WAMSS Board Meeting – October 7, 2016 Yakima, Washington

ITEM / Info/Action / Person(s)
CALL TO ORDER: / Heidi Martinez called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. / Informational
REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: / Minutes from the May 3, 2016 board meeting were approved. / Motion to approve by Diane and seconded by Amy. All members approved.
BOARD DEVELOPMENT / Heidi brought an article on Leadership for the Board to review. Members discussed the article and found it to be inspirational and informative. / Informational. Board Development will be a standing agenda item.
TREASURER REPORT / Treasurer Report – Molly Nagel (see attached)
There is currently a negative balance, however, the membership drive is just beginning. Molly is willing to serve another term; however, we are looking for a new Treasurer that Molly can mentor. / Informational.
Chapter Reports / Eastern Chapter Report – Diane Witsel (see attached)
The Eastern Chapter’s last meeting was on May 5, 2016 at the annual WAMSS Conference.
Treasure’s Report - The current total Eastern Washington Chapter’s balance is $4,695.93
WAMSS Volunteer opportunities were reviewed with members at the EWAMSS business session on May 4, 2016. Members have been encouraged to save the dates for the 2017 Annual Conference in Walla Walla and the 2018 Annual Conference in Vancouver. / Informational
Western Chapter Report – Stephanie Fox (see attached)
Leadership Update: Stephanie Fox moved from the President Elect position to the President position. Barbi Donovan has volunteered to fill the role of Past President.
The Western chapter’s last business meeting and CE opportunity was held on September 23, 2016, at Northwest Physicians Network. The educational topic was the NAMSS webinar entitled “Delegated Credentialing: Keys to Success (part 2)”.
Treasurer’s Report: The current total Western Washington Chapter’s balance is $9001.89.
At the last Chapter meeting, it was proposed that the Secretary and Treasurer positions be combined to mirror the Eastern Chapter’s model. There were no objections to this proposal. The Board supports this and a member vote will occur at the December 2016 meeting. / Informational
Committee Reports/Action Items / Bylaws committee – Michelle Lyski (see attached)
There have been no inquiries about the bylaws since last meeting. The Bylaws were submitted to NAMSS in August and we received notice that the Bylaws are in compliance with our Affiliation Agreement; the Bylaws have been cosigned.
WAMSS Confidentiality Agreements – all Confidentiality Agreements have been collected. / Informational
Conference Planning Committee – Michele Sabol (see attached)
Michele Sabol presented the Conference Planning Committee report as of 10/4/16.
Please send ideas for potential speakers and/or subjects to Michele. Discussion was held regarding a speaker from the clinic setting. Stephanie Fox will work on engaging clinic representatives to speak on subjects such as provider enrollment. / Informational
Communications Committee – Shannon Rochon (see attachment)
Shannon Rochon presented the Communications Committee report. The Communications Team is in the process of reviewing the WAMSS website pages to identify such things as flow, quality. All comments will be reviewed and changes will be made to the website. Upon completion the membership will be asked to complete this project as well. / Informational
Education/Lending Library – Allison Chapman (see attachment)
Recently Certified:
·  Certified since last meeting:
o  Amy Hoffman – CPCS
o  Christine Campbell – CPMSM
o  Derick McQuerry – CPCS
Currently checked out:
o  CPCS Study Guide
o  Verify and Comply
o  The Medical Staff Handbook
o  The CMS-Joint Commission Crosswalk
o  Core Curriculum
One idea for the future is to create a separate Lending Library Coordinator position. / Informational.
Membership Committee– Amy Tangonan (see attached)
Amy Tangonan presented the Membership Committee report.
·  258 total WAMSS Members
·  69 Eastern Chapter
·  189 Western Chapter
The annual membership renewal drive begins this month. We will remind members to review their information on the website and make corrections as needed.
Conference Planning Update: Results of the 2019 Conference site survey are attached. Amy has toured hotels in Winthrop and Spokane and will visit Leavenworth and the Tri Cities next. / Informational

Nomination Committee – Heidi Martinez

Heidi sent an email to the Nomination Committee regarding expiring terms. / Informational

Scholarship Committee – Aviana Jupiter (see attached)

Aviana Jupiter presented the Scholarship Committee report. 3 scholarship committee policies/forms have been revised. Job descriptions for the Scholarship Committee chair and committee members have been created.
An announcement has been added to the Fall issue of the PI regarding the availability of scholarships for the certification examinations.
A Scholarship Committee email address has been added to the WAMSS . Questions and more information about applying can be directed here. / Motion was made to approve revisions by Amy Tangonan and seconded by Diane Witsil. All in agreement.

Strategic Planning Committee – Vikki Gore

No report at this time. / Informational
Old Business /

WAMSS Mission and Vision – Heidi Martinez (see attached)

The WAMSS Vision and Mission statements were reviewed and discussed. The statements were approved with two revisions. / A motion to approve changes was made by Stephanie Fox and seconded by Michele Sabol. All in agreement.
New Business / E Blast Email
Creation of a general email for questions sent in the email blasts was discussed. This was suggested by a member.
2016-2017 Organizational Chart
Organizational chart was reviewed; revisions will be made.
Google Drive Folder
The value of creating a google drive folder was discussed
Western Secretary and Treasurer
A recommendation was made to combine the Western Secretary and Treasurer positions. Members will vote on this at the December Western Chapter meeting. / 2.  Shannon will research options and costs and bring examples to a future meeting.
3.  Heidi will update.
4.  Discussion will continue at next board meeting.
5.  Vote will be held at December meeting.
Open Discussion /

Creation of a postcard reminding members to check their information in the roster was discussed.

/ Informational
Adjournment of Business /

11:35 am

/ Informational
Next Meeting /

Possible date: December 9 2016

/ Informational

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