Bangladesh International School & College

DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantt

Application Form for Admission Test

(Defence Personnel)

Index No :-

1. Name of the Student :

2. Date and place of birth : Day : Month : Year :

Place : Exact Age in 1-1-12

3. Nationality :

4. Class into which admission in sought

5. Father’s name and profession :

6. Mother’s name and profession :

7. Present address :

8. Contact Number/Mobile : Phone :

Army Ext (If any)

9. Permanent address :

10. School last attended : (if)

11. Sibling Studying in BIS&C : (if)

12. Signature of the parent with date :

13. Acute disease (if any)


(Defence Personnel)

Index No:-

1. Full Name of the Student

2. Father’s Name

3. Class into which Admission is sought

4. Date and time of Test and interview

(To be filled up by the office BIS&C)

5. Note : Please bring this card on the day of test and interview.

Principal, BIS&C

Bangladesh International School & College

DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantt

Application Form for Admission Test

(Civil Personnel)

Index No :-

1. Name of the Student :

2. Date and place of birth : Day : Month : Year :

Place : Exact Age in 1-1-12

3. Nationality :

4. Class into which admission in sought

5. Father’s name and profession :

6. Mother’s name and profession :

7. Present address :

8. Contact Number/Mobile : Phone :

Army Ext (If any)

9. Permanent address :

10. School last attended : (if)

11. Sibling Studying in BIS&C : (if)

12. Signature of the parent with date :

13. Acute disease (if any)


(Civil Personnel)

Index No:-

1. Full Name of the Student

2. Father’s Name

3. Class into which Admission is sought

4. Date and time of Test and interview

(To be filled up by the office BIS&C)

5. Note : Please bring this card on the day of test and interview.

Principal, BIS&C