Welcome to Ms. Oppedisano’s English/Language Arts Class

The information on this sheet will help you do your best in my class. Keep this sheet somewhere safe, so you have quick access to my website, email, and course information.

Supplies: (Please make sure your name is on everything)

·  A blue 3- ring binder with paper

·  5 Dividers- labeled: Reference, Modules, Texts/Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary

·  Marble notebook

·  Pens/Pencils

·  Highlighters

·  Flash drive- will be used for all subjects

·  Take home folder

·  Writing folder

·  4 Zip lock bag big enough to hold a novel

·  Tissues

·  Planner- must come to class everyday

Grades: (All grades can be seen on Parent Portal)

·  Tests/Projects/Extended Responses: 50%

·  Quizzes/Mini-projects/Short Responses: 30%

·  Homework: 10%

·  Class Work /Participation: 10%


·  Testing days are Wednesday and Friday.

·  Review sheets will be given out and posted to my website.

·  Review games, activities, and videos will also be on my website.

·  All tests need to be signed.

Projects/Extended Responses:

·  Project outline sheets and deadlines will be given out and posted on my website

·  All projects and writings are expected to be handed in on time. Points will be lost for every day late.

·  Smaller mini-projects and writings will be done in class or as a homework assignment


·  Since we will be reviewing homework the day it is due, late homework WILL NOT be accepted unless you were absent.

·  It is your responsibility to make up all assignments missed due to an absence from class. If you are out sick, you will get 2 days to make up missing work.

·  If you attend music lesson during ELA, you must get the homework before or after your lessons, so it can be completed on time.

·  Take pride in your work! Be neat and NEVER copy anyone else’s work, doing so will result in a zero for the assignment.


·  You will record all assignments in your planner daily.

·  If your parents/guardians need to contact me, they can write me a note in your planner.

·  If I need to contact your parents, I can jot them a note too.

Class Routine:

·  Proceed directly to your assigned seat

·  Take out your binder, pens, pencils, homework and planner

·  Copy your homework from the board into your planner.

·  Take out the previous night’s homework.

·  Complete the Do Now- You do not need to copy it. Just do it!

·  When the bell rings at the end of class, no one is to get up! The bell does not dismiss you, I do. So, please remain seated until you have permission to leave.

Extra help:

·  Extra help will be announced and posted on my website.

Class Website:

·  Go to bufsd.schoolwires.net, our schools, middle school, teacher pages

·  To go directly to website: bufsd.schoolwires.net/Domain/446


·  Feel free to e-mail me anytime at

·  Notes can be written in the planner

·  Leave a message with the office 434-6200

Parent Portal:

·  Grades can be seen on Parent Portal

·  Please sign up on district website