ADM PW/BTM #1 - Revised
Station 1 - Skating - Balance drills (all drills performed goal line to red line and back x 2)- single leg deep knee bends try to do at least 3 (both legs); single leg deep knee bends with hop (try and do at least 2); single leg knee touches x3; down-down-up-up; Russian knees
Station 2 - contact confidence - 1)players line up a foot from the boards and push themselves into the boards making sure they contact with shoulder and hip at the same time (don't lean with head) do it on both sides. 2) Partner up and players start skate to skate. Outside player applies pressure to inside board player. Inside player uses his board leg to drive the player off him. Do on both sides. 3)Players line up in 2 lines shown in blue (you can make a second set of lines if enough kids). Players skate down a straight line, they take one step out away from each other and then one step back and bang shoulders.
(please review the video at the 2:16 to 2:42 mark for first 2 progressions)
Station 3 - stops and starts - Two foot stops, one foot stops inside edge, one foot stops outside edge. Do them with pucks and without pucks
Station 4 - stickhandling/shooting - form line behind X18. O14 moves out along the blue line where he receives a pass from X18. He shoots on goal and immediately sprints in to the net and gets a pass from O13 and takes a shot on goal. O13 dumps a puck around the net and O14 picks it up and tries to step back out and take a bad angle shot. O14 becomes the new O13. O13 goes to back of the line. X18 becomes the new O14.
Station 5 - small area game - stones chance - form 2 teams. 1 player from each team starts. Players battle 1v1, once there is a shot on goal or a goal, the shooting player sprints back to his line and tags the next player to enter. Play is continuous. Play to 10. If players fatigue, shift to 2v2 (both players must exit on a shot or save)
Goalie Station - ProCrease