarship tenets and will result in automatic dismissal from NHS upon the first offense.
  6. The active membership will be reviewed each semester. Any student receiving two negativeresponses from faculty members may receive a probationary letter.
  7. An active member is allowed only one probationary letter; a second violation of scholarship, service, leadership or character will result in dismissal from NHS.